The soul of the right is being displayed out in the open as never before.

That's real nice of you but I've known who you people are for a long time, this is who you are and this is why you have togo.

Yet you're not man enough to get me gone. I'm still here hoping that one of those slimy ragheads fucks up your world in a major way.
Why, are you suggesting that it is even the slightest bit hard to recognize my country's biggest enemy and threat. I hate all of my countries enemy's, all patriots should but you people are a long long way from being a patriot. Your simply the hate party.

So if you are not a liberal you are Americas enemy. GOT IT!

You have won this award.

Well it's easy when your leader and God scum bag. is one of the extreme cases

Hate to tell you this dumb ass but by law Trump is your president also, so fucking live with it.

I'm not a Trump supporter but a loyal American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law something alien to you lefties!
Hello Nordberg,

This board is not representative of the US general population.


They are representative of the right. The right sees those who disagree with them as enemies. Just watch Fox Gnus, Infowars and Brietbart if you want to see what passes as news, for them. It is right wing hate propaganda. The left can do nothing right and their policies are meant to destroy America.
Hello Nordberg,

They are representative of the right. The right sees those who disagree with them as enemies. Just watch Fox Gnus, Infowars and Brietbart if you want to see what passes as news, for them. It is right wing hate propaganda. The left can do nothing right and their policies are meant to destroy America.

Well sure, that's what the commercial media is going to do. If they have established themselves as right-leaning media outlets then that's the kind of material that gets them the highest ratings. It's emotional. It draws on the worst and most immature feelings which people have. But not all listeners feel that way. Not the entire right is like that. The whole right does not believe in Donald Trump. Many on the right are abhorred by Trump, but won't do anything to stop him because they don't want the Republican party to lose power.

The worst right wing posters here on this board do represent the worst of the right, but they do not represent everybody on the right.

Remember, many people only voted for Trump just to prevent Hillary.

The moderate right is not as you describe 'the right.'

There are people on the right who understand the beauty of diversity and the importance of having all views represented.

Many on the right and on the left embrace the following:

'I disagree strongly with what you have to say but I will defend your right to say it to the death!'

The beauty of our nation, the greatness of America, is that we have wide diversity, and all views are considered in creating policy.
Hello garyd,

I completely agree with all of that.

Like it or not we must have government. And if our nation becomes larger and more complex than so must our government. Basic inescapable logic.

Some small towns have a 12 person government. Do you really think New York City could function with a 12 person government?
Some government is. of course. necessary. POrtion of government is to protect from threats without and within and to that end to create infrastructure that assists with those goals. It is not the job of the government to, as it were, redress the cosmic balance. And one must remember that government left to it's own devices will always expand. To much government and everything else eventually begins to shrink.
Hello garyd,

I disagree.

And so does the SPLC.

The SPLC keeps track of hate groups. There are far more on the right. Not even close.
The trouble here is two fold. First, SPLC needs the notion of racist hate groups to exist or their donations dry up and they go away. So they list hundreds of groups as hate groups with out regard to whether or not they actually are. 2nd most such groups these days are miniscule in numbers. Actual hate group membership is likely at its lowest level ever. For instance Storm front for instance over a period of years only hasd 66k hits most of those people with too much time on their hands chiming in to tell them how stupid they are when they are that polite. In short there aren't enough racist haters in this country to have elected donald trump dog catcher in a moderately sized town if they all live in that town. In all likelihood there are probably more members of BLM than there are any three of those groups SPLC lists. NOt to mention which a lot of those Groups members can't vote because they are convicted felons.
Hello garyd,

Small government is a nebulous term.

It is only logical that as the country grows in population size, and more types of technology, and ways to rip people off and violate the safety of the public good require more regulation, that government must grow in size to accommodate that.

What if we had no National Transportation Safety Administration? There were no automobiles, railroads or airliners when the nation was founded. There was no need for the NTSA then. As the country grew, so did the government in response. This is a logical progression. We can't go backward in time.

Capitalism forces new regulations. As soon as unscrupulous and creative capitalists find one way around a regulation, then a new regulation must be created. We will always need more regulations, not fewer. We will always need a government which is able to grow in size to accommodate the need.

Small government is an unrealistic pipe dream.
It depends on what you mean by small government. As it stands right now between state federal local and county, we are spending nearly 50% of GDP on governance that is simply not sustainable. Small does not mean non existent. But it does mean less intrusive, less looking over everybodies shoulder. getting rid of waste and duplication and unfunded federal mandates that drive a lot of state local and county spending. We currently have forty odd federal departments generating thousands of regulations yearly creating response a boom in private sector jobs that do nothing other than filling out compliance forms
Hello garyd,

Your comment suggests that if the other side goes low, that makes it OK for you to do it too. Do you believe that two wrongs make a right?

Are you able to be civil to people who disagree with you but do so in a civil way?
Of course I am. In case you haven't noticed I've been quite civil the entire time I've been here. however that does not mean I will not at times defend myself and those like me from ad homs launched by the left. In the past the right especially our spineless leadership has often chosen to ignore verbal assaults upon themselves and there fellows. This. in spite of our leadership's belief to the contrary, has only emboldened the character assassins of the left. Neither I nor anyone else should tolerate naked character assassination Of the sort that has been frequently leveled against Trump and his followers. People for whom that is their sole stock and trade can expect that I will call them on it.
Your so God Dam blind that it's just nonsense, the chance to get ahead in this country was taken away from you by your hate party, try arguing this , Other then pennies no one has increased their wages in 40 years other then the wealthy, whos wealth has increased massively, all done by tax cuts for the wealthy and business.But the wealthy said that the transfer of wealth wasn't fast enough so they cut corporate taxes to the bone at the same time of record profits for business. Brain dead comes to mind ,If one is not free to become wealthy and to create wealth one is not free at all. You better get this straight , the transfer of wealth is the only true cause of the right, They don't give a shit about abortion, guns or anything other then their bottom line. You people are the suckers of the century. The blind suckers of the century. It's always great to be able to respond with facts that can't be argued as in you hate party taking away the promise of the possibility to get ahead .By the way without that Capitalism dies
Talk about blind. It is that massive government your party has created that has removed freedom from the American people and forces more and more of them willy nilly into poverty.
Hello garyd,

Of course I am. In case you haven't noticed I've been quite civil the entire time I've been here.

Oh, I noticed. And thank you. I appreciate it. And you've tacitly shown that the OP is incorrect. Thank you. I disagree with stereotyping.

however that does not mean I will not at times defend myself and those like me from ad homs launched by the left. In the past the right especially our spineless leadership has often chosen to ignore verbal assaults upon themselves and there fellows. This. in spite of our leadership's belief to the contrary, has only emboldened the character assassins of the left. Neither I nor anyone else should tolerate naked character assassination Of the sort that has been frequently leveled against Trump and his followers. People for whom that is their sole stock and trade can expect that I will call them on it.

As have I, even as a liberal.

I have a different impression though. President Trump has said some nasty things about people, things which were not substantiated. He called the media: 'The enemy of the people.' He has given way too much recognition to racists and xenophobes. People, so emboldened by his very words, have engaged in violence. Victims lay dead. In so doing, President Trump has opened himself up to valid criticism.

That still does not justify getting nasty. Nothing does. As soon as someone decides that is OK, they lower themselves to the level of what they are criticizing. And if it becomes a habit, it is difficult to drop. We have one liberal poster here who said he would participate in 'Insult-Free Week,' (a thread suggests we go for a week here without insults,) and he didn't last the first morning. I called him on it, and his reply was that he decided it wouldn't work. But there was no post where I saw him saying anything about that. He just let loose on somebody. Looks to me like he can't control his habits and just slipped. And that's all it is. All the trolling and insulting and nastiness. It's just bad habits. Habits are tough to change. It's being anti-social. Not civilized. Disrespecting people. And in so doing, people are disrespecting themselves.

I am over it. I don't have that habit. I won't stand for it, not even going to read it. IMHO respectful people do not talk like that. I don't like talking to people who can't say anything without every other word being F this and F that. I don't associate with people like that in real life and I don't want to do it here.

As for defending yourself from ad hom attacks, each of us has to decide for ourselves how to handle that. I simply refuse to recognize or talk to people who get nasty and hurl insults. I don't talk like that, and I will not engage with anyone who does that to me. Naturally, I have a large Ignore list. So be it. There is so much volume on this board I can do that and still find plenty of good clean conversation in which to be engaged. Actually, there is more clean debate in this Forum than I can ever hope to keep up with. I'm glad to filter out all the garbage and get to the actual issues of discussion. That's what I came here for. To talk politics (of all things!) Contrary to all-too-popular belief here, hurling insults is NOT talking politics.

I am dismayed to see some liberal posters being rude. I think it detracts from our position. It detracts from anybody's position. All we can do is control the way we post. Each of us has to decide for him or her self how we post. But I tell you this. I am going to do what I am going to do, and if others agree then we can change the community spirit of this Forum. Trolls should be marginalized, shut out of polite and sincere, respectful conversation, IMHO.

It's one thing to disagree on political policy. It is quite another to hate on people just because you believe differently. Neither liberals nor conservatives are going to eliminate the other side. There will always be a left and a right. Neither side is going to get their way all the time. The political pendulum is going to swing back and forth. Our future will most assuredly be brighter if our policy is tied more to the truth than to propaganda. Well, the best way to get to the truth is to stop fooling ourselves. None of those made-up insults are real. And when political alignments rely upon made-up insults then the truth is lost. Civil discourse and greater understanding of reality are the best way forward for both sides. United on these principles, we stand. Divided, we fall victims to the Class War.

And let me tell you something. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are in the same class.

And I think the real reason Donald Trump admires Vladimir Putin is because Vlad is way richer than he is.

Wealth is the only thing Donald Trump respects. Despite everything he has done to other people, President Trump respects himself. Not for his accomplishments. Because he is rich.
Hello garyd,

Talk about blind. It is that massive government your party has created that has removed freedom from the American people and forces more and more of them willy nilly into poverty.

Perhaps that massive government was actually created by both sides and has been done so in response to the fact that we have a massive nation.

I bet you can't find one part of government that you think should be eliminated that wouldn't be without somebody else thinking it is vital. And I bet there are few regulations which do not have some support from some group.
Capitalism has no solution to its recurring crises and human displacement, it merely moves crises around geographically and can only exist in a state of assigning blame elsewhere.

Too bad this is so.

I really would like capitalism to lead the world into the better place it can be...a place where poverty is almost non-existent...where everyone has food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical attention.

It is an attainable goal...but it appears capitalism will not be the vehicle.

We Americans should be ashamed of ourselves for not using our capitalism more that we could have been at the fore. We could have borrowed some ideas from socialism and incorporated them to the advantage of the whole.

Instead, we have rejected the necessary.

Apparently socialism will be the economic philosophy that will lead to the better world.
Hello garyd,

Perhaps that massive government was actually created by both sides and has been done so in response to the fact that we have a massive nation.

I bet you can't find one part of government that you think should be eliminated that wouldn't be without somebody else thinking it is vital. And I bet there are few regulations which do not have some support from some group.
And that sir is the problem in a nut shell it is far more easy to justify one more government program no matter how many similar programs already exist than it is to cut one of several such that already exist. Because someone things a given program is necessary does not mean of necessity that it is. We have for instance a federal Helium reserve. We have a federal bureau of education which has not provably done a damn thing other than siphon more and more education dollars away from the classroom. We have thirteen different federal agencies with job training programs, most of them engaged in the moral equivalent of training people to make spats. If you are in need of a completely pointless and stupid way to do something there is probably a government program for that some where.
Hello garyd,

Oh, I noticed. And thank you. I appreciate it. And you've tacitly shown that the OP is incorrect. Thank you. I disagree with stereotyping.

As have I, even as a liberal.

I have a different impression though. President Trump has said some nasty things about people, things which were not substantiated. He called the media: 'The enemy of the people.' He has given way too much recognition to racists and xenophobes. People, so emboldened by his very words, have engaged in violence. Victims lay dead. In so doing, President Trump has opened himself up to valid criticism.

That still does not justify getting nasty. Nothing does. As soon as someone decides that is OK, they lower themselves to the level of what they are criticizing. And if it becomes a habit, it is difficult to drop. We have one liberal poster here who said he would participate in 'Insult-Free Week,' (a thread suggests we go for a week here without insults,) and he didn't last the first morning. I called him on it, and his reply was that he decided it wouldn't work. But there was no post where I saw him saying anything about that. He just let loose on somebody. Looks to me like he can't control his habits and just slipped. And that's all it is. All the trolling and insulting and nastiness. It's just bad habits. Habits are tough to change. It's being anti-social. Not civilized. Disrespecting people. And in so doing, people are disrespecting themselves.

I am over it. I don't have that habit. I won't stand for it, not even going to read it. IMHO respectful people do not talk like that. I don't like talking to people who can't say anything without every other word being F this and F that. I don't associate with people like that in real life and I don't want to do it here.

As for defending yourself from ad hom attacks, each of us has to decide for ourselves how to handle that. I simply refuse to recognize or talk to people who get nasty and hurl insults. I don't talk like that, and I will not engage with anyone who does that to me. Naturally, I have a large Ignore list. So be it. There is so much volume on this board I can do that and still find plenty of good clean conversation in which to be engaged. Actually, there is more clean debate in this Forum than I can ever hope to keep up with. I'm glad to filter out all the garbage and get to the actual issues of discussion. That's what I came here for. To talk politics (of all things!) Contrary to all-too-popular belief here, hurling insults is NOT talking politics.

I am dismayed to see some liberal posters being rude. I think it detracts from our position. It detracts from anybody's position. All we can do is control the way we post. Each of us has to decide for him or her self how we post. But I tell you this. I am going to do what I am going to do, and if others agree then we can change the community spirit of this Forum. Trolls should be marginalized, shut out of polite and sincere, respectful conversation, IMHO.

It's one thing to disagree on political policy. It is quite another to hate on people just because you believe differently. Neither liberals nor conservatives are going to eliminate the other side. There will always be a left and a right. Neither side is going to get their way all the time. The political pendulum is going to swing back and forth. Our future will most assuredly be brighter if our policy is tied more to the truth than to propaganda. Well, the best way to get to the truth is to stop fooling ourselves. None of those made-up insults are real. And when political alignments rely upon made-up insults then the truth is lost. Civil discourse and greater understanding of reality are the best way forward for both sides. United on these principles, we stand. Divided, we fall victims to the Class War.

And let me tell you something. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are in the same class.

And I think the real reason Donald Trump admires Vladimir Putin is because Vlad is way richer than he is.

Wealth is the only thing Donald Trump respects. Despite everything he has done to other people, President Trump respects himself. Not for his accomplishments. Because he is rich.

Sorry I don't think Trump admires Putin, After all the only thing he's said in regard to Putin is that Putin hasn't yet attacked him personally. Putin it would appear is a quick learner unlike most of this country's media. If you don't want Trump to crap in your shoes don't crap in his. Most of the alphabet soup media coverage of Donald Trump has been little more than one very long tiresome ad hom that he counter attacks is to be expected.
Hello garyd,

And that sir is the problem in a nut shell it is far more easy to justify one more government program no matter how many similar programs already exist than it is to cut one of several such that already exist. Because someone things a given program is necessary does not mean of necessity that it is. We have for instance a federal Helium reserve. We have a federal bureau of education which has not provably done a damn thing other than siphon more and more education dollars away from the classroom. We have thirteen different federal agencies with job training programs, most of them engaged in the moral equivalent of training people to make spats. If you are in need of a completely pointless and stupid way to do something there is probably a government program for that some where.

The gist of your post is naturally aimed at making smaller government a goal. To that end you have mentioned several unconnected parts of government which you feel are a needless expense. And you acknowledge the fact that what one person feels is useful, another does not want to spend the money on. There are certainly programs and regulations which I disagree with as well. But why mention them? Just as you know it, I also know that those programs & regulations are important to somebody. That somebody is a fellow American. I think that has to be a compromise where we agree that if we want parts of government which are important to us, that we have to accept parts which are not. Logically, it is going to be that way for everybody, and that is by design. Our Constitution describes that we will have a representative legislature and that we empower those people with the task of creating law and minding our budget. That naturally means that these people are going to bargain with one another and the resultant agreement is going to be you can have your program if I can have mine.

That's the way America works. That is the way America is designed to work. That's what makes America great. Our government is not designed to make itself smaller. Obviously small government was never part of the plan for this nation. Our ever-growing government has served us quite well so far. We have things pretty good. Could be better (depending on what one feels is better) or it could be a lot worse. I can't think of another country I would want to live in. I guess perhaps Australia, perhaps, but not enough to want to relocate there. Only as a backup in case the USA was destroyed. I love the USA just the way it is. That doesn't mean it couldn't get better. There's plenty of room for improvement. But make no mistake. I love my country. I don't want to abolish the Constitution. So I accept that we have a lot of things to pay for and I am OK with paying my share.

I just don't get this desire to want to have taxes so low that our debt is out of control. Cutting the revenue does not cut programs. All it does is grow the debt and that is irresponsible. I see the Republican tax cut for the rich as irresponsible. It is irresponsible to allow a tax give-away to the rich and slap that onto the debt during good economic times. This is when we should be paying down the debt. It certainly can't be done during a recession. The GDP won't support that during a recession. Now is the time to pay it down and rich Republicans are irresponsibly pocketing the revenue we should be paying it down with right now.
Hello garyd,

Sorry I don't think Trump admires Putin, After all the only thing he's said in regard to Putin is that Putin hasn't yet attacked him personally. Putin it would appear is a quick learner unlike most of this country's media. If you don't want Trump to crap in your shoes don't crap in his. Most of the alphabet soup media coverage of Donald Trump has been little more than one very long tiresome ad hom that he counter attacks is to be expected.

I see that completely differently. The media is doing it's job. Some parts of the media lean left, some lean right. It is a myth that the media is liberal. The media is doing it's job. The media's job is to be critical of power. Trump is in power. He is going to be criticized. That goes with the job. If he didn't want to accept that then he should never have taken the job. He can't have this his way. He is wrong for the job. Trump is extremely irresponsible to call the media the enemy of the people. Reporters are getting death threats. And now we have some looney guy who went in a shot up a newspaper. President Trump is wrong to get people angry at the media in general. That is gross and irresponsible over simplification. The media is Americans. Trump is disrespecting Americans and inciting violence. That is not the job of a president. I disapprove of the way he is handling this.
Hello garyd,

I see that completely differently. The media is doing it's job. Some parts of the media lean left, some lean right. It is a myth that the media is liberal. The media is doing it's job. The media's job is to be critical of power. Trump is in power. He is going to be criticized. That goes with the job. If he didn't want to accept that then he should never have taken the job. He can't have this his way. He is wrong for the job. Trump is extremely irresponsible to call the media the enemy of the people. Reporters are getting death threats. And now we have some looney guy who went in a shot up a newspaper. President Trump is wrong to get people angry at the media in general. That is gross and irresponsible over simplification. The media is Americans. Trump is disrespecting Americans and inciting violence. That is not the job of a president. I disapprove of the way he is handling this.

And when the media is repeatedly just throwing "spaghetti against the wall" and hoping something / anything sticks, by making reporting false stories and not even vetting the information??
Hello garyd,

I see that completely differently. The media is doing it's job. Some parts of the media lean left, some lean right. It is a myth that the media is liberal. The media is doing it's job. The media's job is to be critical of power. Trump is in power. He is going to be criticized. That goes with the job. If he didn't want to accept that then he should never have taken the job. He can't have this his way. He is wrong for the job. Trump is extremely irresponsible to call the media the enemy of the people. Reporters are getting death threats. And now we have some looney guy who went in a shot up a newspaper. President Trump is wrong to get people angry at the media in general. That is gross and irresponsible over simplification. The media is Americans. Trump is disrespecting Americans and inciting violence. That is not the job of a president. I disapprove of the way he is handling this.
Calling the president stupid and incompentent and/or crazy is not news it is opinion and insulting. That is not their job. You want to write about how and why you disagree with his policies no problem. But if your only reason is because it is Donald Trump formulating them then you're being petulant and childish.