Hello garyd,
Of course I am. In case you haven't noticed I've been quite civil the entire time I've been here.
Oh, I noticed. And thank you. I appreciate it. And you've tacitly shown that the OP is incorrect. Thank you. I disagree with stereotyping.
however that does not mean I will not at times defend myself and those like me from ad homs launched by the left. In the past the right especially our spineless leadership has often chosen to ignore verbal assaults upon themselves and there fellows. This. in spite of our leadership's belief to the contrary, has only emboldened the character assassins of the left. Neither I nor anyone else should tolerate naked character assassination Of the sort that has been frequently leveled against Trump and his followers. People for whom that is their sole stock and trade can expect that I will call them on it.
As have I, even as a liberal.
I have a different impression though. President Trump has said some nasty things about people, things which were not substantiated. He called the media: 'The enemy of the people.' He has given way too much recognition to racists and xenophobes. People, so emboldened by his very words, have engaged in violence. Victims lay dead. In so doing, President Trump has opened himself up to valid criticism.
That still does not justify getting nasty. Nothing does. As soon as someone decides that is OK, they lower themselves to the level of what they are criticizing. And if it becomes a habit, it is difficult to drop. We have one liberal poster here who said he would participate in 'Insult-Free Week,' (a thread suggests we go for a week here without insults,) and he didn't last the first morning. I called him on it, and his reply was that he decided it wouldn't work. But there was no post where I saw him saying anything about that. He just let loose on somebody. Looks to me like he can't control his habits and just slipped. And that's all it is. All the trolling and insulting and nastiness. It's just bad habits. Habits are tough to change. It's being anti-social. Not civilized. Disrespecting people. And in so doing, people are disrespecting themselves.
I am over it. I don't have that habit. I won't stand for it, not even going to read it. IMHO respectful people do not talk like that. I don't like talking to people who can't say anything without every other word being F this and F that. I don't associate with people like that in real life and I don't want to do it here.
As for defending yourself from ad hom attacks, each of us has to decide for ourselves how to handle that. I simply refuse to recognize or talk to people who get nasty and hurl insults. I don't talk like that, and I will not engage with anyone who does that to me. Naturally, I have a large Ignore list. So be it. There is so much volume on this board I can do that and still find plenty of good clean conversation in which to be engaged. Actually, there is more clean debate in this Forum than I can ever hope to keep up with. I'm glad to filter out all the garbage and get to the actual issues of discussion. That's what I came here for. To talk politics (of all things!) Contrary to all-too-popular belief here, hurling insults is NOT talking politics.
I am dismayed to see some liberal posters being rude. I think it detracts from our position. It detracts from anybody's position. All we can do is control the way we post. Each of us has to decide for him or her self how we post. But I tell you this. I am going to do what I am going to do, and if others agree then we can change the community spirit of this Forum. Trolls should be marginalized, shut out of polite and sincere, respectful conversation, IMHO.
It's one thing to disagree on political policy. It is quite another to hate on people just because you believe differently. Neither liberals nor conservatives are going to eliminate the other side. There will always be a left and a right. Neither side is going to get their way all the time. The political pendulum is going to swing back and forth. Our future will most assuredly be brighter if our policy is tied more to the truth than to propaganda. Well, the best way to get to the truth is to stop fooling ourselves. None of those made-up insults are real. And when political alignments rely upon made-up insults then the truth is lost. Civil discourse and greater understanding of reality are the best way forward for both sides. United on these principles, we stand. Divided, we fall victims to the Class War.
And let me tell you something. Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are in the same class.
And I think the real reason Donald Trump admires Vladimir Putin is because Vlad is way richer than he is.
Wealth is the only thing Donald Trump respects. Despite everything he has done to other people, President Trump respects himself. Not for his accomplishments. Because he is rich.