Y2K recession


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Yes it's the most overhyped event since Y2K. The Y2K recession that will be as bad as 1929, USC has given us real life testimony of how bad that can be.
How many bush hating y2k recessionista's have been to empty malls lately?
Any recessionista's been to empty quality restraunts.
Shit, Louisiana is one of the poorer states in the country. Malls are packed and restraunts are doing better than ever. But alas, realist don't look up cause the recessionista's tell us the sky is falling.:clink:
reminds me of when your trying to be a long in a stock and u got short traders constantly talking shit trying to push the price down so they can make a buck.

Long and strong!
heard an economist say Novemer nominal sales were up 9%, some tool who predicted recession last qtr started slicing and dicing to real disposable yada yada. It an't happening soon like I tried to tell freak. He's too caught up in what could instead of what will likely happen.
Guys....Topspin is right.... He is an investment guru with a portfolio in excess of 1 million dollars... So listen to his wise advice...

heard an economist say Novemer nominal sales were up 9%, some tool who predicted recession last qtr started slicing and dicing to real disposable yada yada. It an't happening soon like I tried to tell freak. He's too caught up in what could instead of what will likely happen.

Up 9% from this September or from last November?
Nominal means not adjusted for inflation.
Real sales increase would basically subtract inflation to get real growth
Yes it's the most overhyped event since Y2K. The Y2K recession that will be as bad as 1929, USC has given us real life testimony of how bad that can be.
How many bush hating y2k recessionista's have been to empty malls lately?
Any recessionista's been to empty quality restraunts.
Shit, Louisiana is one of the poorer states in the country. Malls are packed and restraunts are doing better than ever. But alas, realist don't look up cause the recessionista's tell us the sky is falling.:clink:

So let me get this straight toppy, you duck out of the other thread discussing the economy and potential recession to start a new one so that you can attempt to put behind you yet another ass kicking on the topic?

You are pathetic. Try to at least attempt to address the issues put forth for discussion rather than running around like a coward starting new threads and taking the same childish stabs at someone who actually understands economics.
Tell you what toppy, I'll save us both a lot of time and just go ahead and post this for you....

12-13-2007, 12:52 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 3,350


I'm calling a truce. I don't give too fucks what greenie said.
I listen to upbeat and negative economist daily on Kudlow that I think are more in tune than the fossil.
I have called you too many immature names and I know you know economics with the degree and all. I enjoy the fact your on the board with your expertise. You, Dano, Chappy are the only heavy investor business type of people chatting. I appologize for being a childish idiot and playing this game to far.
I'll stick to less than 50% chance and hope I'm right and if you are I hope like usual it's a short shallow recession.
My bad freak, I drug you down to a low level your not used too.
Nominal means not adjusted for inflation.
Real sales increase would basically subtract inflation to get real growth

and tell us MBA guru master teacher toppy.... what do you suppose real inflation has been???

For fuel
For energy
For food
For healthcare
For education

Also explain why it is that forclosure rates were up 68% in November year-over-year.

Perhaps you would also take a stab at answering why it is that credit card debt is increasing again? Not to mention the late payments on auto and credit card loans.

Why not discuss what happens when the purchasing power of the dollar declines to the price of energy, food and other commodities?

Oh thats right, you want to focus on retail sales for the Christmas season. Why look ahead at what is to come when we can look back instead and pretend that nothing bad is coming.
But I guess I am the fool for assuming you will address any of the above. We all know you will trot out with your vaunted....

ur a GED coldcaller ambulance chasing manhatter blah blah blah..... rant.

Good talking economics with you again you MBA master guru teacher topper.
Freak I'm going to assume your a single 30 something.
As yesterday after work I spent a great day with my much, much better half.
Now you didn't get your your head blown up enough and are coming back for more.
First, talk about dodging. Please explain pumping stocks to little old ladies when at the same time you predict 70% chance of recession. BURN

Second you have now fully joined USGED, Deshtard and the recessionista's. Sounds like a band doesn't it. Your just a recessionista.
OK seriously, I have been fighting off these recessionista's for two years quite succesfully I might add. NOw you join in with your crawfish special. 70% chance next year, with a dump taken all over this years good numbers.
Lets see, what do smart investors do. BUY THE ASSETS THAT ARE INFLATING. LOFL
I've been waiting GEDTard for two years you have been ducking cause the sky is falling. I'm up about $300,000 since I first heard your whinning
we'll your a self admitted lucky land barron.
Myself just a middle class salary guy trying to make it off corporate america. Had we been in a recession since you started calling for one I wouldn't have done as well. Also I know you made it largely off the ignorance of the moron seller and your wise call. That said it's not likely the value of the land would go up so much if the economy were shrinking. It went up and the area was developted due to the opposite of your call happening. The economy grew at 4% land went up.
uscit.. Really, it isn't hard to forecast a recession in a market that is cyclical. If you forecast it long enough you will always be right.
it has to do with you being wrong for the 8 qtrs that I have been posting.
We might have one next year and you'll finally be right.
I have gone back and looked at the last couple recessions, they were very short and very shallow. It'll be a hyped news story most likely.