You support a man who sleeps with porn stars

Lurch thinks he knows more than Dershowitz


derp derp goes the retards on the left
Boy, are you trumptard fucks ever losing your shit. I hope the maga tears don't short out this forum before we hear the "guilty" verdict.
You're living in a fantasy world. She signed an agreement not to disclose the relationship. The only "affidavit" is in your fever dreams, no "affidavit" was signed. She explained why she signed it - your mob boss of a former president pressured her, and his thugs were threatening her and her infant daughter.

She came off in her testimony as very credible. You don't know what "perjury" is. You're also losing your shit for everyone to see. Do try to hold it together. More pain is coming as actual justice is done!

Pressured her? :ROFLMAO:

You mean when she and her mob lawyer (who is now in prison) were black mailing him?


Why would anyone care if he slept with porn stars, getting oral sex from interns wasn't a problem for the idiots talking about consensual sex with a full on adult when he wasn't President....
How do you know coke wasn’t discovered in the Trump WhiteHouse?
Because we didn't have 7 quadrillion stories about where and when it was found and by whom, and we'd have had Rachel Maddow, the Harpies on "The View", CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, Telemundo all demanding to see the video.

Why do you want to pretend that it would not be over-reported with never ending speculation if it was discovered in the Trump White House? We see a lack of curiosity from leftist reporters in regard to the Braindead Administration... (did I spell Biden wrong again?). If Trump's son Don Jr. left a baggie of snow in the situation room we would not have heard the end of it and we'd have had constant demands for video. Whoopi and friends would be talking about how Trump sniffs sometimes during speeches... Yeah... I'm pretty certain that no cocaine was discovered in the living area of the White House during Trump's term.

Now, if it were discovered in the White House library in the living area of the current Administration we'd have magic travelling baggies of coke finally and "certainly" being "found" somewhere that the video "just couldn't get to it"... How do I know? Because it was reported to be found first in the library in the living area of the White House, wound up in the Situation room for a minute, but finally landed in the lockers just outside the living area and magically no video was ever found and they just couldn't tell who brought it into the most secure building in the United States of America... The magic baggie moved several times during their incurious and overtly defensive reporting.

Leftist newsies ignored it all... at least until they could "definitively" say that it wasn't found where it was originally reported to be found.
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Pressured her? :ROFLMAO:

You mean when she and her mob lawyer (who is now in prison) were black mailing him?


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LOL- it must have been a bad day for the mango cult leader. Y'all are really losing your shit! By the way, an "affidavit" needs to be notarized! GTFO, yourself!

AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. The signed statement with the denial was publicly released on Jan. 30, 2018. Not long after, Daniels recanted the statement and said that an affair had occurred. She said her denials were due to a non-disclosure agreement and that she signed the statement because parties involved “made it sound like I had no choice.”
She was pressured by your orange rapist king and his thugs, tiger. Just like I said!
Because we didn't have 7 quadrillion stories about where and when it was found and by whom, and we'd have had Rachel Maddow, the Harpies on "The View", CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, Telemundo all demanding to see the video.

Why do you want to pretend that it would not be over-reported with never ending speculation if it was discovered in the Trump White House? We see a lack of curiosity from leftist reporters in regard to the Braindead Administration... (did I spell Biden wrong again?). If Trump's son Don Jr. left a baggie of snow in the situation room we would not have heard the end of it and we'd have had constant demands for video. Whoopi and friends would be talking about how Trump sniffs sometimes during speeches... Yeah... I'm pretty certain that no cocaine was discovered in the living area of the White House during Trump's term.

Now, if it were discovered in the White House library in the living area of the current Administration we'd have magic travelling baggies of coke finally and "certainly" being "found" somewhere that the video "just couldn't get to it"... How do I know? Because it was reported to be found first in the library in the living area of the White House, wound up in the Situation room for a minute, but finally landed in the lockers just outside the living area and magically no video was ever found and they just couldn't tell who brought it into the most secure building in the United States of America... The magic baggie moved several times during their incurious and overtly defensive reporting.

Leftist newsies ignored it all... at least until they could "definitively" say that it wasn't found where it was originally reported to be found.
So we know Trump Administration didn’t report Coke found in the White House, but how do we knot it was never found in the Trump White House?
Because we didn't have 7 quadrillion stories about where and when it was found and by whom, and we'd have had Rachel Maddow, the Harpies on "The View", CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, Telemundo all demanding to see the video.

Why do you want to pretend that it would not be over-reported with never ending speculation if it was discovered in the Trump White House? We see a lack of curiosity from leftist reporters in regard to the Braindead Administration... (did I spell Biden wrong again?). If Trump's son Don Jr. left a baggie of snow in the situation room we would not have heard the end of it and we'd have had constant demands for video. Whoopi and friends would be talking about how Trump sniffs sometimes during speeches... Yeah... I'm pretty certain that no cocaine was discovered in the living area of the White House during Trump's term.

Now, if it were discovered in the White House library in the living area of the current Administration we'd have magic travelling baggies of coke finally and "certainly" being "found" somewhere that the video "just couldn't get to it"... How do I know? Because it was reported to be found first in the library in the living area of the White House, wound up in the Situation room for a minute, but finally landed in the lockers just outside the living area and magically no video was ever found and they just couldn't tell who brought it into the most secure building in the United States of America... The magic baggie moved several times during their incurious and overtly defensive reporting.

Leftist newsies ignored it all... at least until they could "definitively" say that it wasn't found where it was originally reported to be found.
If you watch Trumpper News, you believe Trump was charged with making hush money payments and you keep pointing out over and over again that paying hush money is not a crime!
How so? Do you have any evidence?

He made very specific predictions, none of them are true.

I am experiencing no chaos.
Biden had Wade to the White House to coordinate the prosecution of Trump. The Biden administration DOJ's number three man stepped down to an ASSISTANT DA in New York to prosecute Trump. So much for the hands off that Biden promised.
Something is gross about Trumppees.
Jared supported a man in his run for Governor of Florida who got dog piled by the two gay male prostitutes he hired. In fact they put it to him so bad he was found unconscious on the floor of a seedy hotel laying naked and ass up with assoline and
" other substances" running out of him. His name is Andrew Gillum,....Remember Jarod?

Something is REALLY gross about Jarod.
you support a man who accused an innocent person of kiliing his wife

of stealing speeches to gain power

of lying about grades to gain power

of lying about marches, churches, and pretty much everything under the sun to gain power

retards lack self awareness. to accuse the other guy of being a shit head makes you a retard lacking self awareness
He lied about Hunter's laptop during the debate with Trump. That is like lying on a job interview.
So we know Trump Administration didn’t report Coke found in the White House, but how do we knot it was never found in the Trump White House?
What we do know is that you are trying to deflect from the reality that a bag of coke was discovered in Dementia Joe's living area, then magically traveled around... and we know how the media would act when it was discovered in the Braindead Administration's White House because it was...

Why do you believe that the Secret Service would report finding it in Biden's White House but not tRump's? Because thy just loved them some mango-skinned, sagging fleshed, tweet-addicted, Diet Coke drinking, well-done steak eating President? And why do you think it would matter in that White House any less than it should in Biden's? Why do you believe the incurious leftist press sources would have whispered about it in secret for tRump?

Personally I think you understand what a craptacular President the squinting dementia patient really is, and are desperate to try to deflect all his faults onto a more mango-skinned President in the hopes that folks will let you strawman them into nonsense conversation.


We know it was found in Brandon's White House because the Secret Service reported it found in his White House... Any speculation about tRump's Administration and Cocaine is an attempt to strawman your way out of this conversation.
Jared supported a man in his run for Governor of Florida who got dog piled by the two gay male prostitutes he hired. In fact they put it to him so bad he was found unconscious on the floor of a seedy hotel laying naked and ass up with assoline and
" other substances" running out of him. His name is Andrew Gillum,....Remember Jarod?

Something is REALLY gross about Jarod.
:rofl2: Indeed.
If you watch Trumpper News, you believe Trump was charged with making hush money payments and you keep pointing out over and over again that paying hush money is not a crime!
I have not. Show me a thread with me saying that. I don't think you will find one because I do not remember ever caring about that.

However, I would note that Bragg still has not proven that Trump directed anyone to report that money fraudulently, not even one witness has stated this... so the crime he was actually charged with has not been supported by evidence. We get a porn star's fan fiction version of something that was not a crime and we get a convicted felon that still hasn't said that Trump told him to do it this way.


You try to deflect with nonsense conversations about Biden's White House and Cocaine wondering and speculating about such in a different White House to avoid talking about the Elephant in the room.
You're living in a fantasy world. She signed an agreement not to disclose the relationship. The only "affidavit" is in your fever dreams, no "affidavit" was signed. She explained why she signed it - your mob boss of a former president pressured her, and his thugs were threatening her and her infant daughter.

She came off in her testimony as very credible. You don't know what "perjury" is. You're also losing your shit for everyone to see. Do try to hold it together. More pain is coming as actual justice is done!
You believe the word of a woman that will do ANYTHING for money and a woman that legally owes Trump $500,000 and refuses to pay him. The woman is devoid of morals. Your kind of woman.