Young adults increasingly more Democratic

and being an "honor graduate" from an auto mechanic school is really not all that much to brag about....

certainly not enough to let you legitimately claim to be smarter than West Point's 1966 valedictorian, that's for damn sure.
you remind me of this yahoo I ran into once while I was working for the Maine Senate Democrats.... he was griping that his worker's comp claim had been screwed up... he came in and said that his job was "The Dean of Admissions at the Maine Academy". I hadn't heard of that school so I did some checking around and found out he was talking about The Maine Academy of Hair Design. I'll bet he was an "honor graduate" as well!

you remind me of this yahoo I ran into once while I was working for the Maine Senate Democrats.... he was griping that his worker's comp claim had been screwed up... he came in and said that his job was "The Dean of Admissions at the Maine Academy". I hadn't heard of that school so I did some checking around and found out he was talking about The Maine Academy of Hair Design. I'll bet he was an "honor graduate" as well!


You remind me of this video:
And... as for this thread... I've got three children.... all three college graduates.... one with his master's in choral conducting, another getting ready to graduate (#8 in her class) from Law School, and the third, a software engineer in NYC...

all three are democrats... all three have shown no tendencies to switch their party affiliations as they move up the socio-economic ladder.
morons who have a tough time stringing words together - or knowing the meanings of words - often resort to posting stupid little videos in lieu of taxing their tiny brains by having to actually compose cogent thoughts.

that would be YOU, TD.
And... as for this thread... I've got three children.... all three college graduates.... one with his master's in choral conducting, another getting ready to graduate (#8 in her class) from Law School, and the third, a software engineer in NYC...

all three are democrats... all three have shown no tendencies to switch their party affiliations as they move up the socio-economic ladder.

morons who have a tough time stringing words together - or knowing the meanings of words - often resort to posting stupid little videos in lieu of taxing their tiny brains by having to actually compose cogent thoughts.

that would be YOU, TD.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; people who have a hard time dealing with lying dishonest thread trolls like you and your tireless effort to engage in the never ending circle of stupidity tend to resort to videos that illustrate how pointless it is to engage morons like you at any intellectual level.

It’s always best to just point at idiots like you and laugh.

Your pathetic life is what must be compelling you to spend so much time here trying to remove any doubt what a slum dwelling partisan dunce you are.
if I'm dwelling in a slum, I am just pissed I didn't figure out how to do so earlier in life!

Does the beer fridge in your single wide keep the Colt 45 good and cold?
And I showed evidence from MY family that your assertion that people become more conservative as they become older and more educated is far from universal.
And I showed evidence from MY family that your assertion that people become more conservative as they become older and more educated is far from universal.

Wrong again dumbass; you provided anecdotal claims that are not supported by any REAL facts. Something you seem to do often without the slightest clue how stupid you look doing so.

Read and get a clue so you can become less of a moron:
Wrong again dumbass; you provided anecdotal claims that are not supported by any REAL facts. Something you seem to do often without the slightest clue how stupid you look doing so.

Read and get a clue so you can become less of a moron:

your data does not show a shift towards conservatism in gen-x or millennials...if anything, democrats have gained over time in those groups. Your data does show that more people are identifying as independents, but that certainly does not directly correlate to being less liberal or more conservative. Your data does show that, regardless of party affiliation, the population's overall political identification - liberal, moderate, conservative - has remained unchanged for quite some time.

And my own assertion as to my own children's political affiliation is a real fact, sorry.
your data does not show a shift towards conservatism in gen-x or millennials...if anything, democrats have gained over time in those groups. Your data does show that more people are identifying as independents, but that certainly does not directly correlate to being less liberal or more conservative.

Wrong again; but you had to do more than make a superficial glance at the charts.

Democrats have not made more gains; in fact, based on recent elections they are losing that generation to “Independents”.

Silent Generation Turns More Republican
Among Millennials, the youngest generational group (born 1981-1994), 45% say they are independents, a jump of six points since 2008. At the same time, the share of Millennials who identify as Democrats has dropped from a peak of 35% in the year Obama was elected to 31% today.

There is a similar pattern among Gen Xers (born 1965-1980). Currently, 42% say they are independents, 29% are Democrats and 24% align with the GOP. In 2008, 34% each said they were independents or Democrats, while 25% said they were Republicans.

The number of Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964) calling themselves independents has edged up as well – from 31% in 2008 to 34% this year. Currently, as many say they are independents as say they are Democrats. The number of Baby Boomers saying they identify as Democrats has edged down slightly from 36% in 2008 to 34%, while the number who say they are Republicans is unchanged from four years ago (27%).

The Silent generation (born 1928-1945) is the only one in which Republicans have gained ground since 2008. Currently, 34% say they are Republicans while an equal percentage identifies as Democrats; 27% say they are independents. Four years ago, the Democrats held a 38% to 29% advantage over the GOP among the Silent generation. The proportion of the Silent generation affiliating with the Republican Party is at its highest point in two decades.

Millennials, who are 18 to 30, have voted more Democratic than older voters in the last four national elections. They came of age in the Clinton and Bush eras, and hold liberal attitudes on most social and governmental issues, as well as America’s approach to foreign policy.
In other words, younger tend to vote more Liberally until they get OLDER.

Your data does show that, regardless of party affiliation, the population's overall political identification - liberal, moderate, conservative - has remained unchanged for quite some time.

So that would again make me correct and the thread premise false; thank you.

And my own assertion as to my own children's political affiliation is a real fact, sorry.

It is anecdotal bullshit.
why do you spend over half your post talking about the silent generation, when the topic of the thread is young adults?

Oh wait... I know why... because you are losing the argument. That makes sense.
and again... "losing" the generation to independents means nothing if, on election day, those independents vote for the democrat. Which, in the last two elections, they have done.... and, when the democrats have a woman at the top of their ticket, the women independents, and the moderate republican woman and every single democratic woman vote for her, who gives a fuck what percent of the electorate is independent or not?
why do you spend over half your post talking about the silent generation, when the topic of the thread is young adults?

Oh wait... I know why... because you are losing the argument. That makes sense.

Dear dumbass; while you have done nothing but bloviate in blissful ignorance providing anectdotal bullshit, I have shown that the thread OP is a massive pile of bullshit; typical for leftists dunces like the threads author.

The silent generation part was one small paragraph you ignorant dunce.

What is shown by the data is obvious; while you are young, you tend to vote more Liberally. As you age you tend to grow more Conservative. We call this "growing up". Try it sometime, you might like it.

But the data also indicates that rather than becoming more Democratic, young adults are choosing to avoid being associated with the two major parties.

But alas, I'm arguing with an idiot who finds the "obvious" difficult to comprehend.
and again... "losing" the generation to independents means nothing if, on election day, those independents vote for the democrat. Which, in the last two elections, they have done.... and, when the democrats have a woman at the top of their ticket, the women independents, and the moderate republican woman and every single democratic woman vote for her, who gives a fuck what percent of the electorate is independent or not?

LMAO; you really are too stupid for prime time shit-for-brains.
clearly, the Gallup data proves the point of the OP.

From discussions with my children, some of the major factors that are driving young people away from the GOP are social versus economic. Acceptance of gays and minorities among young people is widespread. Do you think they will suddenly become anti-gay or racist after they reach middle age? As long as the GOP continues to use social wedge issues to gain votes among older demographic groups, they further alienate youth with those same issues.