You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

Biden's own daughter said he took inappropriate showers with her. Carol is a nut case. Trump couldn't get a fair trial out of a partial jury in New York City. There are multiple videos of Biden sniffing little girls hair. He even promised that he wouldn't violate boundaries again but he can't seem to help himself. Trump has never been convicted of Rape you liar.

Naw, it was found he sexually assaulted her. If you wish to split hairs as to whether it was rape so you can sleep at night, go for it.
Biden's own daughter said he took inappropriate showers with her. Carol is a nut case. Trump couldn't get a fair trial out of a partial jury in New York City. There are multiple videos of Biden sniffing little girls hair. He even promised that he wouldn't violate boundaries again but he can't seem to help himself. Trump has never been convicted of Rape you liar.

So you admit you are a liar.

1. I never once said Trump was convicted of rape. I made the following truthful statement.
Trump is a rapist!!!

That statement is factually true and supported by a court ruling that found Trump liable for sexual assault where his actions would be considered rape under the common definition.

2. If Trump was never convicted then why does the makeup of the jury even matter? Your arguments make no sense. Are you admitting a jury found him liable for rape?
3. There is audio of Trump claiming he can sexually assault women because they let him do it. That seems much worse than your videos. Especially given the fact that multiple women have accused Trump of doing what he claims he does.

Final fact is that while not found guilty of a crime, Trump has been found liable for the act of
Trump being a rapist!!!
Not a single jury has examined your claims about Biden and found them to be true.
BTW: Could you post where I ever said Biden had been convicted of sniffing little girls hair?


BTW: Can you post where I have ever said Trump has been convicted of rape?

I have only said the following...

Trump is a rapist!!

Can someone be a rapist without being convicted of a crime? This goes to you being a liar.
Either you are lying about Biden when he hasn't been convicted or you are lying when you claim a conviction is required for Trump to be a rapist.
Naw, it was found he sexually assaulted her. If you wish to split hairs as to whether it was rape so you can sleep at night, go for it.

As the judge later pointed out in a legal ruling, the jury found that Trump was liable under the narrow legal definition of rape in New York doesn't mean that Trump didn't commit rape since the actions Trump committed would be considered rape under the common definition of rape.
As the judge later pointed out in a legal ruling, the jury found that Trump was liable under the narrow legal definition of rape in New York doesn't mean that Trump didn't commit rape since the actions Trump committed would be considered rape under the common definition of rape.

Rational and reasonable people know he raped her. Trumpers are in continual denial about all of his behavior.
BTW: Can you post where I have ever said Trump has been convicted of rape?

I have only said the following...

Trump is a rapist!!

Can someone be a rapist without being convicted of a crime? This goes to you being a liar.
Either you are lying about Biden when he hasn't been convicted or you are lying when you claim a conviction is required for Trump to be a rapist.

Unless Trump has stuck YOU in the butt you cannot say he is a rapist. Has he done that to you?
In the year 2024, my party would never nominate someone for prez who banged porn stars, screwed Playboy models, and paid bribes to them

Your party literally adores, worshipps, and idolizes a guy who did that, in spite of having numerous opportunities to jettison him and nominate a conservative with better character.

Your party nominated a proven idiot and a Ho for a second term. Don't bitch about who the Republicans nominate because he banged a porn Ho.

You're spouting more idiocy, just as you always do. Grow up...
No. There is this...
Trump is a rapist!!

You seem to not care that you support a rapist for President.

Trump can't sue her for breech[sic] of contract since the contract was declared to be null and void and unenforceable. If Trump tries to sue her, he will lose badly.

Joey pees himself!

Trump was never charged with rape, Joey.
Something is gross about Trumppees.

They're MAJOR hypocrites! These are the same people who wanted Slick Willy impeached for carrying on with Monica Lewinsky. Then they wailed like banshees when he left office with a 54% approval rating and polls showed the majority didn't give a damn about his dalliances so long as their bank account/job futures were looking better.

But Dump cheats on his pregnant trophy wife, and the MAGA mooks will bend into pretzels to excuse it. You can't make this stuff up!