You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

And Jarod wants to talk about the unproven accusation about Trump that has already been debunked when she HERSELF said it didnt happen all the while knowing that his "boy" Gillum was in fact "bitch :1up:made" by the two gay male prostitutes he chose to party with complete with photographic evidence. Jarod my boy, seems your thinking just may be a little fucked up.... :cool:
You believe the word of a woman that will do ANYTHING for money and a woman that legally owes Trump $500,000 and refuses to pay him. The woman is devoid of morals. Your kind of woman.
You mean selling sneakers? Bibles? Cartoon pictures? I think you're describing your clown-faced, fake-haired, disgusting stinko of a daddy!

Suck it, you sorry trumptard fuck.
So we know Trump Administration didn’t report Coke found in the White House, but how do we knot it was never found in the Trump White House?
If anything was found in Trump's White House, the whole world would have known it. It would be broadcast for weeks and weeks.
The country is in total chaos... I don't even think Trump predicted how bad it was going to be...
total chaos...yet somehow YOU and your brethren manage to say financially solvent enough to spam this site with MAGA mush. Fascinating.
In the year 2024, my party would never nominate someone for prez who banged porn stars, screwed Playboy models, and paid bribes to them

Your party literally adores, worshipps, and idolizes a guy who did that, in spite of having numerous opportunities to jettison him and nominate a conservative with better character.
Yet you will vote for a demented fool who would be replaced by a incompetent cackling Ho who wouldn't even do a damn thing when it was put in charge of securing the border. That says a lot about YOUR character...
It would appear poor Jarod has run away and hidden himself in shame. Cant say as I blame him I guess. In so many of his poorly made arguments he sets himself up to be later hacked to pieces by more experienced " litigators" such as ourselves. :) I mean,....he just sets himself up to walk right into it like a sacrificial lamb. Dopey guy.....
This thread goes nowhere because it is well known that Trump has since he was a young man wanted the best of the women, and he likes the ones that are a challenge.....and he has tended to get them.