Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proves he's clueless

So, do you just sit around waiting for me to post so you can jump in with one of your hashtags? Just want to be clear on this, if you plan on humping my leg all day long I'll get the spray bottle.

You sad, pathetic, mentally retarded leftist hack; buy a mirror. #moron
....and the point he was wearing it wrong completely went over your head. Yeah, I'm sure no one noticed you missed that. in your rush to attack and troll me, you just made yourself look like a fucking moron dumber than DeSantis...and that's saying a lot.

It only speaks to your triggered loony mental state. To anyone normal and with an IQ above room temp, this is a yawner. :rolleyes:

The Left:

Watching the video of Governor DeSantis completely FUBAR putting on a simple mask makes me wonder if someone ties his shoes every day or if he just wears those with velcro straps.


During a Friday press conference at the Urban League of Broward County, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself holding an N95 face mask, the kind with two elastic loops that go around the head, not just over the ears. He took a gander at it, then grabbed the front of the mask with one hand and pulled the top loop over his head. He then touched the front of the mask—a big no-no—a second time, trying to adjust it over his nose and chin.

The adjustment was impossible because—as DeSantis stood outside in fairly close proximity to other people—the bottom loop was dangling loose below his chin, rendering the whole mask useless.


Talk about desperation. It's a different style. The others are wearing masks designed with shorter rings of elastic which go behind the ears.
His mask has 2 separated longer bands which are designed to go around the head...which he did. It has the same full vertical coverage.
The Supreme Court exceeded it's authority with that ruling. It does not have authority to change the Constitution of the United States.

Sorry, your opinion of their authority is irrelevant. Gay marriage is legal. State religion is unconstitutional. Denying service to based on a protected class is unconstitutional. Your wish list is not possible without repealing the 14th Amendment.
so it looks like Orlando is going to go along with Phase 1. the Miami-dade complex is obviously not.

I want a haircut sooo bad
Actually, if you look at the soldiers standing behind DeSantis, you will see they are wearing standard surgical masks, with a strap over each ear. So yes, they are worn completely differently. Also, a standard dust mask has a single strap, so again you are wrong on that count as well. If you've never used an n95 it would not be unheard of to not realize you need to slip the bottom strap over your head first. Obviously, you had no idea what the mask was, but like all libs you are quick to criticize those who don't agree with your psychopathic ideology. Yes yes, I know, you claim to be a moderate, but you aren't fooling anyone. All of you "moderates" just happen to agree with everything Democrats promote. You are "moderately" a flaming leftist. Get over it. Stop being dishonest.

Dude, you obviously are as clueless on how to wear the N95 or common surgical mask as DeSantis. Look closely at the picture below and then compare it to the one of DeSantis. He's a fucking moron. He's wearing the straps wrong. Look at the loose one hanging below his neck. He should wrap it around his nuts so he can no longer breed.

Watching the video of Governor DeSantis completely FUBAR putting on a simple mask makes me wonder if someone ties his shoes every day or if he just wears those with velcro straps.

During a Friday press conference at the Urban League of Broward County, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself holding an N95 face mask, the kind with two elastic loops that go around the head, not just over the ears. He took a gander at it, then grabbed the front of the mask with one hand and pulled the top loop over his head. He then touched the front of the mask—a big no-no—a second time, trying to adjust it over his nose and chin.

The adjustment was impossible because—as DeSantis stood outside in fairly close proximity to other people—the bottom loop was dangling loose below his chin, rendering the whole mask useless.]

Both Desantic and Scott have their heads so far up Trump's ass it is suprising they can breathe, love to see what the quid pro quo is there, although it could be just a case of both being Trump groupies, they know he's a big draw in Central Florida and the panhandle