Your Dutch Uncle

So what do you weld?

Mostly steel with a stick or MIG/wire feed welder, but I have a TIG which I want to spend more time with along with aluminum welding.

I've modified trailers into kayak carriers. Usually I sold them for a little profit; letting someone else pay for my practice. :)

I've welded racks for my equipment, frames for window air conditioners and several other small projects using angle iron, usually 3/16 X 1.5 to 2 inches. It's fun and I enjoy it as a hobby. Do you weld or are you interested in learning?
I agree with the good pastor, and you. Attitude is very important in life. I chose to be positive and kind for the most part and grateful, very grateful.

Agreed 100%. Life is too short to spend it bitching and moaning. Better to just enjoy the ride. :)
That would make sense to me but I haven't seen any studies on it.

Off hand, I think a person who hides behind socks is a coward. Odd, and a bit nutty too, since all of us are using anonymous usernames to begin with so why would having a second anonymous username do anything but be an example of virtual masturbation; a person jerking themselves off online.

What are your thoughts about people who use sock puppets?

FWIW, this is the only forum I know that allows multiple usernames. IMO, it's a waste of time and effort to run two accounts on one forum. I'm busy enough having one username on two forums.

To keep three Kindles logged on,without having to log off and on.
USFreedom911 and his disgusting gf Top AKA Toxic Twat are obsessed with socks.
To keep three Kindles logged on,without having to log off and on.
USFreedom911 and his disgusting gf Top AKA Toxic Twat are obsessed with socks.

It would not surprise me that they use sock puppets. Like high school students who think high school is "real life" and that what happens there will matter 5 or 10 years later, people who take forums so seriously they have sock puppets are missing out on reality.
Sounds like paranoia to me. Not unusual for shut-ins and those in facilities.

Not yet, but a couple either outright accused me or danced around accusing me of being a sock. IMO, it's indicative of those personalities who have feelings of guilt such as cheaters always suspect their spouse of cheating, liars always think they're being lied too and thieves always think people are stealing from them.

USFreedom911 was sniffing around to see if you were Mason.
Him and his gf,think Mason has over 20 socks.
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To keep three Kindles logged on,without having to log off and on.
USFreedom911 and his disgusting gf Top AKA Toxic Twat are obsessed with socks.

I<3Possums - Stop being dumb Mason

Posted by I<3Possums

Post #30
Mason I'm just gonna give all your alts a tag so I don't have to constantly look and confirm.

You've got at least 10 names at this point and we're probably gonna delete them. Thread closed.

1. M. V. Mason (Marxist Mason, Mason, Norman Dezman, Mason Michaels,Mason Margot, Anne and Margot, Trigger Happy, Margot Frank) / Join Date 10-02-2017

2 . Master Fang / Join Date 10-13-2017

3. Margot (Larry Longtree, Brunette, Norma Jean Wilson) / Join Date 10-19-2017

4. Nose Picker / Join Date 10-21-2017

5. Crazy Cat Lady / Join Date 11-10-2017

6. Wyvgard / Join Date 11-25-2017

7. Troll (Billie) / Join Date 12-03-2017

8. TeachersTouchHearts4Ever (2TeachIs2TouchKidz) / Join Date 12-22-2017

9. TrueCompanion / Join Date 12-28-2017

10. Cancel 2019.1 (Shallon Peterson, Shallon Margot,Ronald Ragin, Anne Frank) / Join Date 01-20-2018

11. Gotcha68 / Join Date 01-29-2018

12. Pot (Fender) / Join Date 02-02-2018

13. RonH / Join Date 05-05-2018

14. dUIgRRL / Join Date 05-15-2018

15. GamerGod / Join Date 05-20-2018

16. DebraDoesDonald /Join Date 05-22-2018

17. StraightFlush (KrustyKathy) / Join Date 11-03-2018

18. John Barron / Join Date 02-21-2019

19. Miss Margot Frank (Frank Sisters,Angel of Death, Judy Jone, Sylvia Stonehedge, Jackie Johnston) / Join Date 03-08-2019

20. Buck Tucker / Join Date 08-05-2019

21. Muse / Join Date 08-05-2019

22. Lilith / Join Date 08-06-2019

23. Anne Frank (Matt Henderson, Right Wingski, Lilly W, Sally Socks, Philip Marlowe, Twelve Beaski, Nails Nixon, Norma Newman) / Join Date 07-07-19

24. U.S.A. Fucktard Wrangler (Repub Brand Suppositories, Goddess Greta, JPP Plunger, President Kaepernick,Confederate Butt Plug, AK-47 Testis Replacement, USfreedomMason911) / Join Date 07-07-19

25. Embarrassed American / Join Date 01-10-2020

It would not surprise me that they use sock puppets. Like high school students who think high school is "real life" and that what happens there will matter 5 or 10 years later, people who take forums so seriously they have sock puppets are missing out on reality.

I have 3 Kindles,when the battery goes down,I switch Kindles,which has a different account,so I can keep all logged on,to save the hassle.
But USF and his gf,who was a friend at Amazon Forums,till I became friends with her rival,are obsessed with me and think I have 20 socks.
It would not surprise me that they use sock puppets. Like high school students who think high school is "real life" and that what happens there will matter 5 or 10 years later, people who take forums so seriously they have sock puppets are missing out on reality.

LOL at Mason, LOL.

I have 3 Kindles,when the battery goes down,I switch Kindles,which has a different account,so I can keep all logged on,to save the hassle.
But USF and his gf,who was a friend at Amazon Forums,till I became friends with her rival,are obsessed with me and think I have 20 socks.

I don't know his GF. Any pics? He does seem a little obsessive but that goes with paranoia.
Mostly steel with a stick or MIG/wire feed welder, but I have a TIG which I want to spend more time with along with aluminum welding.

I've modified trailers into kayak carriers. Usually I sold them for a little profit; letting someone else pay for my practice. :)

I've welded racks for my equipment, frames for window air conditioners and several other small projects using angle iron, usually 3/16 X 1.5 to 2 inches. It's fun and I enjoy it as a hobby. Do you weld or are you interested in learning?

My hobby is working on old cars: restoring, some modifications. Back in the day I bought a Craftsman stick welder so I could fix rust-damaged frame components on my daily driver, a '72 full sized Ford. I bought one too big for what I needed it for, 240V so I had to make an expensive extension cord and plug it into a clothes dryer outlet. Plus the thing weighed like 100 pounds. I got rid of it about five years ago when I got rid of an unprofitable restoration shop that I owned for a short while.

Last year I bought a sweet little 120V Lincoln wire feed that can use flux-core wire, or solid with gas. It's perfect for automotive. I haven't used the gas yet. The damn thing is like cheating. One of my first tasks was to lengthen a 1/4" diameter control rod. I added in a 1" piece near the center- turned out perfect.

Last week I was repairing a power window on a barn find project and discovered that one of the tracks had broken away from a bracket. The flux core wire worked good enough on the dissimilar, plated metals with limited access. Saved me from having to dismantle the entire mechanism. Got a little fire going inside the door but I had a spray bottle of water at the ready.
My hobby is working on old cars: restoring, some modifications. Back in the day I bought a Craftsman stick welder so I could fix rust-damaged frame components on my daily driver, a '72 full sized Ford. I bought one too big for what I needed it for, 240V so I had to make an expensive extension cord and plug it into a clothes dryer outlet. Plus the thing weighed like 100 pounds. I got rid of it about five years ago when I got rid of an unprofitable restoration shop that I owned for a short while.

Last year I bought a sweet little 120V Lincoln wire feed that can use flux-core wire, or solid with gas. It's perfect for automotive. I haven't used the gas yet. The damn thing is like cheating. One of my first tasks was to lengthen a 1/4" diameter control rod. I added in a 1" piece near the center- turned out perfect.

Last week I was repairing a power window on a barn find project and discovered that one of the tracks had broken away from a bracket. The flux core wire worked good enough on the dissimilar, plated metals with limited access. Saved me from having to dismantle the entire mechanism. Got a little fire going inside the door but I had a spray bottle of water at the ready.

Auto restoration is a good hobby. I also have a Lincoln 140 (120v) plus also use a lot of flux core. I have gas and the flux-core is messier, but it's also easier to lug either my Lincoln or Millermatic 211 around without an Argon bottle too.

LOL on the "little fire". BTDT a few times including my own clothes.
Can't post her pic,that's personal information.Against the rules

Only in public. Private messages are fine.

1. No posting private information without consent... We will delete the posts and you will likely not have access for at least a couple of days, if not permanently. Private information would be information that could be used to find out who you are and/or where you live, how to contact you. If you post your own information it is the same thing as giving permission for others to use that information, please be careful what you post so you do not give information that you do not want public. This is a public forum that guests can read, any information you post is available to the public.

2. PMs are Private Messages, they will remain Private... This will be strictly adhered to by all involved on this board. We cannot access anybody's PMs and we don't plan on acquiring the ability to do so. The only reason we would access another's PMs would be if we were required to by law, or if they are reported by the recipient using the reporting function which will place the PM in an area readable by the Admin Team. Reputation comments are not PMs and should be treated as any publicly accessible information.
Auto restoration is a good hobby. I also have a Lincoln 140 (120v) plus also use a lot of flux core. I have gas and the flux-core is messier, but it's also easier to lug either my Lincoln or Millermatic 211 around without an Argon bottle too.

LOL on the "little fire". BTDT a few times including my own clothes.

I use Brake-Klean a lot for quick paint prep because it dries fast and I have little patience, and used it on that job to clean grease off the weld area. I covered the painted side of the door (fiberglass) with an old towel and sprayed it with water to keep it from catching fire. Then more Brake-Klean on the weld area to remove the water. It's lighter than water so was floating on the puddles of water inside the door. You can figure out what happened next.
I use Brake-Klean a lot for quick paint prep because it dries fast and I have little patience, and used it on that job to clean grease off the weld area. I covered the painted side of the door (fiberglass) with an old towel and sprayed it with water to keep it from catching fire. Then more Brake-Klean on the weld area to remove the water. It's lighter than water so was floating on the puddles of water inside the door. You can figure out what happened next.

LOL. Yup, flammables and welding don't mix.
Only in public. Private messages are fine.

1. No posting private information without consent... We will delete the posts and you will likely not have access for at least a couple of days, if not permanently. Private information would be information that could be used to find out who you are and/or where you live, how to contact you. If you post your own information it is the same thing as giving permission for others to use that information, please be careful what you post so you do not give information that you do not want public. This is a public forum that guests can read, any information you post is available to the public.

2. PMs are Private Messages, they will remain Private... This will be strictly adhered to by all involved on this board. We cannot access anybody's PMs and we don't plan on acquiring the ability to do so. The only reason we would access another's PMs would be if we were required to by law, or if they are reported by the recipient using the reporting function which will place the PM in an area readable by the Admin Team. Reputation comments are not PMs and should be treated as any publicly accessible information.

I learned the hard way PM's aren't private!
It caused me a 2 month ban!