When all else fails, attack the source.
These historically challenged leftists (having never been introduced to history actual)…….fail to realize that these Scandinavian nations were not even considered SOCIALIST until the 1960-70's.....it was a movement that has grown to large to sustain. Every time that socialism is placed to the test....it always collapses beneath its own weight.....you eventually have more leeches than you do productive workers because there is no incentive to work and produce....hell BIG BROTHER will take care of me. Look around the world.....socialist nations by majority are poverty stricken shit holes...especially those in the western hemisphere who were looking for that pie in the sky.....failures getter poorer every day while sitting on some of the worlds greatest natural resources.
Being shrill and insulting doesn't make your arguments look less foolish.![]()
its fucking baseless propaganda you Russian dupe
says a fucking blind cocksucker
These historically challenged leftists (having never been introduced to history actual)…….fail to realize that these Scandinavian nations were not even considered SOCIALIST until the 1960-70's.....it was a movement that has grown to large to sustain. Every time that socialism is placed to the test....it always collapses beneath its own weight.....you eventually have more leeches than you do productive workers because their is no incentive to work and produce....hell BIG BROTHER will take care of me. Look around the world.....socialist nations by majority as poverty stricken shit holes...especially those in the western hemisphere who were looking for that pie in the sky.....failures getter poorer every day while sitting some of the worlds greatest natural resources.
These historically challenged leftists (having never been introduced to history actual)…….fail to realize that these Scandinavian nations were not even considered SOCIALIST until the 1960-70's.....it was a movement that has grown to large to sustain. Every time that socialism is placed to the test....it always collapses beneath its own weight.....you eventually have more leeches than you do productive workers because there is no incentive to work and produce....hell BIG BROTHER will take care of me. Look around the world.....socialist nations by majority as poverty stricken shit holes...especially those in the western hemisphere who were looking for that pie in the sky.....failures getter poorer every day while sitting some of the worlds greatest natural resources.
the founders wrote the post office right into the constitution
oh those socialist founders
We have to remember that liberals are math challenged and economically ignorant. They actually think money magically grows on trees and that Government programs work!![]()
they are capitalistic countrys you fucking brain dead shitball
and you think unicorns fly out your ass when you sing
No, I think that you suffer from some form of psychotic condition and really should seek help. I also know that you are math challenged and wouldn't comprehend economics 101 if it walked up and slapped you on the head. In addition, you are fact challenged, lie constantly and cannot make a coherent argument without being shrill and insulting.
The postal service doesn't make the US a socialist nation. That's a buffoonish argument.
it was a joke you brainless fuckbite
you think you can just lie about what others believe to help make your failed ideas sound like they make sense
I didn't say it did you waste of human flesh
The official post office was created in 1792 as the Post Office Department (USPOD). It was based on the Constitutional authority empowering Congress "To establish post offices and post roads". The 1792 law provided for a greatly expanded postal network, and served editors by charging newspapers an extremely low rate. The law guaranteed the sanctity of personal correspondence, and provided the entire country with low-cost access to information on public affairs, while establishing a right to personal privacy.[14]
Rufus Easton was appointed by Thomas Jefferson first postmaster of St. Louis under the recommendation of Postmaster General Gideon Granger. Rufus Easton was the first postmaster and built the first post office west of the Mississippi. At the same time Easton was appointed by Thomas Jefferson, judge of Louisiana Territory, the largest territory in North America. Bruce Adamson wrote that: "Next to Benjamin Franklin, Rufus Easton was one of the most colorful people in United States Postal History." It was Easton who educated Abraham Lincoln's Attorney General, Edward Bates. In 1815 Edward Bates moved into the Easton home and lived there for years at Third and Elm. Today this is the site of the Jefferson Memorial Park. In 1806 Postmaster General Gideon Granger wrote a three-page letter to Easton, begging him not to partake in a duel with vice-president Aaron Burr. Two years earlier it was Burr who had shot and killed Alexander Hamilton. Many years later in 1852, Easton's son, Major-General Langdon Cheves Easton, was commissioned by William T. Sherman, at Fort Union to deliver a letter to Independence, Missouri. Sherman wrote: "In the Spring of 1852, General Sherman mentioned that the quartermaster, Major L.C. Easton, at Fort Union, New Mexico, had occasion to send some message east by a certain date, and contracted with Aubrey to carry it to the nearest post office (then Independence, Missouri), making his compensation conditional on the time consumed. He was supplied with a good horse, and an order on the outgoing trains for exchange. Though the whole route was infested with hostile Indians, and not a house on it, Aubrey started alone with his rifle. He was fortunate in meeting several outward-bound trains, and thereby made frequent changes of horses, some four or five, and reached Independence in six days, having hardly rested or slept the whole way."[15]
You seem to be desperately implying that. But then, honesty is not your forte'.