Young hunter gets 2 deer in 1 shot on 1st hunt

Norah likes boots.

Yee Haaaw!
people dont often realize what actually goes into things that they eat and even cosmetics that they put on their face and skin and hair. There are animal products in alot of things.

This has to be untrue and everything that liberals use, is manufactured out of rainbows and Unicorn farts. :D
Because if you have and you enjoyed that meal then you also contribute to the continuation of the process that you are right now condemning.

Plus; I don't remember anyone saying that they ENJOYED the death struggle of one of God's creatures, seeing as how most hunters would prefer a instant kill. :dunno:
I wonder how many people really eat everything they kill? I mean, really, and they're not just saying that because it's an excuse for killing animals.

Venison is a great tasting meat. I doubt much goes to waste.
The only thing better is moose thoughI hear elk is very good too.
I've always lived in a state where hunting is sacred but it still scares me to think of someone getting an adrenaline rush when ready to shoot. IMO that's why a number of hunters get killed every season, someone gets excited and pulls the trigger and kills Elmer Fudd instead of a deer.

Of course you get an adrenaline rush. You are about to take the life of one of God's living breathing creatures. I don't take that lightly.

I get you don't understand hunting so maybe you should mind your own bidness about it?