Wright on PBS

I caught about half of it and agree he did not appear to the the ranting rasics demon at all. I did not hear him say anytihing I disagreed with.

And Darla the demon demonizing the innocent is an age old tactic. It even predates the republicans adoption of the tactic.

demonizing the innocent is an age old tactic ? Yes it is....

So..we won't mention

Linda Tripp
Ken Starr
Newt Gingrich
Dick Cheney
Clarance Thomas
Maybe it "boils down' to more than just white America....I would venture, 98% of 'white American' didn't know a damn thing about it....and still don't...

# Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933-1945 (D) 12yrs.
# Harry S. Truman, 1945-1953 (D) 8 yrs.
# Dwight David Eisenhower 1953-1961 (R) 8 yrs.
# John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961-1963 (D) 2yrs.
# Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963-1969 (D) 6yrs.
# Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969-1974 (R) 2yrs.

From 1932 until 1972....40 years folks....

6 Presidents -

4 Democrats for about 29 years
2 Republicans for about 11 years

85th thru 92nd Congress.....

under Democrat control for about 36 years
and Republican control for about 4 years

So ......
You wanna spread out the blame for this inhuman treatment of fellow citizens proportionately ?:321:

When has there ever been a liberal majority in either house of congress?

All politics in the south was a reaction to Lincoln in the 1860's and the civil rights movement of the 1960's. It's telling to see what side they immediately afterwards. The Republicans can only win because the south thinks with a hive mind. Fortunately, the south is much more at home with the Republicans that it was with the Democrats, who at least resented their presence in the party. Republicans embrace racists.
blackascoal being braindead as usual.

Grind adding yet another mentally challenged post from stupidland.

Hey, when you grow up, see if you can actually debate what's posted.

If you think you're grown enough now .. be my guest.

I doubt you'll even try.

You're so good doing that thing you do .. whatever the fuck it is.

The government, did no such thing; neither did Tuskegee infect them. What the experimenters did do that was wrong, was not provide them with penicillin which obviously should have been done:


The repercussions have been enormous, as your post demonstrates:

You should read your own article more closely.

What they did wrong was to use humans as guinea pigs, as clearly stated in the article .. AND they lied to those infected with the disease, thus impacting their families .. AND those infected did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis. Instead they were told they has "bad blood." .. AND the study continued until 1972 .. AND the government knew the ramifications of what they did so they covered it up.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, cited as "arguably the most infamous biomedical research study in U.S. history", led to the 1979 Belmont Report, the establishment of the National Human Investigation Board, and the requirement for establishment of Institutional Review Boards.

By the time the study had closed, hundreds of men had died from syphilis and many of their wives had become infected and their children born with congenital syphilis.

There was a hell of a lot more wrong and inhuman about this study than they didn't give them penicillin.
You should read your own article more closely.

What they did wrong was to use humans as guinea pigs, as clearly stated in the article .. AND they lied to those infected with the disease, thus impacting their families .. AND those infected did not give informed consent and were not informed of their diagnosis. Instead they were told they has "bad blood." .. AND the study continued until 1972 .. AND the government knew the ramifications of what they did so they covered it up.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study, cited as "arguably the most infamous biomedical research study in U.S. history", led to the 1979 Belmont Report, the establishment of the National Human Investigation Board, and the requirement for establishment of Institutional Review Boards.

By the time the study had closed, hundreds of men had died from syphilis and many of their wives had become infected and their children born with congenital syphilis.

There was a hell of a lot more wrong and inhuman about this study than they didn't give them penicillin.
No bac, they did NOT INFECT them, they mistreated them for experimental purposes, as stated in the article. I posted the result in relation to trust of African Americans, too great for any reason.
No bac, they did NOT INFECT them, they mistreated them for experimental purposes, as stated in the article. I posted the result in relation to trust of African Americans, too great for any reason.

Supposedly the government did not infect the men, but there are many contradictions and challenges to that from some of the stories from the men and families of the study.

But even given belief that the government did not infect the men, that makes it no less horrendous and shameful .. and it explains the mistrust by Wright and many of his generation.
Supposedly the government did not infect the men, but there are many contradictions and challenges to that from some of the stories from the men and families of the study.

But even given belief that the government did not infect the men, that makes it no less horrendous and shameful .. and it explains the mistrust by Wright and many of his generation.
Agreed, which was why I quoted the part I did, giving the link for the rest.
Not that I care for those you mention, but how do you see him as superior?

Easy. Wright evidently doesn’t believe in wrapping himself in the flag and bombing and slaughtering thousands of innocent people, and he obviously doesn’t believe in igniting a conflagration in the middle east to usher in the end times. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t believe in torture, or assassinating the democratically elected leader of Venezeula.

Basically, most of the wingnut preachers believe in torture, and war but not in evolution. That’s a deal-breaker for me.
Easy. Wright evidently doesn’t believe in wrapping himself in the flag and bombing and slaughtering thousands of innocent people, and he obviously doesn’t believe in igniting a conflagration in the middle east to usher in the end times. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t believe in torture, or assassinating the democratically elected leader of Venezeula.

Basically, most of the wingnut preachers believe in torture, and war but not in evolution. That’s a deal-breaker for me.

So what DOES he believe in....huh ?

One need just look at HIS CHURCH'S THEOLOGY......(Obama's Church)

If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.

Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.

What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal.

Cone’s view is that Jesus was black, which he felt was a very important view of black people to see.

So what DOES he believe in....huh ?

One need just look at HIS CHURCH'S THEOLOGY......(Obama's Church)

If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.

Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.

What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal.

Cone’s view is that Jesus was black, which he felt was a very important view of black people to see.


Yeah, I'm sure you're right. Obama's church is racist and wants to kill whites.

Do you ever tire of being such a caricature, of a bush worshipping hack?
Yeah, I'm sure you're right. Obama's church is racist and wants to kill whites.

Do you ever tire of being such a caricature, of a bush worshipping hack?

How far down your throat does the truth have to be inserted before you finally gag on it? Or are you so much of a hack that facts really do not matter to you at all, ?

The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology that started in 1969 with the publication of Dr. James Cone’s book, Black Power and Black Theology.

How far down your throat does the truth have to be inserted before you finally gag on it? Or are you so much of a hack that facts really do not matter to you at all, ?

The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology that started in 1969 with the publication of Dr. James Cone’s book, Black Power and Black Theology.


reading a website for 30 seconds, does not make you an expert in black liberation theology, nor does it make you expert to pronounce judgement that its a racist theology.

Your the only bush loving hack left on this board who's still trying to spin obama's church as racist. The rest have given up - and for good reason. It was bullshit from the start. No one has ever complained when jewish churches promote strong, pro-israeli theologies. Or take strong positions in favor of the interests of the jewish american community.

The fact that you single out a black church for representing the interests of its constituents, means you're a racist at heart.
what, it doesn't he's going around telling all his cracker friends at the klan rally he's got the goods on Obama cause he read that website twice.
Bravo is just doing what his brothers in the KKK tell him to do.

Where do you get your KKK uniforms anyway ? Does somebody actually sell those ridiculous things ? Or do your submissive wives make them ?

Remember without heels it is just a waste of time to put on a dress.