
We can sit back and allow this stupid bullshit to control our hopes and votes or we can grow up and not let them do it to us again.

This is a god damned non issue people.

You can let the republicans force us to grab defeat from the jaws of victory yet again or you can stand up and say NO IM NOT FALLING FOR THIS CRAP AGAIN!
Indiana & NC are the only parties who can make this a non-issue. If he wins both, it will quiet down considerably. If he loses one or both, it will be laid 100% on the Wright issue, and we won't hear the end of it. There will be commercials through the fall with images of Obama, Wright & Osama Bin Laden standing together.

The future of America comes down to Hoosiers & Tar Heels; not the best scenario, but there is hope.
Hey now do not forget KY, we are the decider this time :clink:
McCain visited Inez , KY. The last candidate to visit there won.

Therefore McCain will be our next president.
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We can sit back and allow this stupid bullshit to control our hopes and votes or we can grow up and not let them do it to us again.

This is a god damned non issue people.


Good to hear.

Yes, I agree that silly nonsense slogans like YES WE CAN (Or as the illegal aliens who made it their ralllying cry for the breaking of US immigration laws said, SI SE PUEDE) is a "stupid bullshit" way of casting our votes. I'm glad you have finally decided to throw it off and start seeking real issues instead.

You might start with:

Obama and Clinton want to increase taxes, particularly on the rich, in the midst of an economic slowdown. When was the last time a nation ever taxed itself into prosperity?

Clinton has said she will repeal (temporarily?) the Federal tax on gasoline... but "pay for it" by increasing taxes on oil companies. Since oil companies don't have money trees out back, they will produce the extra money to pay this tax by... you guessed it... raising the price of their gasoline, oil products etc. They have no choice - there IS no other source of money open to them. So the people who save money when the Fed tax is repealed, will just spend it on the higher price of gasoline so the oil companies can pay it to that same Federal government anyway. How, exactly, is this supposed to "relieve" anything?

Plenty more real issues to come. Stay tuned. :D

But at least you have given up silly slogans, and are not going to "fall for that crap" again. That's progress. ;)
"When was the last time a nation ever taxed itself into prosperity?"

I'm not a fan of higher taxes, but didn't Clinton implement the biggest tax increase in history just before the '90's boom?

A more appropriate question might be, "when was the last time the nation deficited itself into prosperity," since that's what Bush did, and McCain's proposals would create an even deeper deficit than we have now.
It's not the Republicans forcing defeat of the Democrats.

It's the Democrats putting up some of the lamest candidates they can find and Losing........all on their own...:cof1:
I think Obama is pretty much history..

Nobody even knew who Obama was until a yr. ago.

He should of been more open from the beginning..

Time will tell..
Didn't Regans "tax cuts" turn out to be an overall tax increase as well ?

Reagan cut tax RATES. People who used to pay 75%, soon paid 50%, then 33% by the time he was done. That resulted in a major speedup of the economy, a lot more business got done, and so a lot more got paid at the lower rates than the small amount of business at the higher rates, so the overall effect was that more money was paid to the Fed govt after a few years, even with the lower rates.

Reagan cut tax rates. And the result was an overall increase in prosperity and tax revenue... as he had constantly and publicly predicted.
There is no hope for desh.....................


Good to hear.

Yes, I agree that silly nonsense slogans like YES WE CAN (Or as the illegal aliens who made it their ralllying cry for the breaking of US immigration laws said, SI SE PUEDE) is a "stupid bullshit" way of casting our votes. I'm glad you have finally decided to throw it off and start seeking real issues instead.

You might start with:

Obama and Clinton want to increase taxes, particularly on the rich, in the midst of an economic slowdown. When was the last time a nation ever taxed itself into prosperity?

Clinton has said she will repeal (temporarily?) the Federal tax on gasoline... but "pay for it" by increasing taxes on oil companies. Since oil companies don't have money trees out back, they will produce the extra money to pay this tax by... you guessed it... raising the price of their gasoline, oil products etc. They have no choice - there IS no other source of money open to them. So the people who save money when the Fed tax is repealed, will just spend it on the higher price of gasoline so the oil companies can pay it to that same Federal government anyway. How, exactly, is this supposed to "relieve" anything?

Plenty more real issues to come. Stay tuned. :D

But at least you have given up silly slogans, and are not going to "fall for that crap" again. That's progress. ;)

She is stuck on the 'Battle Cry' of the Dems who try their best to relate to the 'Alamo'...Davy Crockett they are not!;)
I'm not so sure a rally cry based on Bob the Builder cartoon is the best way to convince people democrats are a better choice.
We can sit back and allow this stupid bullshit to control our hopes and votes or we can grow up and not let them do it to us again.

This is a god damned non issue people.

You can let the republicans force us to grab defeat from the jaws of victory yet again or you can stand up and say NO IM NOT FALLING FOR THIS CRAP AGAIN!

I'm pessimistic Desh, on this, and I always have been. I think americans can be quite easily manipulated on irrelvant issues, especially racial bigotry.
Its going to be Obama v McCain.

I dont think they can cheat enough to make the American people accept at third Bush term.

Its going to be Obama v McCain.

I dont think they can cheat enough to make the American people accept at third Bush term.

It's going to be Clinton vs McCain...and John will win...get use to it desh...your boy and girl has lost...!;)
Yeah but he said he did and most bought that line of Republicanspeak.
LOL. You fell for it.

Nothing can say, "I don't know what I am talking about" like a nice fat "didn't he raise taxes?"

He cut tax rates, which freed up investments and raised revenue. People paid less of a percentage in taxes. It was good.
I paid a higer percentage of taxes becuase of Regans "tax cut". Income averaging went away, several middle class deductions went away.

You are the one who falls for the republicanspeak.