You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

Oh right, you Stalinists can spew your shit, but how DARE Americans point out that Obama was notorious for his promiscuous gay lifestyle.

Hypocrisy - thy name is democrat.
You reactionary numbskulls never met a conspiracy that you didn't embrace 100%. There's zero legitimate evidence for your claim; the only thing that matters is that some jackass said it about a man you hate.
JFK banged a movie star. Clinton banged an intern. At least Trump didn't do it while president...
You have no idea if he did or didn't. He certainly has a long line of cheating on wives. He has the same respect for his marriage vows as he does the law.
Neither, dumbfuck. He’s not been charged with any FEC violation. And, here we are in court, so obviously no statute of limitation has been violated.

But you can keep dreaming.
There has to be an underlying felony that the accounting errors were trying to cover up before the misdemeanors can be elevated to felonies. No campaign violations and the accounting errors remain misdemeanors with expired statues of limitations. It has yet to be decided in court if the charges were valid or not you dumb fuck.
There has to be an underlying felony that the accounting errors were trying to cover up before the misdemeanors can be elevated to felonies. No campaign violations and the accounting errors remain misdemeanors with expired statues of limitations. It has yet to be decided in court if the charges were valid or not you dumb fuck.
Wrong. There is evidence for all of that. Depends on what the jury thinks about that evidence, but there is evidence. Your claims show your ignorance.
you only care in that you don't want a president who SOLVES problems......
I dont want one who constantly undermines the checks and ballances of our system. I dont want one who creates problems (a Strong Putin for example)

I dont want a president who is morally unfit. I dont want one with mental problems. I want one who cares about the citizens.

I do not want a president who gives tax giveaways for our fascist corporations and wealthy.
Wrong. There is evidence for all of that. Depends on what the jury thinks about that evidence, but there is evidence. Your claims show your ignorance.
Wrong. New York cannot enforce Federal law. No FEC violation and the misdemeanors remain misdemeanors that have expired statues of limitations. I know you will be crushed when DJT walks. :laugh: You are as bad of a Lawyer as Cohen. :laugh:
Wrong. There is evidence for all of that. Depends on what the jury thinks about that evidence, but there is evidence. Your claims show your ignorance.
liar......even Alan Dershowitz says there had been no evidence any alleged crime occurred....are you pretending you've seen something he missed? the way he also says Cohen committed obvious perjury yesterday when he told the jury why he recorded his conversation with you think he is wrong about that as well?......
I dont want one who constantly undermines the checks and ballances of our system. I dont want one who creates problems (a Strong Putin for example)

I dont want a president who is morally unfit. I dont want one with mental problems. I want one who cares about the citizens.

I do not want a president who gives tax giveaways for our fascist corporations and wealthy.
obviously you are not mentally cannot grasp reality.........
I dont want one who constantly undermines the checks and ballances of our system. I dont want one who creates problems (a Strong Putin for example)

I dont want a president who is morally unfit. I dont want one with mental problems. I want one who cares about the citizen

I do not want a president who gives tax giveaways for our fascist corporations and wealthy.
Then don't vote for Biden. There is nothing that undermines checks and balances more that using law-fare to try to win and election. And fingering your staff against their will and taking inappropriate showers with your daughter in morally unfit for your information.
I did vote for Biden because he believes in our system and an elected president.