You Win

Politalker is right. Whatever the site chooses to allow by way of nazism, Concart, we don't have to tolerate their individual scumbaggery, and it is pleasing meanwhile to have a place where one can look out for the odd Trumper whose mind is not totally destroyed yet. My own problems are two: first, can I really continue to keep my Ignore list down to just twelve? and second, what on earth will I do if the Fuhrer gets back again? There are so many admirable Americans that I don't want to walk away, but beyond a certain point you begin to wonder, I must admit. But if you are and American and give up debating, it'll be down to resorting to the bang-bangs, which would seem to be a pity, however much the evidence points towards just that.

Half the horseshit Deplorables say on this forum they would never say in front of their neighbors, daughters, grandchildren, co-workers.

They even frequently are too ashamed to publicly confess their love and admiration for Trump. Do not take my word for it. Deplorables themselves are on record here claiming that polling undercounts Trump support because Deplorables are reticent to admit their undying love for Fatso.
Hello Cypress,

Half the horseshit Deplorables say on this forum they would never say in front of their neighbors, daughters, grandchildren, co-workers.

They even frequently are too ashamed to publicly confess their love and admiration for Trump. Do not take my word for it. Deplorables themselves are on record here claiming that polling undercounts Trump support because Deplorables are reticent to admit their undying love for Fatso.

Well everybody knows the old polling meme.

If the polls do not support Trump, the polls are 'meaningless, can't be counted on, unreliable.'

If the polls show support for Trump then they are 'great headline news!'
Hello Concart,

That's not true.

All you have to do is raise your moral standard for who you will talk to. Simply refuse to talk to anyone who tries to get personal. It is a simple line that can be drawn. Talking about the subject, OK. Talking about you, not OK.

It's not a political discussion if people start talking about each other.

Then it becomes an insult contest. Who can cut the other the deepest.

I Ignore anybody who crosses that line, and those who post overt racism.

And guess what?

I STILL have plenty of people to talk to and they are not all liberal.

So, here's the deal. Before the internet, the outcasts of society, the messed up minds with hatred in their hearts, the ones who want to blame others for their own inability to enjoy life, all of those people were marginalized.

But with the internet and social media, all of those messed up minds have a way to get their message out.

Whoopie do. So they are going to spread their grief and frustration far and wide.

We don't have to listen.

The best thing we can do is simply ignore all of that.

Then they are just talking to themselves.

So use the Ignore feature extensively, filter out all the garbage, and I think you will find some good people.

Raise your standards and I believe you will find some very good discussions.

The problem is that people quote those you may block rendering the ignore ineffective and their thread subjects are still visible. We could sanitize this place of idiot trolls were those two user features added.

I'm with Concart except I'm staying here until Nov 4th and will then enjoy watching their massive comeuppance

Trump will be a failed single term impeached soon to be indicted worst potus in US history. I won't want to swallow or spit it out quickly,
but it will be the biggest "we told you so" in history. Then I'm gone.
Hello Micawber,

The problem is that people quote those you may block rendering the ignore ineffective and their thread subjects are still visible. We could sanitize this place of idiot trolls were those two user features added.

Yes, it would be better if the quotes of the Ignored were also blocked, but it is an easy habit to do it 'manually.'

It only takes a glance at who is being quoted to shift attention on down the page.

Honestly, I also would prefer to not even see the:

"This message is hidden because X is on your ignore list. "

Sometimes I see pages full of nothing but that as I scroll through a thread looking for anything of substance.

With all the trolls on this site, yes, I do a lot of scrolling.

They do a lot of trolling, so I do a lot of scrolling.
Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.

Please don't go away permanently. You write really good posts and I enjoy reading them. Take a break and "cleanse your palate" of the nasty taste left here by the trolls and trumpers. Sometimes just a week away is refreshing, take it from one who knows. :)
This thread goes to show how the left marinated in Victim Culture cant take free minds/free speech....that when they have to compete on equal footing with others they dont know what to do, safe spaces look attractive to the invalids. In almost any other place this deeply into this next Dark Age they play the victim card to limit and eventually squash all disagreement, but they cant do it here.

You proved OP's point.

The point that was proven is that Concart is an arrogant know it all who thinks people are to be labeled and put in their proper place. The lack of respect he has for individual freedom makes him a lot of things except an American.
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I hope you don't go. I understand what you mean though. The mods let one or two ppl dominate all the discussions with nothing but invective, stupidity, personal attacks, and keyboard diarrhea. Steven VanderMoron and TerriBendsOver4Trump are two of them who add nothing but garbage.
It's that time in the cycle. I think we lost Darla around this time 4 years ago. That sucked. I don't understand why everyone doesn't have these people on ignore? Since Terri got active again, half of my quote notifications are either from her, or another fool whose posts I can't see.

There are assholes here who I haven't responded to in more than 5 years, and they still try and post to me.

It's always been a sewer here. Light moderation comes at a price. I've never had a problem with anything that I can't read! ;)
Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.
Settings/My Settings/Edit Ignore List

It works.
Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.
Ha-ha, you are a f*cking loon, Connie.;)
Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.

I've only been here since Nov 2017 but it has gone really far downhill in that time. I wonder if the mods realize just how many are thinking about jumping ship over the shape of the forum they aren't doing much to change. Any other forum I've visited would have banned trolls talking about killing gays, and spammers like Terri. A side forum on Amazon Forums ended up like this and was axed. A couple of years later they axed all the forums.
I've only been here since Nov 2017 but it has gone really far downhill in that time. I wonder if the mods realize just how many are thinking about jumping ship over the shape of the forum they aren't doing much to change. Any other forum I've visited would have banned trolls talking about killing gays, and spammers like Terri. A side forum on Amazon Forums ended up like this and was axed. A couple of years later they axed all the forums.

Nothing has changed since I got here, only a few names (including yours). Jumping ship? Hell, you're still here. You were moving to Canada a few years ago (and we even said we'd pay for it!), yet here you are.

Yes, they axed the Gold Box forum, so you assholes came to the political forum and that got shitcanned. How many socks did you have there? Hypocrite.
It's that time in the cycle. I think we lost Darla around this time 4 years ago. That sucked. I don't understand why everyone doesn't have these people on ignore? Since Terri got active again, half of my quote notifications are either from her, or another fool whose posts I can't see.

There are assholes here who I haven't responded to in more than 5 years, and they still try and post to me.

It's always been a sewer here. Light moderation comes at a price. I've never had a problem with anything that I can't read! ;)

Yeah, the forum is a lot more bearable if you keep a number of trolls on ignore. It's funny though how they KNOW you're ignoring them yet they are compelled to post to you constantly anyways. Attention whores. lol
Nothing has changed since I got here, only a few names (including yours). Jumping ship? Hell, you're still here. You were moving to Canada a few years ago (and we even said we'd pay for it!), yet here you are.

Yes, they axed the Gold Box forum, so you assholes came to the political forum and that got shitcanned. How many socks did you have there? Hypocrite.

I don't recall Crocodile having socks on Amazon; he did change names often which is probably why you believe that. And then there's Jack, who had at least 15 active socks at once, and Toxic and her dozens as well. And of course Mason, who also had a few active socks. One for each of his Kindles. lol Your toxic gf believes that I had dozens as well, but they all had the same name. :laugh:
I don't recall Crocodile having socks on Amazon; he did change names often which is probably why you believe that. And then there's Jack, who had at least 15 active socks at once, and Toxic and her dozens as well. And of course Mason, who also had a few active socks. One for each of his Kindles. lol Your toxic gf believes that I had dozens as well, but they all had the same name. :laugh:

He said he had them some time back. Yes a number of you had socks or changed names on Amazon (it led to "The Great Purge"). Name changes happen frequently here too.