You Win

The following is a demonstration of how to rid yourself of trolls, tards, and twats. :laugh:

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I think it's because the Right has lost most rationality, civility, and any desire to calmly discuss the issues facing us and possible solutions. Even the few RWers here who are civil and who don't go in for trolling and personal attacks have no interest really in figuring out how to solve our problems if that means compromise with the Left. There are plenty of LWers who are the same way, but they seem less likely to be trolls as well.

Yes, the American Republican party/Right Wing is like that but "the Right" and "the Left" have existed since tribal days. Sorry if I didn't ask clearly enough; what I'm curious about why you believe most members of JPP, or the US for that matter, lean Right as suggested in your previous post:

Yep. And of course that's the whole purpose of trolls. They exist to deliberately disrupt conversations and piss ppl off w/o adding anything positive to their existence. It's interesting that most of them are RWers.
Yes, it's interesting to me too as is the far left.

I'm trying to fully understand the links below and put them into perspective of US political parties and online personalities.
As Americans continued to lean more Democratic than Republican in their party preferences in 2019, the ideological balance of the country remained center-right, with 37% of Americans, on average, identifying as conservative during the year, 35% as moderate and 24% as liberal.–right_political_spectrum#Ideological_groupings
Generally, the left-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right-wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism".[16] Political scientists and other analysts regard the left as including anarchists,[17] communists, socialists, democratic socialists, social democrats,[18] left-libertarians, progressives and social liberals.[19][20] Movements for racial equality[21] and trade unionism have also been associated with the left.[22]

Political scientists and other analysts regard the right as including conservatives, right-libertarians,[23] neoconservatives, imperialists, monarchists,[24] fascists,[25] reactionaries and traditionalists. A number of significant political movements do not fit precisely into the left-right spectrum, including Christian democracy,[26] feminism,[27][28] and regionalism.[27][28][29] Though nationalism is often regarded as a right-wing doctrine, many nationalists favor egalitarian distributions of resources. There are also "liberal nationalists".[30] Populism is regarded as having both left-wing and right-wing manifestations in the form of left-wing populism and right-wing populism, respectively.[31] Green politics is often regarded as a movement of the left, but in some ways the green movement is difficult to definitively categorize as left or right.[32]
Backs away slowly.
Ask Dutch Uncle about how Toxic Top followed him around for days accusing him of being a sock. Every new person is carefully sniffed and almost always accused. The "Interesting comment" is your first clue. lol

Now tell him about TOP's "Priceless" and other single word responses. :)

As I'm sure ericgtr is seeing now, there are certain personalities who are extremely juvenile and/or mentally ill or deficient. I favor the latter for steven, Teflon Don, Matt, AssHatZombie, IBDa and several others. It's one thing to just vent frustration, and we all have our moods, but those who make it their life's goal to troll and/or spread hate are clearly mentally ill.

My guess is the Internet is their "safe space" where they can act as crazy as they feel within being arrested, committed or punched.
Now tell him about TOP's "Priceless" and other single word responses. :)

As I'm sure ericgtr is seeing now, there are certain personalities who are extremely juvenile and/or mentally ill or deficient. I favor the latter for steven, Teflon Don, Matt, AssHatZombie, IBDa and several others. It's one thing to just vent frustration, and we all have our moods, but those who make it their life's goal to troll and/or spread hate are clearly mentally ill.

My guess is the Internet is their "safe space" where they can act as crazy as they feel within being arrested, committed or punched.

I can go low brow with the best of them. ;)
I can go low brow with the best of them. ;)

You are in the right place, sir!

This forum is very liberal on the rules. The #1 do-not-cross rule is 12b; don't call or allude another person is a pedophile. That's get you hurt. It's tolerated to talk about public figures such as Trump's trips with Epstein or repeat QAnon's pedophile claims against Biden, but never, ever imply that about a member.! :)
You are in the right place, sir!

This forum is very liberal on the rules. The #1 do-not-cross rule is 12b; don't call or allude another person is a pedophile. That's get you hurt. It's tolerated to talk about public figures such as Trump's trips with Epstein or repeat QAnon's pedophile claims against Biden, but never, ever imply that about a member.! :)

Um, yeah... I would never come close to talking about such things so I think I'm good. :whoa:
Um, yeah... I would never come close to talking about such things so I think I'm good. :whoa:

A lot of name-calling exists on this forum. I'm guilty too but others make it their life's quest to do so as previously discussed. Regardless, don't break rule 12b and have fun.
Since we both greeted the newbie it obviously has to be one of us. Either that, or we just enjoy some new bloods here and like greeting newbies.

Too bad Toxic's sock-spotting team is MIA. She's on her own now. lol

New guy seems like he'll do just fine here.
Yes, the American Republican party/Right Wing is like that but "the Right" and "the Left" have existed since tribal days. Sorry if I didn't ask clearly enough; what I'm curious about why you believe most members of JPP, or the US for that matter, lean Right as suggested in your previous post:

What I meant is that most of the trolls seem to be RWers, both here and elsewhere. I see this a lot on our local NBC affiliate's FB page, particularly with stories relating to the virus. Most of the name-calling, bullshit, personal attacks, and hate come from the RWers. How can we tell if they are RWers? They hate our (D) governor and call her a "Nazi" (and that's the nicest of the epithets). They don't think #COVID45 has done anything wrong in handling the pandemic, the virus is no worse than a cold or the flu, every posted statistic is "fear-mongering," and so on. Every commenter who posts something positive about the governor or negative about Trump's response is viciously attacked.
What I meant is that most of the trolls seem to be RWers, both here and elsewhere. I see this a lot on our local NBC affiliate's FB page, particularly with stories relating to the virus. Most of the name-calling, bullshit, personal attacks, and hate come from the RWers. How can we tell if they are RWers? They hate our (D) governor and call her a "Nazi" (and that's the nicest of the epithets). They don't think #COVID45 has done anything wrong in handling the pandemic, the virus is no worse than a cold or the flu, every posted statistic is "fear-mongering," and so on. Every commenter who posts something positive about the governor or negative about Trump's response is viciously attacked.

That goes to my question of why you think RWers do this more than LWers. You know there are LW trolls on JPP, just fewer here and on USMB. None on Trinnity's Stormfront Lite forum. LW trolls dominate forums like PH.
That goes to my question of why you think RWers do this more than LWers. You know there are LW trolls on JPP, just fewer here and on USMB. None on Trinnity's Stormfront Lite forum. LW trolls dominate forums like PH.

Oddly I've rarely come across LW trolls. RW trolls are everywhere right now and they are encouraged more than ever. You should see the butthurt from them on music reviews on Itunes. It's gotten so bad that occasionally they'll just reload and purge all the reviews because they have no construct to the music.
Oddly I've rarely come across LW trolls. RW trolls are everywhere right now and they are encouraged more than ever. You should see the butthurt from them on music reviews on Itunes. It's gotten so bad that occasionally they'll just reload and purge all the reviews because they have no construct to the music.

How many LW trolls do you think are on JPP? No names, just a number of usernames you'd consider more trollish than not. 1? 3? 5? More?