Young adults increasingly more Democratic

Young adults always start out as Libtards; then they grow up, get jobs and start families and pay taxes. That's when they become Conservative.

The good news for us is that these young dupes who have been brain washed by our educational establishment to be low information clueless twits do not tend to vote.

This post gave me cancer
Do you even understand what fascism is?

Yes I do; do you? Apparently not because lefttards love to suppress others free speech rights and target businesses and individuals for not thinking like they do.

Was it Conservatives who graffiti Chick-Fil-La sites because they are Christian and don't believe in Gay marriage? Was it Conservatives who attacked and damaged businesses in New York and other cities in protests against BIG business?

Was it Conservatives who forced the resignation of a CEO because he dared to donate $1,000 to a proposition they disagreed with?

Beware of Fascist tendencies as they tend to take hold even when YOUR "deciders" are no longer in power.
Yes I do; do you? Apparently not because lefttards love to suppress others free speech rights and target businesses and individuals for not thinking like they do.

Was it Conservatives who graffiti Chick-Fil-La sites because they are Christian and don't believe in Gay marriage? Was it Conservatives who attacked and damaged businesses in New York and other cities in protests against BIG business?

Was it Conservatives who forced the resignation of a CEO because he dared to donate $1,000 to a proposition they disagreed with?

Beware of Fascist tendencies as they tend to take hold even when YOUR "deciders" are no longer in power.

Conservative logic:Anyone who commits a crime has a political stance
worse yet...anyone who commits a crime is a liberal AND a fascist!

Nothing can be worse than a lying slum dwelling expat erupting with strawman claims and outright lies and distortions.

But when it comes to dishonest lying assholes, you have no peer shit-for-brains.
this from the guy who doesn't know the difference between an epithet and an epitaph.

fucking idiot.

This from a dishonest hyper partisan thread troll who desperately attempts to derail a thread by falsely claiming that I don't know the difference.

But alas, who would ever acuse you of being honest or truthful. After all, you're nothing more than a repugnant slum dwelling expat retard on steroids.
:::yawn:::: if there was a lie out there somewhere, you'd have produced it by now.

You're lying when you claim I don't know the difference between epithet and epitaph. You're continuing attempts to derail the thread with that false claim is dishonest and retarded.

But alas, since when did a hyper partisan leftist asshole like you ever concern yourself with mundane things like honesty, truth or the facts? You would prefer to wallow in that cesspool of ignorance you seem to prefer while erupting with painfully stupid arguments about how the tax code can create equality and fairness; but only if it is managed by your "deciders" who care more than anyone else on the planet.

It is a comfort zone for clueless dunces like you.
You're lying when you claim I don't know the difference between epithet and epitaph. You're continuing attempts to derail the thread with that false claim is dishonest and retarded.

But alas, since when did a hyper partisan leftist asshole like you ever concern yourself with mundane things like honesty, truth or the facts? You would prefer to wallow in that cesspool of ignorance you seem to prefer while erupting with painfully stupid arguments about how the tax code can create equality and fairness; but only if it is managed by your "deciders" who care more than anyone else on the planet.

It is a comfort zone for clueless dunces like you.

It's not a LIE. Your own posts show you didn't know the difference. It's easy to claim that your technology somehow failed you, but your saying THAT after the fact does not make it a lie for me to point out that your own words would indicate you do not understand the difference between the two.... AND you're a lousy proof reader to boot!

It's not a LIE. Your own posts show you didn't know the difference. It's easy to claim that your technology somehow failed you, but your saying THAT after the fact does not make it a lie for me to point out that your own words would indicate you do not understand the difference between the two.... AND you're a lousy proof reader to boot!

Yes shit-for-brains; an honor graduate doesn't know the difference. You're an idiot and thread troll of epic proportions.
