Your Dutch Uncle

You never made any point.

While there is wisdom in "Don't feed the Trolls", there is even greater wisdom in "Don't taunt the mentally ill".

If someone is just being an idiot, I have no problem messing with them like using a Laser to toy with a cat, but in the case of someone I consider to be mentally ill, it's like stealing candy from babies. More pathetic than fun.

Yes, I've been on a few days, made several posts already but recently wrote much of what is posted below and thought it was appropriate to edit a bit and put it here so y'all know where I was coming from.

Not bragging, but my Bachelor degree was in Behavioral Psychology, late 1970s. Although mine was a military aviation career, I always maintained an interest in that field of study. Yes, I was able to apply it in my career and life, but I never did actual work (research) in the field.

I've been online since 1986 when there were BBS's using 300 baud could actually see the words type across the screen as the other person responded. In those days we'd meet once a quarter, drink beer and share software on 5.25" discs, later 3.5" discs. I wasn't a member of political forums until around 2008. Since then, and getting to the point, I've noticed that there seems to be more mentally ill people online than in real life (IRL).

In some ways I think it might not be mental illness but an example of "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts". The mask of anonymity given by online forums allows people to say their true thoughts without fear of recrimination. That point aside, and I do believe it's the most common reason some people are bigoted, biased assholes regardless of political affiliation, my observations over the years tell me that there are, indeed, a higher number of truly mentally ill people online.

Here's my theory on why: anyone with access to the Internet can log on to a forum. People shut in behind locked doors of a private mental facility, retirement home or group home can access computers. Even if a person, and notice there's lot of elderly people online, is living with their adult child, due to health, they can't get out much and the Internet is their access to the world. Their primary access. Being in pain, they express that pain in posts to virtual others, "people" they think are as real as the ones they kill in video games or beat in Farmville, whatever.

Last point: people who are angry and/or hateful are often in pain. Most people are good. A happy person is often good. An unhappy person often is not good. These are generalities, so individuals vary, but it's not that hard to look at others on this forum and form a general opinion on their behavior. This isn't an excuse for these hateful people, but an attempt to understand them and put their behavior in perspective. Seriously: should we hate a person who is mentally deranged or just pity them, lock them up and move on?

too simplistic.

suffering is the engine of growth. people who appear happy all time are generally too consumed in pursuing the jungian false self.
too simplistic.

suffering is the engine of growth. people who appear happy all time are generally too consumed in pursuing the jungian false self.


True, to a point, but suffering is not the same as those who constantly bitch, moan and whine about every little fucking thing. Suffering is not the same as those who constantly whine about others and, most importantly, never take personal responsibility for themselves. Do you understand this concept of personal responsibility?

Likewise, there's is a difference between those who "appear happy" and those who truly are happy. A wise, sensible person can tell the difference. Can you?

True, to a point, but suffering is not the same as those who constantly bitch, moan and whine about every little fucking thing. Suffering is not the same as those who constantly whine about others and, most importantly, never take personal responsibility for themselves. Do you understand this concept of personal responsibility?

Likewise, there's is a difference between those who "appear happy" and those who truly are happy. A wise, sensible person can tell the difference. Can you?

so like dem constant bitching and moaning isnt true suffering. I get it.

do you?

critical theory is narcissistic personality disorder made into an ideology.
so like dem constant bitching and moaning isnt true suffering. I get it.

do you?

critical theory is narcissistic personality disorder made into an ideology.

I'm saying anyone who constantly bitches and moans is worthless, not the "engine of growth" you claim it to be but you are free to claim the dems are the engine of growth. I'll disagree.
too simplistic.

suffering is the engine of growth. people who appear happy all time are generally too consumed in pursuing the jungian false self.
I'm saying anyone who constantly bitches and moans is worthless, not the "engine of growth" you claim it to be but you are free to claim the dems are the engine of growth. I'll disagree.

we co-decided that the continual whinging and kvetching, like the unpleasable narcissistic abuser, as dems do, is not the suffering that causes growth.

but I guess you backed off that cuz you're a poseur punk bitch.
we co-decided that the continual whinging and kvetching, like the unpleasable narcissistic abuser, as dems do, is not the suffering that causes growth.

but I guess you backed off that cuz you're a poseur punk bitch.

...and now, after half a dozen of your nonsensical posts, you finally vent your truth feelings. Fine. Have at it. I know Trump's failure of leadership, the pandemic and the possibility of a depression are scaring the shit out of people. With fear comes more hate from some and more love from others. Everyone can see what type you are. Good luck.
...and now, after half a dozen of your nonsensical posts, you finally vent your truth feelings. Fine. Have at it. I know Trump's failure of leadership, the pandemic and the possibility of a depression are scaring the shit out of people. With fear comes more hate from some and more love from others. Everyone can see what type you are. Good luck.

yes. I actually know something about psychology, where as you're just a partisan hack. carry on.
yes. I actually know something about psychology, where as you're just a partisan hack. carry on.
Excellent! So you should understand that hate is an irrational reaction to fear and that people who are constantly angry and spread hate are really just scared shitless and feel as useless as a rabbit frozen in the sights of a coyote.

It's okay, AHZ; this too shall pass. You'll survive and have something to talk about in 10 years when someone asks "What did you do during the Great Coronavirus Depression?"
Excellent! So you should understand that hate is an irrational reaction to fear and that people who are constantly angry and spread hate are really just scared shitless and feel as useless as a rabbit frozen in the sights of a coyote.

It's okay, AHZ; this too shall pass. You'll survive and have something to talk about in 10 years when someone asks "What did you do during the Great Coronavirus Depression?"

but it's reasonable to not want your jobs sent away based on globalist overexcitement, hating those people protesting globalist stupidity is the hatey part here.
but it's reasonable to not want your jobs sent away based on globalist overexcitement, hating those people protesting globalist stupidity is the hatey part here.
Now you're just starting to sound weird. What do you mean by "your jobs sent away based on globalist overexcitement"?

Who is protesting "globalist stupidity"? Are you saying you want to see a ban on international trade?
Yes, I've been on a few days, made several posts already but recently wrote much of what is posted below and thought it was appropriate to edit a bit and put it here so y'all know where I was coming from.

Not bragging, but my Bachelor degree was in Behavioral Psychology, late 1970s. Although mine was a military aviation career, I always maintained an interest in that field of study. Yes, I was able to apply it in my career and life, but I never did actual work (research) in the field.

I've been online since 1986 when there were BBS's using 300 baud could actually see the words type across the screen as the other person responded. In those days we'd meet once a quarter, drink beer and share software on 5.25" discs, later 3.5" discs. I wasn't a member of political forums until around 2008. Since then, and getting to the point, I've noticed that there seems to be more mentally ill people online than in real life (IRL).

In some ways I think it might not be mental illness but an example of "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts". The mask of anonymity given by online forums allows people to say their true thoughts without fear of recrimination. That point aside, and I do believe it's the most common reason some people are bigoted, biased assholes regardless of political affiliation, my observations over the years tell me that there are, indeed, a higher number of truly mentally ill people online.

Here's my theory on why: anyone with access to the Internet can log on to a forum. People shut in behind locked doors of a private mental facility, retirement home or group home can access computers. Even if a person, and notice there's lot of elderly people online, is living with their adult child, due to health, they can't get out much and the Internet is their access to the world. Their primary access. Being in pain, they express that pain in posts to virtual others, "people" they think are as real as the ones they kill in video games or beat in Farmville, whatever.

Last point: people who are angry and/or hateful are often in pain. Most people are good. A happy person is often good. An unhappy person often is not good. These are generalities, so individuals vary, but it's not that hard to look at others on this forum and form a general opinion on their behavior. This isn't an excuse for these hateful people, but an attempt to understand them and put their behavior in perspective. Seriously: should we hate a person who is mentally deranged or just pity them, lock them up and move on?

It's actually pretty scary to think that the reason people act like this isn't because they're mentally ill, but because they're anonymous here. It makes me wonder how many truly disturbed people exist. It could be way more than are actually diagnosed as mentally ill.
Call me optimistic, but I actually do think it's more likely that most people aren't like this, and it's just a case of the mentally ill and the angry shut-ins coming here to take out their rage on other people.
It's actually pretty scary to think that the reason people act like this isn't because they're mentally ill, but because they're anonymous here. It makes me wonder how many truly disturbed people exist. It could be way more than are actually diagnosed as mentally ill.
Call me optimistic, but I actually do think it's more likely that most people aren't like this, and it's just a case of the mentally ill and the angry shut-ins coming here to take out their rage on other people.

There are definitely more mentally ill people than are diagnosed. When I went to the local county jail to obtain fingerprints for a CCW application a guard was nearby talking to another guy who was applying for the job. They talked about the applicants previous experience in dealing with prisoners. The county jail was for holding; people who were being processed for transport, arraignment, etc. The guard mentioned that almost all of them had mental issues. Even addictions such as drugs and gambling are mental disorders. Not all mental disorders are the same, to the same degree or curable. Agreed online forums see a higher percentage of mentally ill than IRL.

While I think everyone could benefit from some counseling, not everyone needs it. That said, there's this:
These statistics provide a look at how many people face a mental health or substance use challenge, whether we see it or not:

  1. In the United States, almost half of adults (46.4 percent) will experience a mental illness during their lifetime.
  2. 5 percent of adults (18 or older) experience a mental illness in any one year, equivalent to 43.8 million people.
  3. Of adults in the United States with any mental disorder in a one-year period, 14.4 percent have one disorder, 5.8 percent have two disorders and 6 percent have three or more.
  4. Half of all mental disorders begin by age 14 and three-quarters by age 24.
  5. In the United States, only 41 percent of the people who had a mental disorder in the past year received professional health care or other services.
There are definitely more mentally ill people than are diagnosed. When I went to the local county jail to obtain fingerprints for a CCW application a guard was nearby talking to another guy who was applying for the job. They talked about the applicants previous experience in dealing with prisoners. The county jail was for holding; people who were being processed for transport, arraignment, etc. The guard mentioned that almost all of them had mental issues. Even addictions such as drugs and gambling are mental disorders. Not all mental disorders are the same, to the same degree or curable. Agreed online forums see a higher percentage of mentally ill than IRL.

While I think everyone could benefit from some counseling, not everyone needs it. That said, there's this:
These statistics provide a look at how many people face a mental health or substance use challenge, whether we see it or not:

  1. In the United States, almost half of adults (46.4 percent) will experience a mental illness during their lifetime.
  2. 5 percent of adults (18 or older) experience a mental illness in any one year, equivalent to 43.8 million people.
  3. Of adults in the United States with any mental disorder in a one-year period, 14.4 percent have one disorder, 5.8 percent have two disorders and 6 percent have three or more.
  4. Half of all mental disorders begin by age 14 and three-quarters by age 24.
  5. In the United States, only 41 percent of the people who had a mental disorder in the past year received professional health care or other services.

you psychopaths politicizing psychiatry are the most ill.
It's actually pretty scary to think that the reason people act like this isn't because they're mentally ill, but because they're anonymous here. It makes me wonder how many truly disturbed people exist. It could be way more than are actually diagnosed as mentally ill.
Call me optimistic, but I actually do think it's more likely that most people aren't like this, and it's just a case of the mentally ill and the angry shut-ins coming here to take out their rage on other people.

i'd punk you out the same way to your face.