Wright on PBS


New member
Anyone catch it? I saw about half. The guy was soft-spoken, intelligent & thoughtful - 180 degrees different from the caricature the media has tried to create with out-of-context soundbytes.

Of course, afterwards, CNN played the most "controversial" of his remarks; mainly, that Americans are taught only half of our history, while huge portions - like the genocide that started our country - are glossed over. Who doesn't agree with that? Some people are so afraid of the truth.

It's so stupid that Wright is seen as some sort of albatross around Obama's neck. Watching him, I could easily see why Obama stayed in that church, and what he saw in Wright as a pastor.

Ultimately, we're an incredibly fearful nation, that celebrates conformity and rejects anything that challenges our belief system. It's kind of a drag.
I watched the whole thing. I thought that if there were any priests like him, I would still be going to church. I think that he is good. It bothers me that someone who appears to be inherently good, can be demonized, while the real demons can dance across our television screens, smiling, smirking and giggling, as they rain death. But it doesnt surprise me anymore.
Whenever Hannity complains about him he mentions the "AIDS created by the government" thing that is attributed to Wright, and I always think "why do people find it so amazing a black person would think that?" Does NO ONE recall the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment? Why in the world would black people NOT think that it was possible that the US government would infect their community with a disease? Our government DID infect them with a disease and the study went on till Nineteen Seventy fucking Two!
Every comment thus far is absolutely correct .

Also take note that none of the cable media are running endless loops of Rev. Hagee declaring that God killed the victims of Katrina, nor are they playing up his disowned and at the same time welcomed endorsement of McCain .. nor McCain's on tape flip-flop in the same breath explanation.

Didn't Ron Paul virtually say the same thing about 9/11 .. chickems coming home to roost?

Shouldn't every time the media quotes the AIDS comment, which I don't find unbelievable .. shouldn't they also talk about the Tuskegee Experiment?

Shouldn't they quote from Project for a New American Century on their desire to create race specific biological weapons that mass-murder by genotype.

... advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."

Who wrote that bullshit .. Hitler?

Nope .. Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, and the rest of the neocon horde.

Now here's where it gets real interesting and where American intellegence stops. PNAC is mostly Jewish and mouthpieces for Israel. I hope I don't lose any friends here but tell me it's not the truth. PNAC, which maintains close and connected ties to AIPAC, not only advocated the Iraq war, they gave Bush his marching orders, and told him to create the lie needed to invade Iraq .. which can also be easily demonstrated.

How is it that, what is essentially a jewish organization, can advocate for ungodly tactics that sounds like their coming from Hitler?

Why is only Wright and black America concerned about the obvious?

Exactly how many watts of cerebral power is required to see that there is something really really stank about 9/11, especially given that the blueprint is available on-line, PNAC: Rebuilding America's Defenses? Exactly how many quarts of cognitive dissonace does one have to drink to be that blind?

Americans can't handle the truth .. never could.

Americans are an invented people.
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Whenever Hannity complains about him he mentions the "AIDS created by the government" thing that is attributed to Wright, and I always think "why do people find it so amazing a black person would think that?" Does NO ONE recall the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment? Why in the world would black people NOT think that it was possible that the US government would infect their community with a disease? Our government DID infect them with a disease and the study went on till Nineteen Seventy fucking Two!

The government, did no such thing; neither did Tuskegee infect them. What the experimenters did do that was wrong, was not provide them with penicillin which obviously should have been done:


The repercussions have been enormous, as your post demonstrates:

The Legacy of Tuskegee
In 1990, a survey found that 10 percent of African Americans believed that the U.S. government created AIDS as a plot to exterminate blacks, and another 20 percent could not rule out the possibility that this might be true. As preposterous and paranoid as this may sound, at one time the Tuskegee experiment must have seemed equally farfetched.

Who could imagine the government, all the way up to the Surgeon General of the United States, deliberately allowing a group of its citizens to die from a terrible disease for the sake of an ill-conceived experiment? In light of this and many other shameful episodes in our history, African Americans' widespread mistrust of the government and white society in general should not be a surprise to anyone.
What a lot of this boils down to is that white America - majority America - is still clueless about the black experience in America. There is a definite attitude about past sins (which aren't that far past) of "get over it," and ignorance about current struggles. I remember when Dixie was on this board, arguing to the death that racism and discrimination basically stopped with Civil Right legislation in the '60's.

Even with something like this Wright controversy, I would imagine black Americans have to have a reaction like, "What the f**k?", after all kinds of crazy, lunatic, truly hate-filled priests & evangelists have shared the stage with GOP candidates, been invited to the White House & treated like royalty during campaigns...
What a lot of this boils down to is that white America - majority America - is still clueless about the black experience in America. There is a definite attitude about past sins (which aren't that far past) of "get over it," and ignorance about current struggles. I remember when Dixie was on this board, arguing to the death that racism and discrimination basically stopped with Civil Right legislation in the '60's.

Even with something like this Wright controversy, I would imagine black Americans have to have a reaction like, "What the f**k?", after all kinds of crazy, lunatic, truly hate-filled priests & evangelists have shared the stage with GOP candidates, been invited to the White House & treated like royalty during campaigns...

The real standing of the Catholic Church, (priests) and human rights has been mixed. Sometimes the Church backs off, fearing populists movements, it's then that individuals seem to step up:

What a lot of this boils down to is that white America - majority America - is still clueless about the black experience in America. There is a definite attitude about past sins (which aren't that far past) of "get over it," and ignorance about current struggles. I remember when Dixie was on this board, arguing to the death that racism and discrimination basically stopped with Civil Right legislation in the '60's.

Even with something like this Wright controversy, I would imagine black Americans have to have a reaction like, "What the f**k?", after all kinds of crazy, lunatic, truly hate-filled priests & evangelists have shared the stage with GOP candidates, been invited to the White House & treated like royalty during campaigns...

I knew from the very outset, that snippets of Wright's comments were totally taken out of context. Obviously, when you see him talk in context, and view the entirety of his life's work, he is superior in every single way to Jerry Fallwell, John Haggee, Reverend Loony Moonie, and Pat Robertson. Who's sole mission appears to be outlawing gay marriage, praying for a conflagration in the middle east to usher in the end times, and keeping Paris Hilton's taxes as low as possible. That's what wingnut preachers do. There have been a lot of bullshit lies propagated about exactly what Wright was saying in those sermons. It's all bullshit.

Republicans hate their candidate, and cannot even defend their own policies, which have failed at every turn: from Iraq, to Afghanistan, to the economy, to America's prestige and world standing. What the fuck else are they going to do? They're going to exploit fear of the "angry black man" to hold onto the white house and in hopes of continuing their failed policies. Make no mistake: they want a war with iran, they want to torture, and they want to continue their failed war in Iraq. And if they have to resort to race baiting, and nominating a mediocre candidate that they hate to continue their failures, that's what they'll do.
I knew from the very outset, that snippets of Wright's comments were totally taken out of context. Obviously, when you see him talk in context, and view the entirety of his life's work, he is superior in every single way to Jerry Fallwell, John Haggee, Reverend Loony Moonie, and Pat Robertson. Who's sole mission appears to be outlawing gay marriage, praying for a conflagration in the middle east to usher in the end times, and keeping Paris Hilton's taxes as low as possible. That's what wingnut preachers do. There have been a lot of bullshit lies propagated about exactly what Wright was saying in those sermons. It's all bullshit.

Republicans hate their candidate, and cannot even defend their own policies, which have failed at every turn: from Iraq, to Afghanistan, to the economy, to America's prestige and world standing. What the fuck else are they going to do? They're going to exploit fear of the "angry black man" to hold onto the white house and in hopes of continuing their failed policies. Make no mistake: they want a war with iran, they want to torture, and they want to continue their failed war in Iraq. And if they have to resort to race baiting, and nominating a mediocre candidate that they hate to continue their failures, that's what they'll do.
Not that I care for those you mention, but how do you see him as superior?
gotta go left on this one.
I don't know jack shit, and I know millions of blacks have been put in jail for smoking a medicinal weed. The iceburg under that tip under the water goes down miles. Blackas can fill you in. Obama 08!!!
gotta go left on this one.
I don't know jack shit, and I know millions of blacks have been put in jail for smoking a medicinal weed. The iceburg under that tip under the water goes down miles. Blackas can fill you in. Obama 08!!!

Lots of folks have been convicted of the medicinal weed, not just blacks. Weed should be legalized, I'm assuming we agree with that?
there is no more ardent supporter.
I toss the race card in there as it is indisputable that blacks are exponentially more likely to get arrested than whites. But yes whites are unfairley arrested too.
there is no more ardent supporter.
I toss the race card in there as it is indisputable that blacks are exponentially more likely to get arrested than whites. But yes whites are unfairley arrested too.

400 years of slavery might have soured you on the legitimacy of "the system" as well. But what do you care, you're a fucking idiot.
Oh yeah..the interview just about had me in tears..

But we all know it was them "whitey's" who was taken his hateful rants out of context..:rolleyes:
What a lot of this boils down to is that white America - majority America - is still clueless about the black experience in America. There is a definite attitude about past sins (which aren't that far past) of "get over it," and ignorance about current struggles. I remember when Dixie was on this board, arguing to the death that racism and discrimination basically stopped with Civil Right legislation in the '60's.

Even with something like this Wright controversy, I would imagine black Americans have to have a reaction like, "What the f**k?", after all kinds of crazy, lunatic, truly hate-filled priests & evangelists have shared the stage with GOP candidates, been invited to the White House & treated like royalty during campaigns...

Maybe it "boils down' to more than just white America....I would venture, 98% of 'white American' didn't know a damn thing about it....and still don't...

# Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945 (D) 12yrs.
# Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953 (D) 8 yrs.
# Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 (R) 8 yrs.
# John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963 (D) 2yrs.
# Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969 (D) 6yrs.
# Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974 (R) 2yrs.

From 1932 until 1972....40 years folks....

6 Presidents -

4 Democrats for about 29 years
2 Republicans for about 11 years

85th thru 92nd Congress.....

under Democrat control for about 36 years
and Republican control for about 4 years

So ......
You wanna spread out the blame for this inhuman treatment of fellow citizens proportionately ?:321:
Bravo - you are in insufferable hack. This is not a "Dem/GOP" thing.

What a friggin' buffoon you are. One track mind; the GOP can do no wrong.
Of course....the fact that it started and continued for its first 12 years under the Democrats is to be ignored....fuck you....
I think its quite pertinent....your quick to blame Republicans when something bad happens while they are in power ....so eat shit, sonny....:321:
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Anyone catch it? I saw about half. The guy was soft-spoken, intelligent & thoughtful - 180 degrees different from the caricature the media has tried to create with out-of-context soundbytes.

Of course, afterwards, CNN played the most "controversial" of his remarks; mainly, that Americans are taught only half of our history, while huge portions - like the genocide that started our country - are glossed over. Who doesn't agree with that? Some people are so afraid of the truth.

It's so stupid that Wright is seen as some sort of albatross around Obama's neck. Watching him, I could easily see why Obama stayed in that church, and what he saw in Wright as a pastor.

Ultimately, we're an incredibly fearful nation, that celebrates conformity and rejects anything that challenges our belief system. It's kind of a drag.

I caught about half of it and agree he did not appear to the the ranting rasics demon at all. I did not hear him say anytihing I disagreed with.

And Darla the demon demonizing the innocent is an age old tactic. It even predates the republicans adoption of the tactic.