Pointlessly, of course, but you do, don't you?No not really
You are 100% stupid
You are 100% a horrible father
I could go on
Pointlessly, of course, but you do, don't you?No not really
You are 100% stupid
You are 100% a horrible father
I could go on
No not really
You are 100% stupid
You are 100% a horrible father
I could go on
You seem a little upset. Please get used to Madam President, otherwise, it will be a difficult 8 years for you. It appears the Congress made a mistake not approving Justice Garland to fill Alito's spot, I suspect with a Democratic Senate the new choice will be much more inline with Justice Kagan or Ginsburg.
it won't be eight years, counselor............
You are right, Pimp. It won't be just eight years
Chelsea will be eligible to run in 2024
Chelsea will still be bringing her mother cigarettes in prison in 2024......
You are right, Pimp. It won't be just eight years
Chelsea will be eligible to run in 2024
our bench is very deep
Sticking with this PiMPLe?Dude, she's already lost Florida......if that's your best game just buy your ticket's for Trump's inaugural ball now......
Don't forget that map gave us the Vietnam War.
Sticking with this PiMPLe?
You seem a little upset. Please get used to Madam President, otherwise, it will be a difficult 8 years for you. It appears the Congress made a mistake not approving Justice Garland to fill Alito's spot, I suspect with a Democratic Senate the new choice will be much more inline with Justice Kagan or Ginsburg.
yes CuNTle.....
Jesus hates you when you talk like that, Pimp.
You are never getting into heaven.
its a good thing for you hell isn't real
thank God liberals aren't judgmental......