You have to be shitting me

I routinely pick up litter in my mountain neighborhood. We have a lot of weekly renters here because it is a resort community. Most of it comes from a dumpster that is located off the main road, dumbasses are too lazy to lock the doors when they are done. Another portion is from renters/ contractors cars. In my annual spring cleaning, before the trees leaf out and the spiders string webs, I picked up a huge bag within about 1000 feet i both directions from my home.

Part of my "score" was about three dozen little green bags of dog shit. Nearly all the same distance from the road and on one side, so it has to be the same guy doing this. So he picks up his dogs shit in the free bags that the HOA dispenses, then tosses it into the woods.

What kind of dumbass does that?

It can’t be as bad as the shit the democrat run San Francisco has to pick up.
They have two full time employees whose only job is to pick up shit.
I bet this is his/her logic

creating a creature barrier of dog poop around his property

bag it and toss it to the edge of his property and wild animals smell it and know they have a dog to contend with.

I am NOT defending the logic

I am merely postulating a reasoning

He tosses it randomly in empty lots owned by six different people.
I do that voluntarily since I get 50¢ a pound for aluminum cans. You?

I don't need to work or collect cans for a living.

I bet you've got your own shopping cart, don't you?

I am sorry that you have to deal with other people's trash. That's frustrating and annoying. We just got done cleaning up after this winter. We got a trashbag full of tossed out crap.
I am sorry that you have to deal with other people's trash. That's frustrating and annoying. We just got done cleaning up after this winter. We got a trashbag full of tossed out crap.

How much road frontage do you typically clean?