Democrats and especially leftist media like to blame Donald Trump for "polarizing" the nation. That's their latest complaint about this President. They ignore the fact trhat most New Yorkers are naturally polarizing by nature to begin with.
Media likes to pretend phony outrage at Trump for saying "the media is the enemy of the people." Actually Trump is simply saying that the leftist media is the enemy of the people, and he's right! The facts are while Trump is often crude and obnoxious linguestically, it's actually leftist media that's inspiring violence directed at Trump, his cabinet, his family and his supporters. Just watch CNN, MSNBC and ABC, CBS and NBC nighty news cast. 90% of their political coverage is "trash Trump" any old way they can think of. If you want to see "POLARIZING," just watch "Trump Dump TV." It's absurd and disgusting!