Yes, It Was Rigged

Presided over by a leftist Trump hating judge whose daughter is president of a firm dedicated to fundraising for democrats, whose clients include Biden and Schiff..

Peers? :rofl2:
Are you unaware how the law works in this country?

A jury of his peers: A look at how jury selection will work in Donald Trump's first criminal trial​

Are you unaware how the law works in this country?

A jury of his peers: A look at how jury selection will work in Donald Trump's first criminal trial​

OH? How many republicans were on the jury?

Yes, It Was Rigged

The Alvin Bragg trial was everything that Trump warns about.

‘Rigged” is a favorite word of Donald Trump and his allies.
It describes how institutions and processes have been distorted by a progressive elite to tilt the playing field against Trump and his supporters.

For the former president, it’s an all-purpose charge lodged against anything he dislikes and is especially useful as applied to the 2020 election, since it can vaguely encompass everything from sharp practices by the other side to outright theft.

When Trump made his statement to reporters on Wednesday morning prior to the jury getting the Alvin Bragg case, he repeatedly used the word “rigged,” and, in this instance, he was absolutely right.

The charges were rigged, the prosecution’s presentation of the case was rigged, the judge’s management of the case was rigged, the gag order was rigged, and the instructions to the jury were rigged.
The whole thing was rigged from beginning to end, in the hopes of — to the extent this case and the guilty verdict will matter in November — rigging the presidential election.

If this had happened in an alderman race in Cook County, Ill., it’d be discomfiting enough, but it happened in what purports to be the greatest city in the world and involves the campaign to become the most powerful political leader in the free world.

The high stakes would, one hopes, compel the authorities to have the most exacting standard for their own conduct and put a premium on maintaining the perception and reality of fairness. The logic of rigging runs the opposite way, though — because it is considered so imperative to stop Donald Trump, any means of opposing him becomes acceptable, indeed necessary.

By any normal standard, Alvin Bragg failed in his duty as a prosecutor by flagrantly distorting the process to manufacture the 34 felonies he charged Trump with. Yet, by the prevailing standard on the left, he has faithfully fulfilled his duty by so effectively rigging the criminal-justice system against the man whom they hate and fear....


This is a sad day for America regardless what you think about Donald Trump. Liberals I think this is like Japan sneak attacking the United States. They kicked a sleeping giant and got destroyed.
If you can't handle the time- DON'T COMMIT THE CRIME!

When are you going to learn that basic philosophy of life?

Your daddy got caught with his pants down, because he was proven by a Jury of his peers that he cheated in the 2020 election by cooking the books and violated New York State Law- and Federal law according to the MUELLER REPORT!

BE PROUD OF YOUR CROOKED LEADER! You should pucker up, get down on your hands and knees, and kiss him on his rectum!

Because if you don't, your daddy will call you part of the DEEP STATE!

Everyone that don't kiss Donnie's ass, Donnie will accuse you of being part of the DEEP STATE!
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If you can't handle the time- DON'T COMMIT THE CRIME!

When are you going to learn that basic philosophy of life?

Your daddy got caught with his pants down, because he was proven by a Jury of his peers that he cheated in the 2020 election by cooking the books and violated New York State Law.

He didn't do the crime. He has never been convicted of the underlying crime needed to elevate the 34 misdemeanors to felonies. He has ZERO FEC violations. A NY City jury has ZERO authority to enforce Federal law.
He didn't do the crime. He has never been convicted of the underlying crime needed to elevate the 34 misdemeanors to felonies. He has ZERO FEC violations. A NY City jury has ZERO authority to enforce Federal law.
Sorry, that is not what the Jury said!

So you may have to get even and go assassinate the Jury now, TO STAY IN GOOD STANDING WITH DONNIE!

He is calling you to arms now, to do exactly that!

Are you getting Locked and Loaded for Donnie now?
You really aren't reading. I didn't say COLLUSION, I said INTERFERENCE. Look it up, they're not the same thing.
So No Russian Collusion. Thank you! :thup:

The interference was done by the FBI lying to the FISA court in order to spy on Hillary's political opponent, Donald Trump.

The FBI lied to get Trump. The CIA lied to get Trump. They are politically biased. Don't believe they are telling the truth about Putin interfering on Trump's behalf either.

Did Putin state his support for Trump before Trump won?
Are you unaware how the law works in this country?

A jury of his peers: A look at how jury selection will work in Donald Trump's first criminal trial​

I know that the odds of Merchan being randomly selected for 3 separate Trump related cases are infinitesimal. And that Merchan denied a change of venue from the 94% democrat district.

Judicial Conduct: Canon 1 ...​

" July 15, 2020

Comment on Rule 1.2​

[1] Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by improper conduct and conduct that creates the appearance of impropriety. This principle applies to both the professional and personal conduct of a judge."

No statement from Melania declaring her support for her husband's innocence, no protests from her about a travesty of justice?
Melania knows her husband constantly lies about big issues and is ashamed how his followers believe everything he says.
I know that the odds of Merchan being randomly selected for 3 separate Trump related cases are infinitesimal. And that Merchan denied a change of venue from the 94% democrat district.

Judicial Conduct: Canon 1 ...​

" July 15, 2020

Comment on Rule 1.2​

[1] Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by improper conduct and conduct that creates the appearance of impropriety. This principle applies to both the professional and personal conduct of a judge."

What appears improper about the judges conduct?
What appears improper about the judges conduct?
His "random" assignment to 3 Trump related cases.
His denial of change of venue.
His daughter's presidency of a democrat fundraising firm.
His refusal to allow a FEC expert to testify.
His failure to sustain reasonable defense objections.
His biased treatment of defense witnesses.
His dismissing the jury for 6 days.
His allowing irrelevant defense witness testimony.
His ordering a non unanimous jury verdict on unnamed federal charges.
His trying Federal charges in a State court.
Sorry, that is not what the Jury said!

So you may have to get even and go assassinate the Jury now, TO STAY IN GOOD STANDING WITH DONNIE!

He is calling you to arms now, to do exactly that!

Are you getting Locked and Loaded for Donnie now?

What about a New York City jury has ZERO FUCKING authority to enforce FEC law and Trump has ZERO FEC violations does you tiny lizard brain not understand?

Serious question.: If getting Donald Trump means corrupting our legal system would it be OK with you? Serious response only no BS.
His "random" assignment to 3 Trump related cases.
His denial of change of venue.
His daughter's presidency of a democrat fundraising firm.
His refusal to allow a FEC expert to testify.
His failure to sustain reasonable defense objections.
His biased treatment of defense witnesses.
His dismissing the jury for 6 days.
His allowing irrelevant defense witness testimony.
His ordering a non unanimous jury verdict on unnamed federal charges.
His trying Federal charges in a State court.