You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

Something is gross about Trumppees.

You support a man who fingered his staff member against her will and showers with his daughter and sniffs little girls hair. At least porn stars know what they are doing. Something is gross about Libratards.
Illegally took steps to keep the payment secret? He told her to keep her mouth shut. He should have known better, considering how many dicks were in and out of her mouth and she wouldn't keep it shut, anyway.
A hit-man would have been cheaper.
So, all you have is Trump paying a whore to keep her mouth shut and she doesn't do it. He should sue her for breech of contract.

No. There is this...
Trump is a rapist!!

You seem to not care that you support a rapist for President.

Trump can't sue her for breech[sic] of contract since the contract was declared to be null and void and unenforceable. If Trump tries to sue her, he will lose badly.
The MAGA don’t care what Trump did, never did, he could rape a Nun or ten year old and they would still support him, the right has come a long way from when they said they were all about family values

Yep, it's amazing how the trumptard cult will move the goalposts for someone just because they spew hate.
No. There is this...
Trump is a rapist!!

You seem to not care that you support a rapist for President.

Trump can't sue her for breech[sic] of contract since the contract was declared to be null and void and unenforceable. If Trump tries to sue her, he will lose badly.
Liar. Trump has never been convicted of rape.
Something is gross about Trumppees.

Actually, I don’t give a flying shit that he fucked a whore. I didn’t give a shit when Bill got the BJ in the WH.

There’s no crime in either. They have to deal with whatever fallout they have with their own families. That’s their own business, not mine.

Given that, it’s not the incident, but the coverup.

There’s no doubt he paid the hush money to cover it up. And fraudulently tried to call it legal expenses. And we also know he did it in order to influence the outcome of the election. To conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public. To silence people using doctored business records.
Liar. Trump has never been convicted of rape.

Let's see what your standard is.
You support a man who fingered his staff member against her will and showers with his daughter and sniffs little girls hair. At least porn stars know what they are doing. Something is gross about Libratards.

Are you a liar because Biden has never been convicted of fingering anyone?
Are you a liar because Biden has never been convicted of showering with his daughter?
Are you a liar because Biden has never been convicted of sniffing little girl's hair?

If you aren't a liar then you will have to admit that..
Trump is a rapist!!
Actually, I don’t give a flying shit that he fucked a whore. I didn’t give a shit when Bill got the BJ in the WH.

There’s no crime in either. They have to deal with whatever fallout they have with their own families. That’s their own business, not mine.

Given that, it’s not the incident, but the coverup.

There’s no doubt he paid the hush money to cover it up. And fraudulently tried to call it legal expenses. And we also know he did it in order to influence the outcome of the election. To conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public. To silence people using doctored business records.
There is no FEC law violation. So this is a misdemeanor that the statute of limitation has run on. A big nothing burger.
There is no FEC law violation. So this is a misdemeanor that the statute of limitation has run on. A big nothing burger.

Neither, dumbfuck. He’s not been charged with any FEC violation. And, here we are in court, so obviously no statute of limitation has been violated.

But you can keep dreaming.
There is no FEC law violation. So this is a misdemeanor that the statute of limitation has run on. A big nothing burger.

There is no such thing as an FEC law.
There are campaign finance laws. The same campaign finance law that Cohen was convicted of violating at the direction of Trump.

The underlying law doesn't matter if it has expired when updating the NY law from a misdemeanor to a felony. It only matters that such a law exists and actions were taken in furtherance of violating that law.
It seems you will choke on this nothing burger like Trump is choking on it.
Let's see what your standard is.

Are you a liar because Biden has never been convicted of fingering anyone?
Are you a liar because Biden has never been convicted of showering with his daughter?
Are you a liar because Biden has never been convicted of sniffing little girl's hair?

If you aren't a liar then you will have to admit that..
Trump is a rapist!!

Biden's own daughter said he took inappropriate showers with her. Carol is a nut case. Trump couldn't get a fair trial out of a partial jury in New York City. There are multiple videos of Biden sniffing little girls hair. He even promised that he wouldn't violate boundaries again but he can't seem to help himself. Trump has never been convicted of Rape you liar.

BTW: Could you post where I ever said Biden had been convicted of sniffing little girls hair?

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