You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

liar......even Alan Dershowitz says there had been no evidence any alleged crime occurred....are you pretending you've seen something he missed? the way he also says Cohen committed obvious perjury yesterday when he told the jury why he recorded his conversation with you think he is wrong about that as well?......
LOL, You're quoting Alan Dooshowitz, the maga thug who got a rub and tug by one of Jeff Epstein's trafficked victims? Alan Dooshowitz who flip-flopped - he said when Clinton was impeached, that "there doesn't have to be an underlying crime for a president to be impeached", but when trump was impeached said, "there has to be an underlying crime"?

Get real, dumbfuck!
LOL, You're quoting Alan Dooshowitz, the maga thug who got a rub and tug by one of Jeff Epstein's trafficked victims? Alan Dooshowitz who flip-flopped - he said when Clinton was impeached, that "there doesn't have to be an underlying crime for a president to be impeached", but when trump was impeached said, "there has to be an underlying crime"?

Get real, dumbfuck!
You know that she withdrew that claim. Dumbfuck.

“I now recognize I may have made a mistake in identifying Mr. Dershowitz,” her statement said.

you support a man who accused an innocent person of kiliing his wife

of stealing speeches to gain power

of lying about grades to gain power

of lying about marches, churches, and pretty much everything under the sun to gain power

retards lack self awareness. to accuse the other guy of being a shit head makes you a retard lacking self awareness
LOL, You're quoting Alan Dooshowitz, the maga thug who got a rub and tug by one of Jeff Epstein's trafficked victims? Alan Dooshowitz who flip-flopped - he said when Clinton was impeached, that "there doesn't have to be an underlying crime for a president to be impeached", but when trump was impeached said, "there has to be an underlying crime"?

Get real, dumbfuck!

To everything (that threatens the party) slander, slander, slander; must serve the party, slander slander slander - and lie about everything under heaven... (with apologies to Roger McGuinn)

The FEC agrees with me and Bragg has no jurisdiction to enforce federal law. I suspect this will end being slapped down 9-0 in the SCOTUS
You keep showing that goofy picture of Biden and the untrue remarks about his education. Now do one about Trump. Oh, you cannot. One of Cohen's tasks was to contact every school he attended and tell them they would face enormous lawsuits if his records got out. Do you think that was because he was a good student? Is it because he got in constant trouble for his Neanderthal attitudes'? No, it can't be that. You Trumpys think that stupid person is qualified to run the planet.
You know if Trump did well in school, he would have had billboards announcing it.
you support a man who accused an innocent person of kiliing his wife

of stealing speeches to gain power

of lying about grades to gain power

of lying about marches, churches, and pretty much everything under the sun to gain power

retards lack self awareness. to accuse the other guy of being a shit head makes you a retard lacking self awareness

Damn, when you put it like that, Jarhead really sounds like he sucks. A cad with no integrity or basic human dignity....
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Supporting a man who sleeps with porn stars, or even stays awake with porn starts, is not much of an issue either way.

It's supporting Donald Pigfucker Trump, the diseased orangutan, that makes one a complete dunce and asshole.
Supporting a man who sleeps with porn stars, or even stays awake with porn starts, is not much of an issue either way.

It's supporting Donald Pigfucker Trump, the diseased orangutan, that makes one a complete dunce and asshole.
after living though covid - any adult that support the democrats is a retard that needs to be guarded against for allowing so much harm on the rest of us
To everything (that threatens the party) slander, slander, slander; must serve the party, slander slander slander - and lie about everything under heaven... (with apologies to Roger McGuinn)

View attachment 26346
I hilarious how triggered the maga cult become with their Kim Jung Un-like leader being shown as he truly is: A womanizing, corrupt, thuggish pile of garbage.

Anyway - hang in there, more cases are a-comming!
I hilarious how triggered the maga cult become with their Kim Jung Un-like leader being shown as he truly is: A womanizing, corrupt, thuggish pile of garbage.

Anyway - hang in there, more cases are a-comming!

You have some pretty sick fantasies.

So when Stormy signed the affidavit that she never had any sort of physical relationship with Donald Trump - was she committing perjury?

Or is she engaged in perjury now? And if so, how much are the Soros people paying her for her perjury?
LOL, You're quoting Alan Dooshowitz, the maga thug who got a rub and tug by one of Jeff Epstein's trafficked victims? Alan Dooshowitz who flip-flopped - he said when Clinton was impeached, that "there doesn't have to be an underlying crime for a president to be impeached", but when trump was impeached said, "there has to be an underlying crime"?

Get real, dumbfuck!
Lurch thinks he knows more than Dershowitz


derp derp goes the retards on the left
You have some pretty sick fantasies.

So when Stormy signed the affidavit that she never had any sort of physical relationship with Donald Trump - was she committing perjury?

Or is she engaged in perjury now? And if so, how much are the Soros people paying her for her perjury?
You're living in a fantasy world. She signed an agreement not to disclose the relationship. The only "affidavit" is in your fever dreams, no "affidavit" was signed. She explained why she signed it - your mob boss of a former president pressured her, and his thugs were threatening her and her infant daughter.

She came off in her testimony as very credible. You don't know what "perjury" is. You're also losing your shit for everyone to see. Do try to hold it together. More pain is coming as actual justice is done!