Your Dutch Uncle

I learned the hard way PM's aren't private!
It caused me a 2 month ban!

The rules say they are. I think the only way they aren't is if a threat is involved and the threatened person reports the person doing the threatening.

In this case, sharing pix is fine. Ask around if you like.
I'll probably be sorry but check your PM box!:palm:

LOL. Thanks for the pic, man! If you come across any others, let me know, especially ones large enough to turn into a meme. :)

Don't be so sure!

They will gang bang him, work him over, leave him in an alley, missing a tooth, sore ribs, no wallet, ... you know how they are. As he trudges home nursing a black eye, it will dawn on him "What the fuck am I doing here?"
They will gang bang him, work him over, leave him in an alley, missing a tooth, sore ribs, no wallet, ... you know how they are. As he trudges home nursing a black eye, it will dawn on him "What the fuck am I doing here?"

I think he carries a shive!
JPP Red Team will crush his jolly, outgoing, objective, innocence.

LOL. Doubtful. More likely to bore me into looking for something more entertaining. So far the nutjobs have proved to have low intellect, unoriginal name-calling and are too immature to realize that virtual bullying on an anonymous forum is lame.
They will gang bang him, work him over, leave him in an alley, missing a tooth, sore ribs, no wallet, ... you know how they are. As he trudges home nursing a black eye, it will dawn on him "What the fuck am I doing here?"

So far it's netted me one GF picture and not a single glove has touched me. :)
LOL. Doubtful. More likely to bore me into looking for something more entertaining. So far the nutjobs have proved to have low intellect, unoriginal name-calling and are too immature to realize that virtual bullying on an anonymous forum is lame.


Welcome to the Asylum. :|
So far it's netted me one GF picture and not a single glove has touched me. :)

I'm going to stay out of this.
Now, because I'm a nice guy, I will give you a tip:
Stay away from the Amazon Tavern. Very seedy. Other side of the Tracks and not far from the Wharf.
Lots of unruly types there, they will hurt you. Faux Revolutionaries, Real Dykes, Low Rent Ruffians, you get the idea.
Naturally, I was kicked out once I exposed them to the Forum.
BTW, for the record since I just realized I haven't posted this: I'm an Independent politically. I was a Republican for 38 years until, to paraphrase the late, great Ronald Reagan, "I didn't leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me". I've never voted for a Democrat for national office and don't recall voting for one in state or local elections, but can't swear I haven't. I did vote for Perot, whom I liked but that just helped give the nation Bill Clinton. I vote Republican every time before and after until 2016 when I voted Libertarian because 1) I was tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils" and 2) I couldn't hold my nose long enough to vote for either of the two main deplorables. 2018 was the first time I voted a straight Libertarian ticket and I plan to do so again this year.

I believe it's a civic duty to vote, but do not expect a person to vote for someone they consider to be bad for the nation, irresponsible, evil or anything than an whom they truly believe deserves the office. I will probably never see a Libertarian President, but I hope to see more local and state Libertarians in office.
I'm going to stay out of this.
Now, because I'm a nice guy, I will give you a tip:
Stay away from the . Very seedy. Other side of the Tracks and not far from the Wharf.
Lots of unruly types there, they will hurt you. Faux Revolutionaries, Real Dykes, Low Rent Ruffians, you get the idea.
Naturally, I was kicked out once I exposed them to the Forum.

Is that another forum or a sub-forum here?

LOL Thanks for the tip.
I'm going to stay out of this.
Now, because I'm a nice guy, I will give you a tip:
Stay away from the Amazon Tavern. Very seedy. Other side of the Tracks and not far from the Wharf.
Lots of unruly types there, they will hurt you. Faux Revolutionaries, Real Dykes, Low Rent Ruffians, you get the idea.
Naturally, I was kicked out once I exposed them to the Forum.

Yes kicked out for exposing!Like a Doors concert,with Jimmy Morrison!
LOL. Doubtful. More likely to bore me into looking for something more entertaining. So far the nutjobs have proved to have low intellect, unoriginal name-calling and are too immature to realize that virtual bullying on an anonymous forum is lame.

Interesting. Your first post to me questioned my intellect, without provocation. Why was that?
Last point: people who are angry and/or hateful are often in pain. Most people are good. A happy person is often good. An unhappy person often is not good. These are generalities, so individuals vary, but it's not that hard to look at others on this forum and form a general opinion on their behavior. This isn't an excuse for these hateful people, but an attempt to understand them and put their behavior in perspective. Seriously: should we hate a person who is mentally deranged or just pity them, lock them up and move on?

I like the compassion and understanding in these comments.