Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

I've learned early on from my Mother and Grandmother, that it doesn't cost you anything to be polite and nice to people.

I also learned from my Father and Grandfather, don't take any shit off of anyone.

I just roll the dice ... :cool:

You don't know your father and grandfather. Your mother and grandmother don't know which of the thousands they laid down with impregnated them.

Mama's baby, Papa maybe.
Not hardly. To do so would involve enough blacks willing to get off their asses and do something themselves.

We've already started Fucking the shit out of your Women and eliminating your Race with the children ... next step, dominate Hockey :)
the republican base

We don't let someone who posts things like this define raycism.

I spit in the face of the black guy.

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.

If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
Okay. So you admit that you can find no examples of BAC, Bourbon, and some as yet unnamed other perps who are 1) my buddies, and 2) are racist. Got it.

Thanks for trol.... er, playing.

Nice try but I admit nothing of the sort! I said if you are blind to the racism in some of the statements made by blacks here no amount of examples will convince you. Keep on being an enabler it suits you.
Nope not going to play that game. I asked a simple question and you want to turn it into another anti Top whine fest. I already told you if you can't see statements like calling people Whitey or cracker as being racists then nothing I can show you would penetrate your faux understanding of the question..
Great thread. And, as the OP asks, there are no non-racist blacks here. But I do have two more pages of posts to check. I'll edit if I have to.
(PS...she is a nothing but a fowlnoxiouswhine fest;)
That's not racist nor racism.

A cracker is a term used by slaves who were being whipped by their masters.

They cracked the whip......thus the term "cracker". It's the truth.

What part of American history did Black people enslave whites and crack them with whips and chains?
You're a racist. That was easy. I was waiting to see who tried to use the "black people can't be racist"
You're a racist. That was easy. I was waiting to see who tried to use the "black people can't be racist"

So far three of the 4 people I had in mind have proven me right. But Fowl doesn't see anything wrong with those posts. :innocent:
Has a Black Person ever told you black people can't be racist?
"And besides sailor, Blacks can't be racist. We don't have the power to oppress nor enslave other groups of people for financial gain and power because of the color of their skin. White people, especially white men have that power."
"And besides sailor, Blacks can't be racist. We don't have the power to oppress nor enslave other groups of people for financial gain and power because of the color of their skin. White people, especially white men have that power."

I don't agree with that reasoning ... but logic makes since.
So far three of the 4 people I had in mind have proven me right. But Fowl doesn't see anything wrong with those posts. :innocent:
The people here remind us each day that they are black are racist. It's loud and clear that they hate and discriminate against white people. There's no need to hunt down and repost a single post or two. It's here every day.
The people here remind us each day that they are black are racist. It's loud and clear that they hate and discriminate against white people. There's no need to hunt down and repost a single post or two. It's here every day.

Point to a time in American history where Blacks hung white people from trees and lit their bodies on fire.