You Win

Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.

Most forums are going to be trash dumps; some will be Left-leaning trash dumps like Political Hotwire or Right-leaning trash dumps like USMB. Some are just racist, Nazi trash dumps like Trinnity's TPF. I've found none that are not well over 50% bullshit. It's the nature of the best. If you find one that is not, please PM me.

As it is, it's like panning for gold in a river of bullshit. There are nuggets here, but putting up with nutjobs and assholes like Teflon Don, Legion, IBDa, Katzgar, jacksonsprat22, etc is just part of the package of online anonymous behavior.
It's amazing how so few can ruin the experience for everyone.

It's a virtual reality. IMO, no one can ruin my fun since I just identify the nutjobs and either skip over their bullshit or explore their insanity with questions.

Like the old saying goes, "If you ain't havin' fun, you're doing it wrong!" :)
Most forums are going to be trash dumps; some will be Left-leaning trash dumps like Political Hotwire or Right-leaning trash dumps like USMB. Some are just racist, Nazi trash dumps like Trinnity's TPF. I've found none that are not well over 50% bullshit. It's the nature of the best. If you find one that is not, please PM me.

As it is, it's like panning for gold in a river of bullshit. There are nuggets here, but putting up with nutjobs and assholes like Teflon Don, Legion, IBDa, Katzgar, jacksonsprat22, etc is just part of the package of online anonymous behavior.

^ This. I just try to find my lane and stay within it. If you can't ignore those aspects on a board this size it'll never last.
Yep. And of course that's the whole purpose of trolls. They exist to deliberately disrupt conversations and piss ppl off w/o adding anything positive to their existence. It's interesting that most of them are RWers.

Agreed on all points. Why do you think most are RWers? I agree with you, just trying to understand a different perspective on why that fact exists.
^ This. I just try to find my lane and stay within it. If you can't ignore those aspects on a board this size it'll never last.

Agreed in general about "lane" and completely about ignoring aspects. One unique aspect of this forum is the allowance of sock puppets. Teflon Don, IBDaMann and Mason all have multiple sock puppets so you could be attacked by 3-4 different "people" when, in reality, it's only one poor, deluded lying POS nutjob.

On the subject of lane, I do my best to stay true and honest, but admit to engaging in virtual drive-by shootings when it comes to sock puppeteers. They are liars and scum so l consider it "Open Season" on all of them. :)
Are we almost to the part yet where you accuse him/her of being my sock? :laugh:

The paranoia is socks is catching since there are so many of them on this forum. That, of course, becomes multiplied by those who are already paranoid or otherwise mentally ill.
Agreed on all points. Why do you think most are RWers? I agree with you, just trying to understand a different perspective on why that fact exists.

I think it's because the Right has lost most rationality, civility, and any desire to calmly discuss the issues facing us and possible solutions. Even the few RWers here who are civil and who don't go in for trolling and personal attacks have no interest really in figuring out how to solve our problems if that means compromise with the Left. There are plenty of LWers who are the same way, but they seem less likely to be trolls as well.
Looking at the threads on the front page has finally tipped me to the logical conclusion that this is not Political discussion board. It is a garbage dump populated by and catering to White Nationalists. I might give it a try after the election when their voices have been silenced, but attempts at discussion here are an exercise in futility.

You win. It's all yours.

Ask Dutch Uncle about how Toxic Top followed him around for days accusing him of being a sock. Every new person is carefully sniffed and almost always accused. The "Interesting comment" is your first clue. lol

Okay, now I get it. At first I thought they recognized me from elsewhere.
I think it's because the Right has lost most rationality, civility, and any desire to calmly discuss the issues facing us and possible solutions. Even the few RWers here who are civil and who don't go in for trolling and personal attacks have no interest really in figuring out how to solve our problems if that means compromise with the Left. There are plenty of LWers who are the same way, but they seem less likely to be trolls as well.
