Depends on who you were Damo as to whether you got a tax cut or not.

"During Reagan's tenure, income tax rates were lowered significantly, with the top personal tax bracket dropping from 70% to 28% in 7 years,[9] but payroll taxes increased during Reagan's terms as well as the effective tax rates on the lower two income quintiles."

Just the first thing that came up from my search under "Reagen tax cut" search input..
Depends on who you were Damo as to whether you got a tax cut or not.

"During Reagan's tenure, income tax rates were lowered significantly, with the top personal tax bracket dropping from 70% to 28% in 7 years,[9] but payroll taxes increased during Reagan's terms as well as the effective tax rates on the lower two income quintiles."
Just the first thing that came up from my search under "Reagen tax cut" search input..
Payroll taxes are the Social Security and Medicaid you were thanking me for earlier.

You are the one who falls for political hackery. Income tax rates went down in all brackets.

Pretending that SS and Medicaid are the same as Income tax... Sad.
I pretended thay are the same ? You are the one who added "income" to the tax statement there bud.
A tax is a tax to me.
I pretended thay are the same ? You are the one who added "income" to the tax statement there bud.
A tax is a tax to me.
You added "payroll" to it. In your quote in that post.

I pointed out that we were speaking of income tax rates, while you are talking about something else. And if you actually did pay more, then you were a net tax receiver to begin with.

I did find it problematic that the tax the D's passed to "make up" for the tax rate decreases hurt the poor the most. (of course I am going off of an 11 year-old's memory here...)

I also didn't like that part of the way they "paid" for it was to rip off the SS fund and thus started the spending in the General funds...
Congress and presidents all deserve getting slammed for ripping off the SS surplus ever since it's inception.

in a few years when they have to start paying that 3-4 trillion back it is going to hurt.
Congress and presidents all deserve getting slammed for ripping off the SS surplus ever since it's inception.

in a few years when they have to start paying that 3-4 trillion back it is going to hurt.
It sucked. But I can't be blamed. I didn't vote for the guy. I couldn't. I did argue with my grandfather about why I would if I could though.

He was elected when I was 9.
It sucked. But I can't be blamed. I didn't vote for the guy. I couldn't. I did argue with my grandfather about why I would if I could though.

He was elected when I was 9.

Did you miss my post the other day on it, I found out that we actually started spending the supplus right after SS was started.

I think it is in the 2.2 trillion titled thread. Regan did change something about how it was done though, just cooking the books with numbers so the budget looked better I think.
Kinda like adjusting the unemployment rates by including military personel in the employment numbers and cutting them off for unemployment when they got out...
Did you miss my post the other day on it, I found out that we actually started spending the supplus right after SS was started.

I think it is in the 2.2 trillion titled thread. Regan did change something about how it was done though, just cooking the books with numbers so the budget looked better I think.
Kinda like adjusting the unemployment rates by including military personel in the employment numbers and cutting them off for unemployment when they got out...
He didn't cut off the military for unemployment. I received it when I got out, and could have received it for twice the normal period if it was necessary.

We went over this before. It is a myth.
How about little magnetic flags made in China or something ?
I will need to work with an importer fast, it takes a while to work out the details.
Yeah but he said he did and most bought that line of Republicanspeak.

You should try reading what his income tax rate reductions did. You moronic Dems continue to miss the fact that his actions lowered the tax burden on the bottom 50%, led to an increase on the top 10%, raised taxes on those evil corporations via eliminating loopholes (in fairness, Tip had a big part in this point as well).

The deficit spending.... biggest in years when he had a Dem led Congress. Years in which he had to fight Tip and the Dems over the budget.
There is hope coming from the Obama campaign. Its been pretty scarce the last few years . There is still a hope that we can do better. IObama represents this to many Americans. Ridicule hope if you wish.Insult the people who hold out on the idea that thoughtful ideas and a calm and fair presence in the form of a young educated decent man can help this contry set a path out of the darkness that cinical ,money grubbing opportunists in the form of spoiled rich and powerful liars have guided us.

The youth of this country has watched and learned and you have lost them for a entire generation. You have tried to squander thier futures and they have caught on that you are either blind to the crimes out of lazy loyalty or seek gain yourself at the fleecing of your own countrymen.

We are tired but we are getting energized and the same old dirty tricks will not stand.

On one hand I can appreciate desh's enthusiasm. On the other hand this politician hero worship as if obama is Jesus Christ himself is running for president is scary.
Did you miss my post the other day on it, I found out that we actually started spending the supplus right after SS was started.

I think it is in the 2.2 trillion titled thread. Regan did change something about how it was done though, just cooking the books with numbers so the budget looked better I think.
Kinda like adjusting the unemployment rates by including military personel in the employment numbers and cutting them off for unemployment when they got out...

How many times do you have to be told.... the unemployment rate has NOTHING to do with unemployment benefits.

Regan did not change a damn thing with regards to taxes, laws, foreign policy or any other such nonsense. He was the Secretary of the Treasury.