The soul of the right is being displayed out in the open as never before.

I hope that one of those slimy Muslims will snap and do something to negatively affect you and your family.
That's real nice of you but I've known who you people are for a long time, this is who you are and this is why you have togo.
You lefties love to accuse conservative of hatred and to prove it you point to a few extreme nut cases. But who rioted when Hillary lost? Who followed Obama with blind glee while he set race relations back and promulgated a hatred of police? Who encourages people to confront people when dining or enjoying an evening out simply because of their jobs and political positions. NO the hatred is entirely on the left.
Why, are you suggesting that it is even the slightest bit hard to recognize my country's biggest enemy and threat. I hate all of my countries enemy's, all patriots should but you people are a long long way from being a patriot. Your simply the hate party.
Sir, unlike you I have no time for hate it is self destructive and makes one delusional. There are Ideas I hate but no people. I hate the notion of slavery whether it is to an individual or a government. I despise the idea that more government is the solution to any sort of real problem. I find the idea that all you have to do to help people is create another government program to be repulsive. If one is not free to become wealthy and to create wealth one is not free at all.
Your so God Dam blind that it's just nonsense, the chance to get ahead in this country was taken away from you by your hate party, try arguing this , Other then pennies no one has increased their wages in 40 years other then the wealthy, whos wealth has increased massively, all done by tax cuts for the wealthy and business.But the wealthy said that the transfer of wealth wasn't fast enough so they cut corporate taxes to the bone at the same time of record profits for business. Brain dead comes to mind ,If one is not free to become wealthy and to create wealth one is not free at all. You better get this straight , the transfer of wealth is the only true cause of the right, They don't give a shit about abortion, guns or anything other then their bottom line. You people are the suckers of the century. The blind suckers of the century. It's always great to be able to respond with facts that can't be argued as in you hate party taking away the promise of the possibility to get ahead .By the way without that Capitalism dies
Hello garyd,

You should really crawl outside that little noise bubble you obviously occupy because that bears absolutely no resemblance to the truth or anything like it. The only thing noticeable that has happened in this country is that conservatives have decided that being civil toward people who don't even make a pretense at being civil is a waste of time.

Your comment suggests that if the other side goes low, that makes it OK for you to do it too. Do you believe that two wrongs make a right?

Are you able to be civil to people who disagree with you but do so in a civil way?
Hello iewitness,

the leftist damned of earth have erected gallows intended for the just and will soon all be hanged upon their platforms of evil. there is some soul for you damned bastards. it is time. ...

Can't you find anything in the Bible that says conservatives are better than liberals? So you have to make it up?
She was my districts representitive, I ran a letter to the editor program that first made the newspaper come out against this creep and was an Eye lash away from her not being elected , but she did quit after that and I hope that my letters were part of the reason. There is no one lower then Bachmann.
Hello garyd,

Your comment suggests that if the other side goes low, that makes it OK for you to do it too. Do you believe that two wrongs make a right?

Are you able to be civil to people who disagree with you but do so in a civil way?
You know your question is total nonsense, go ahead and tell me why I shouldn't hate the biggest threat and enemy of my country. That being the hate party that is led by the King hater.
Hello garyd,

Yep just like our current leftists shouting down the opposition, threatening people, I figure before log they'll start burning News stands displaying National Review and Weekly standard.

If a liberal does something stupid to make a statement do you then blame all liberals?
You lefties love to accuse conservative of hatred and to prove it you point to a few extreme nut cases. But who rioted when Hillary lost? Who followed Obama with blind glee while he set race relations back and promulgated a hatred of police? Who encourages people to confront people when dining or enjoying an evening out simply because of their jobs and political positions. NO the hatred is entirely on the left.
Well it's easy when your leader and God scum bag. is one of the extreme cases
Hello garyd,

Sorry no I am a small government conservative we haven't shot or run over anyone.

Small government is a nebulous term.

It is only logical that as the country grows in population size, and more types of technology, and ways to rip people off and violate the safety of the public good require more regulation, that government must grow in size to accommodate that.

What if we had no National Transportation Safety Administration? There were no automobiles, railroads or airliners when the nation was founded. There was no need for the NTSA then. As the country grew, so did the government in response. This is a logical progression. We can't go backward in time.

Capitalism forces new regulations. As soon as unscrupulous and creative capitalists find one way around a regulation, then a new regulation must be created. We will always need more regulations, not fewer. We will always need a government which is able to grow in size to accommodate the need.

Small government is an unrealistic pipe dream.
Hello garyd,

The hate oozes from everything the left says, from it's frequent and egregious mischaracterizations of Trump and his supporters to its constant whining about rights that do not exist every word drips with bile and venom. Hell there is no one on the right can hold a candle to leftists when it comes to hatred.

I disagree.

And so does the SPLC.

The SPLC keeps track of hate groups. There are far more on the right. Not even close.
Hello Nordberg,

I would point out the righty haters on this board who are many steps nastier than any left can be. But, you know it. You are just making shit up. The rude and nasty are almost all rightys., Bigots, haters, anti women, anti blacks, anti gays, seem to be in one side. Can you guess which one?

This board is not representative of the US general population.

Hello garyd,

Sir, unlike you I have no time for hate it is self destructive and makes one delusional. There are Ideas I hate but no people. I hate the notion of slavery whether it is to an individual or a government.

I completely agree with all of that.

I despise the idea that more government is the solution to any sort of real problem. I find the idea that all you have to do to help people is create another government program to be repulsive. If one is not free to become wealthy and to create wealth one is not free at all.

Like it or not we must have government. And if our nation becomes larger and more complex than so must our government. Basic inescapable logic.

Some small towns have a 12 person government. Do you really think New York City could function with a 12 person government?
Hello jbander1,

You know your question is total nonsense, go ahead and tell me why I shouldn't hate the biggest threat and enemy of my country. That being the hate party that is led by the King hater.

Hatred is corrosive to logic.

It is counterproductive.

I am so glad that Martin Luther King did not embrace hatred.

We should work together in a civil way to oppose the right by spreading information and making sure people become well informed and actively engaged with our self government. That includes letter writing to representatives and voting.