Your Dutch Uncle

Answer my question.

How can I do that when I have no idea what posts you are writing about? If you want to have a serious, adult discussion, then please repost your post and my reply otherwise everyone will just see you having a snit over an imaginary affront.
BTW, for the record since I just realized I haven't posted this: I'm an Independent politically. I was a Republican for 38 years until, to paraphrase the late, great Ronald Reagan, "I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me".

You can't even lie without looking like a dishonest douchebag. :laugh:
I like the compassion and understanding in these comments.

You can't even lie without looking like a dishonest douchebag. :laugh:
...because he is just your typical dishonest leftist douchebag?
It appears Truth Detector is highly upset with me. Sad, but expected of shut-ins and the mentally ill. These people shouldn't be hated, just pitied.

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Yep. We all are laughing at you. You are so triggered that you don't even realize that you're triggered. :laugh:

Sad, but true. He's so angry and hateful, he must truly be in a lot of pain. Would it really surprise anyone if he suddenly disappeared from this forum one day? Pitiful