Clinton raised taxes in 1993, spending increased every year of his term, and he left office with a budget surplus that you all squandered, and turned into record deficits.
Bush the Dumber and the Conservatives were so terrible that they produced 4 -FOUR- record deficits during Bush's 8 years including the all-time high deficit Bush left Obama. And that was after being handed a record surplus from Clinton.
2000: $236B surplus
2001: $128B surplus
2002: $157B deficit
2003: $377B deficit (A record)
2004: $412B deficit (A record)
2005: $318B deficit
2006: $248B deficit
2007: $160B deficit
2008: $458B deficit (A record)
2009: $1.4T deficit (A record)

Then the MORON misses the FACT that 911 hit in 2001.
Then the MORON missed the FACT that the Afghan War began October 2001
Then the MORON missed the FACT the Iraq war began in 2003
Then the MORON missed the FACT that deficits started a steep decline in 2006 and 2007
Then the MORON missed the FACT that Democrats took over the Congress in 2007
Then the MOTON missed the FACT that after the Democrats took over the Congress, deficits ballooned by 298 BILLION.
Then the MORON missed the FACT that after Obama was elected, the deficit ballooned to a record $1.4 trillion.
Yes, it is obvious that the MORON misses a LOT of FACTS when he goes on his laughably moronic rants proving he's clueless about what he is ranting about.