"Pose as a female"? You'll need to explain how. And why you are so misogynist?

Don't fret, Cross Dresser. But don't blame your many fumbles on a lose bra. You shouldn't be wearing one.

But thanks for admitting that you are a pussy. Too funny, since you are complaining on how you fellow posters here are pussies for doing the exact same thing that you are doing. really doesn't sound as though you are having all that much fun, Ooda.

You sound frustrated and boorish most of the time.

That's probably why you are so much fun to fluster. ;)
Don't fret, Cross Dresser. But don't blame your many fumbles on a lose bra. You shouldn't be wearing one. really doesn't sound as though you are having all that much fun, Ooda.

You sound frustrated and boorish most of the time.

That's probably why you are so much fun to fluster. ;)
Whatever, pussy. You're the one who got all hot and bothered by my picture of Ivanka, and now the babe showing off her legs in front of a car. :rofl2:
Whatever, pussy. You're the one who got all hot and bothered by my picture of Ivanka, and now the babe showing off her legs in front of a car. :rofl2:

I think Longfellow has guys like you in mind when he wrote:

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.

I think Longfellow has guys like you in mind when he wrote:

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.


Whatever, pussy.
At least I don't pose as a you do.

Do you cross dress in non-cyber life also?

One sees lots of variations on the theme, "You don't love (respect) the Constitution and Bill of Rights" crap here in this forum...almost always including "warnings" about the danger of "government" overreach.

Well...I personally think there is MUCH LESS DANGER from government going amok...or from our government becoming tyrannical…than there is from our citizens being unwilling to be governed.

I doubt any of us right now, except perhaps Donald Trump, wants a dictatorship; I doubt any of us, except perhaps Donald Trump, wants governmental tyranny.

But THE REAL DANGER RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA does not come from the danger of dictatorship, even with that dictator wanna-be in office...or serious governmental overreach. It comes, rather, from the fact that a significant minority of the people want not to be governed at all. They deplore government…the single most important ingredient in civilized society.

I suspect a lot of that absurdity was started during the first inaugural address by Ronald Reagan. As chief executive, he unwisely endorsed the notion of hatred of “being governed” with his (just about always, unfortunately, quoted out of context), “…government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

He was wrong…or at least, I sure as hell hope he was wrong, because if he was correct…democracy does not stand a chance of success. Democracy demands that government be a MAJOR FACTOR in the solution to problems…and there is no chance of democracy working if government truly is the problem.

And government requires that the people being governed...CONSENT TO BEING GOVERNED.

Just sayin’!

Yea ... they Love the Constitution until Robert Mueller uses it against their Boy Blunder.
I put that avatar up specifically to troll you. Thanks for admitting how badly you've been triggered. :rofl2:

Trolls are something everyone using Internet forums have to deal with. I am having no trouble dealing with you.

I don't get triggered.
Yea ... they Love the Constitution until Robert Mueller uses it against their Boy Blunder.

Yup. The love American conservatives show for the Constitution, their country, its institutions...are ephemeral. The moment their ox is being gored...they throw all that into a trash can.

Too bad. There was a time when American conservatives provided a much needed service.

No...they are turning America into a swamp...the one they pretend they are trying to drain.
Yup. The love American conservatives show for the Constitution, their country, its institutions...are ephemeral. The moment their ox is being gored...they throw all that into a trash can.

Too bad. There was a time when American conservatives provided a much needed service.

No...they are turning America into a swamp...the one they pretend they are trying to drain.

Was James Madison a liberal, or a conservative?
Was James Madison a liberal, or a conservative?

Lots of contention about that. Been lots smarter people than I (or YOU) who have labored over that.

Personally, I think he was a thinker...which, in my estimation, would eliminate him being what modern people call "conservative."

But THE REAL DANGER RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA does not come from the danger of dictatorship, even with that dictator wanna-be in office...or serious governmental overreach. It comes, rather, from the fact that a significant minority of the people want not to be governed at all. They deplore government…the single most important ingredient in civilized society.

And government requires that the people being governed...CONSENT TO BEING GOVERNED.

Just sayin’!

I agree that a minority do not want to be governed at all. They are called “antifa” but they are not significant at all.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Lots of contention about that. Been lots smarter people than I (or YOU) who have labored over that.

Personally, I think he was a thinker...which, in my estimation, would eliminate him being what modern people call "conservative."

So if he wasn't a conservative, does that mean that he was a liberal?
So if he wasn't a conservative, does that mean that he was a liberal?

It means he was one or the other...depending on which expert you rely on.

But as I seems to me he was a guy who thought for himself...which would make him something disgusting to today's American conservatives.

If you have a point to make, Ooda, why not try to make it, rather than doing this running around the track crap you are trying.

Or...if you realize you cannot do that...just tell us all what in hell he has to do with what is being discussed here.