You have to be shitting me

I routinely pick up litter in my mountain neighborhood. We have a lot of weekly renters here because it is a resort community. Most of it comes from a dumpster that is located off the main road, dumbasses are too lazy to lock the doors when they are done. Another portion is from renters/ contractors cars. In my annual spring cleaning, before the trees leaf out and the spiders string webs, I picked up a huge bag within about 1000 feet i both directions from my home.

Part of my "score" was about three dozen little green bags of dog shit. Nearly all the same distance from the road and on one side, so it has to be the same guy doing this. So he picks up his dogs shit in the free bags that the HOA dispenses, then tosses it into the woods.

What kind of dumbass does that?

Huh. Figures you'd live in a literal shit neighborhood.
I routinely pick up litter in my mountain neighborhood. We have a lot of weekly renters here because it is a resort community. Most of it comes from a dumpster that is located off the main road, dumbasses are too lazy to lock the doors when they are done. Another portion is from renters/ contractors cars. In my annual spring cleaning, before the trees leaf out and the spiders string webs, I picked up a huge bag within about 1000 feet i both directions from my home.

Part of my "score" was about three dozen little green bags of dog shit. Nearly all the same distance from the road and on one side, so it has to be the same guy doing this. So he picks up his dogs shit in the free bags that the HOA dispenses, then tosses it into the woods.

What kind of dumbass does that?

A dumbass that want their dog to get shot.

A lot of people are seriously naive about their pets. They see them as some sort of adorable psuedochild that everyone should love and aren't to hip to the reality that a lot of people look at their dog as a four legged disease vector that damages other peoples property.
A dumbass that want their dog to get shot.

A lot of people are seriously naive about their pets. They see them as some sort of adorable psuedochild that everyone should love and aren't to hip to the reality that a lot of people look at their dog as a four legged disease vector that damages other peoples property.

I dunno if that's a likely characterization. He picks up the dogs poop, but then flings the tied-up bag into the woods.

These poop bags are advertised as biodegradable, and he's probably just dumb and doesn't understand that they need to be in contact with soil to degrade.

In any event, I've prepared a little poster that I'm having laminated, two copies. I'll nail one onto the poop bag dispenser and another on the speed limit sign that he has to walk past.

Not OK_001.jpg
I think it's important to take a minute here and ponder the question: why does Truth Detector masturbate in public?

I think we can all agree that it's daddy issues and his pathological need for attention from males figures stronger than he is.

The fun part is he knows I can't see what he's posting. It's how he comes on to other guys.

Sad, really. But hilarious, too.
I think it's important to take a minute here and ponder the question: why does Truth Detector masturbate in public?

I think we can all agree that it's daddy issues and his pathological need for attention from males figures stronger than he is.

The fun part is he knows I can't see what he's posting. It's how he comes on to other guys.

Sad, really. But hilarious, too.

Do you watch him masturbate in public? Or are you one of those peeping-toms?
Either way, you're a detestable and perverted piece of shit. Sad, really...
Do you watch him masturbate in public? Or are you one of those peeping-toms?
Either way, you're a detestable and perverted piece of shit. Sad, really...

C. Ass Ass is getting frustrated. He tried this shit IRL and someone broke all his fingers, so he's not able to pleasure himself...
Do you watch him masturbate in public? Or are you one of those peeping-toms?

Don't have to. His asshat posts, much like yours, is just him spewing his tardseed all over the forum. I have him blocked, so unlike you, it doesn't get on me.
Either way, you're a detestable and perverted piece of shit. Sad, really...

LOL! Coming from a laughably spastic cunt like you? You'll understand if that doesn't carry much weight, princess.
I bet this is his/her logic

creating a creature barrier of dog poop around his property

bag it and toss it to the edge of his property and wild animals smell it and know they have a dog to contend with.

I am NOT defending the logic

I am merely postulating a reasoning
LOL! Your my rabid obsession with the sex organs of other men really duly noted.

