Are there any non-racist blacks in these forums?

What? Because you're white I'm not suppose to tell the truth? And that makes me racist?

I generally don't engage you because I don't believe you every taught anyone, especially Black kids. This removes all doubt.

If you've been around Blacks as much as you say you have, you would understand where I'm coming from.

I'm no coward nor will I use code words to spare your racist feelings. I will speak to you bigots as you deserve to be spoken to.

Here's your first Black History lesson for the month......Don't fucking dish it, if you can't take it, m'kay?

She was ripping into Oprah ,then made a big deal of pretending she did wonderful things on MLK day.
Then last week ripped into Jay-Z,now pretends she is doing wonderful things all Black History Month.
I see a smattering of overt white racists here but it seems like every person who claims to be black appears overtly racists. Am I missing something? :dunno:

So you and Top who thanked this post think all Black posters on JPP are racist?
There are only 2.5 Blacks that I know that post on this form.

Myself, BAC and sailor.

I didn't know you or sailor are black. Congrats to both of you for relying on the content of your character rather than the color of your skin.
You are racist. Bigoted, prejudiced, discriminatory, intolerant, narrow-minded, etc. etc.
I imagine that the worst of your racism is also expressed in the confines of your own community.
Considering the way you talk here.

Yeah, to you and the other racists. Oddly enough, TTQ64 gets along just fine with Evince, me, Bourbon, BAC, etc.

You're just pissed that you got caught with your Klan badge on, and were called on it.

If you don't want to be considered racist it's time you call out the person you support that has scapegoated race, and has Neo Nazi's flocking to his every brain fart. Black people don't really hate you for race, they hate you for the years of oppression. Followed by the blatant, and unreasonable attempts to drown out, and make fail the first black president. Now you have a scumbag elected president, with no experience outside of being anti-Obama, and the originator of the birther brigade. He says so much racist shit, that I can only assume, you've become jaded to it, and don't even notice it anymore. He couldn't even out right denounce scum of the earth, Neo Nazi terrorists, that killed people. He gave a gem of a classic cop out, because he can't bare to denounce anyone that supports him like that. It sounded condescending, and distracted blame, all while never fully saying what wrong was done, and by who. They had to drag is ass out to make a better statement soon their after, and somehow that's perfectly fine to his supporters. How much you want to bet, that black people would hate the Africans, that allowed them to be sent off, with as much passion if they had any clue who the fuck they were?

You were winning the internet today up until then. LOL

They had nothing to do with racism. Most didn't really know they were selling them into slavery.

Africans didn't allow anything, that sounds like a partnership. The white man said they would pay the slave catchers and even told them they were taking them to a better life, then once the slave catchers caught so many people, they white man would kill them so they didn't have to pay. They lied like they always do.

Racism in America falls solely on the hands of the white man.
What? Because you're white I'm not suppose to tell the truth? And that makes me racist?

I generally don't engage you because I don't believe you every taught anyone, especially Black kids. This removes all doubt.

If you've been around Blacks as much as you say you have, you would understand where I'm coming from.

I'm no coward nor will I use code words to spare your racist feelings. I will speak to you bigots as you deserve to be spoken to.

Here's your first Black History lesson for the month......Don't fucking dish it, if you can't take it, m'kay?

You were winning the internet today up until then. LOL

They had nothing to do with racism. Most didn't really know they were selling them into slavery.

Africans didn't allow anything, that sounds like a partnership. The white man said they would pay the slave catchers and even told them they were taking them to a better life, then once the slave catchers caught so many people, they white man would kill them so they didn't have to pay. They lied like they always do.

Racism in America falls solely on the hands of the white man.

Are you claiming there is no Black on White racism in America?
That's just not true.
She was ripping into Oprah ,then made a big deal of pretending she did wonderful things on MLK day.
Then last week ripped into Jay-Z,now pretends she is doing wonderful things all Black History Month.

She hasn't fooled anyone on this board, cept her kind.

ThatOwlWoman kicks her ass on a daily basis, just as them little Black kids would have if they hear her talking about Oprah or Jay Z..........LOL
And now the real entertainment begins. This turned out better than I could have hoped for, EE;) They fall to pieces don't they?:blowup: