You Win

He said he had them some time back. Yes a number of you had socks or changed names on Amazon (it led to "The Great Purge"). Name changes happen frequently here too.

LOL @ Great Purge. Good name. I always thought of it as another mass extinction event. :laugh:
I hope you don't go. I understand what you mean though. The mods let one or two ppl dominate all the discussions with nothing but invective, stupidity, personal attacks, and keyboard diarrhea. Steven VanderMoron and TerriBendsOver4Trump are two of them who add nothing but garbage.

Stop your fucking whining. It's pitiful.
Yeah, the forum is a lot more bearable if you keep a number of trolls on ignore. It's funny though how they KNOW you're ignoring them yet they are compelled to post to you constantly anyways. Attention whores. lol
Each time I see a quote notification from one of the morons, an angel gets its wings.
If by 'unreadable', you mean 'because I have all the racists/misogynists blocked, then I agree. My ignore list is very long.

I give up half the time reading through the titles to find something. I can only take in so much stupid before my brain gives the self destruct warnings and I have to give up.
I give up half the time reading through the titles to find something. I can only take in so much stupid before my brain gives the self destruct warnings and I have to give up.

So then why are you here?

Is your life really that thin?
I give up half the time reading through the titles to find something. I can only take in so much stupid before my brain gives the self destruct warnings and I have to give up.
There's a pretty good nucleus of intelligent life here. The forum has a lot of good discussion. Removing all the static helps a lot.
I don't recall Crocodile having socks on Amazon; he did change names often which is probably why you believe that. And then there's Jack, who had at least 15 active socks at once, and Toxic and her dozens as well. And of course Mason, who also had a few active socks. One for each of his Kindles. lol Your toxic gf believes that I had dozens as well, but they all had the same name. :laugh:

I never had any socks active besides the one I used to show Father Bob how stupid he sounded. I called it Deacon Charles. I only had a few account changes because of the troll reporting. I think it was gold forum trolls that might have caused the one purge. I saw them in another forum talking about wanting to make politics the new Gold Box. Despite what RB says I wasn't a Gold Box poster outside of chatting with a poster or two that was up late. Was some of the only activity.
I give up half the time reading through the titles to find something. I can only take in so much stupid before my brain gives the self destruct warnings and I have to give up.

Yep. And of course that's the whole purpose of trolls. They exist to deliberately disrupt conversations and piss ppl off w/o adding anything positive to their existence. It's interesting that most of them are RWers.
Yep. And of course that's the whole purpose of trolls. They exist to deliberately disrupt conversations and piss ppl off w/o adding anything positive to their existence. It's interesting that most of them are RWers.

One of the most unsavory members here says........
I never had any socks active besides the one I used to show Father Bob how stupid he sounded. I called it Deacon Charles. I only had a few account changes because of the troll reporting. I think it was gold forum trolls that might have caused the one purge. I saw them in another forum talking about wanting to make politics the new Gold Box. Despite what RB says I wasn't a Gold Box poster outside of chatting with a poster or two that was up late. Was some of the only activity.

Yeah, I'm not sure what his fixation on that Gold Box forum was. I think most of us looked at it as one of the first forums Amazon directed you to. Saw it was pretty silly, and browsed the list of other forums for something more interesting. So you posted there sometimes... so fucking what? I betcha RB didn't just come right to the politics one directly either.
One of the most unsavory members here says........

<opens AcmeInstantDorkTranslator proggie>Unsavory (adj): A being that 1. Always bests one in a debate. 2. Is wittier than I could ever hope to be. 3. Is far more intelligent than me. 4. Is a woman I could only dream of having.

Only an insincere attention whore "announces" they're leaving.

Anyone who is serious, just goes.

Or people who are angry that playing the victim card does not work here like it does in other places, there is no "You hurt my feelings so you need to shut up now" here like there is in almost every other place now this deeply into this next Dark Age.
Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.

good, now go piss up a rope.
Only an insincere attention whore "announces" they're leaving.

Anyone who is serious, just goes.
I might do a 12b violation so egregious that I’m permabanned when I’m ready. But yeah , announcing is kinda silly.
Kinda like the effeminate politalker announcing I violated his personal ignore policy and he won’t grace me with any more of his passive aggressive conversation.
I might do a 12b violation so egregious that I’m permabanned when I’m ready. But yeah , announcing is kinda silly.
Kinda like the effeminate politalker announcing I violated his personal ignore policy and he won’t grace me with any more of his passive aggressive conversation.
Politalker has a clear policy and sticks to it: demanding decent politeness in those with whom you correspond makes sense. My own problem is that there are so many paid phoneys supporting trumpf and apparently breeding like rabbits that I tend to lose count.
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Politalker has a clear policy and sticks to it: demanding decent politeness in those with whom you correspond makes sense. My own problem is that there are so many paid phoneys supporting trumpf and apparently breeding like rabbits that I tend to lose count.

he's a dickless hypocrite.