Yes, It Was Rigged


You'd think if anyone was going to scream from the rooftops about a travesty of justice, it would be his own wife.

If I was an innocent man railroaded by a corrupt justice system, I'd be pissed if my wife ghosted me and stayed on the sidelines.
Except he's not innocent of sticking his four inches into a sex star.

You'd think if anyone was going to scream from the rooftops about a travesty of justice, it would be his own wife.

If I was an innocent man railroaded by a corrupt justice system, I'd be pissed if my wife ghosted me and stayed on the sidelines.
Esp. if you are a well-known public figure, right?
But does Melania, the one icing him, think he's innocent.
If I believed that my husband, accused of boinking a porn star and trying to cover it, was innocent -- I would have been sitting right behind him in court, and holding his hand and standing by his side afterwards when he spoked to the press.

The fact that Melania didn't show her face once tells us all we need to know about his now-proven-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt guilt.
What Putin said was in the first Politico link. Do you guys ever read before responding?

"Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday he wanted President Donald Trump to win the 2016 election because he believed Trump’s policies would be more friendly to the Kremlin.

“Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal,” Putin said, standing alongside Trump at a joint news conference."
Back to normal? What the F does that mean? ... when were they ever normal? Please be specific.
Yep, and 5 of them were ex CIA directors.
They shot their load on Joe. How can they ever be believed, again. :palm:
They all 51 should have their security clearances revoked. Every last one of them. They clearly lied to the American people to influence the election. Why should American's ever trust them with our most important secrets?
Just this. :laugh:

Pete Davidson? Rumor is he's very.... well-endowed. :ROFLMAO:
You're asking me to tell you what Putin meant? :LOL:

Ask trump. trump :loveu: Putin.
I asked you to be specific and you continue to dodge the question. :dunno:

Trump was the first to arm Ukrainians, oppose the Russia pipeline, and have Special Forces kill hundreds of Russian soldiers in Syria.

And Trump drove down the price of oil to cripple the Russian economy.
King George thought George Washington was a criminal too.

You guys never tire of comparing Depends Donny to every historical hero do you. Whether he's better than Abraham Lincoln or just like Mother Theresa or a modern-day Jesus....

You guys lack perspective. Dial it back a bit. Donny DependO is no George Washington because Washington actually gave up the office of President after his term.

Your guy won't.