Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proves he's clueless

Yeah. Experience in a hospital surgical facility. So?

Painting a chair on the driveway. Sanding anything. Watching your baby be delivered. Watching a fucking Doctor TV show.

Dude, you can cover for DeSantis until the cows come home, but he looked like a monkey fucking football. Not a good look on a 41-year-old man much less a Governor.

Watching the video of Governor DeSantis completely FUBAR putting on a simple mask makes me wonder if someone ties his shoes every day or if he just wears those with velcro straps.


During a Friday press conference at the Urban League of Broward County, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself holding an N95 face mask, the kind with two elastic loops that go around the head, not just over the ears. He took a gander at it, then grabbed the front of the mask with one hand and pulled the top loop over his head. He then touched the front of the mask—a big no-no—a second time, trying to adjust it over his nose and chin.

The adjustment was impossible because—as DeSantis stood outside in fairly close proximity to other people—the bottom loop was dangling loose below his chin, rendering the whole mask useless.


This is interesting.

You claim to be from Texas and you don't care about New York, yet you seem to care about Florida. Can you explain the disparity?

The fact that you think I give a shit about Cuomo like you do.

Your claim you support States Rights is a lie as most of your posts reveal.
Watching the video of Governor DeSantis completely FUBAR putting on a simple mask makes me wonder if someone ties his shoes every day or if he just wears those with velcro straps.


During a Friday press conference at the Urban League of Broward County, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself holding an N95 face mask, the kind with two elastic loops that go around the head, not just over the ears. He took a gander at it, then grabbed the front of the mask with one hand and pulled the top loop over his head. He then touched the front of the mask—a big no-no—a second time, trying to adjust it over his nose and chin.

The adjustment was impossible because—as DeSantis stood outside in fairly close proximity to other people—the bottom loop was dangling loose below his chin, rendering the whole mask useless.


Being from Texas, why do you care?

I'm a Texan. Cuomo is NY's problem. Why are you against States Rights? Is it because you are an extreme RW authoritarian asshole?

What would our nation do if all the extreme authoritarians were chained to the bottom of the ocean? "Live happily ever after".

Being from Texas, why do you care?
This is interesting.

You claim to be from Texas and you don't care about New York, yet you seem to care about Florida. Can you explain the disparity?

You are confusing having a laugh with "caring". Be honest, when I post Biden or Pelosi had doing something this stupid, do you bitch about it? No, you don't. Why? Because you are a partisan cuck. You only care when I take a poke at someone on your side, not the opposition side.

It's not like I'm bitching and whining about another state's politics like you often do. I'm ridiculing the people supposedly in charge. The fact you are defending this idiot says more about you than me.
So when are you going to ingest some Chlorox? Oh right, Trump was being sarcastic about that. How do you know he wasn't also being sarcastic about hydroxychloroquine?

Trump never said to ingest Clorox you dishonest, brain dead hack. WTF is wrong with you morons?
A couple of thoughts. If you are 12 years old or younger, no you are not stupid. If you are an adult over 30, you're a fucking moron like Ronnie. If you're in between, it depends.

Bullshit on "lay person". He's the Governor of Florida, the third most populous state, and ties NY for third place in Electoral Votes. Are you really trying to give him a pass on failing to ask "How do I wear this fucking thing?" 6 full weeks after Trump declared a national health emergency? Or are you giving him a pass on being so inept he has a full staff as equally clueless as himself?

If you're a whiny little girl still in diapers, you'll have conniptions over someone not wearing a mask right. #fuckofftroll

It's not upside down ya retard. You can clearly see the metal nose strip above his nose. Another genius who doesn't know how to use an n95, but that's no big surprise with you Mason.

The stupidity displayed by the left would be comic if not so frightening in it's insanity.
You are confusing having a laugh with "caring". Be honest, when I post Biden or Pelosi had doing something this stupid, do you bitch about it? No, you don't. Why? Because you are a partisan cuck. You only care when I take a poke at someone on your side, not the opposition side.

It's not like I'm bitching and whining about another state's politics like you often do. I'm ridiculing the people supposedly in charge. The fact you are defending this idiot says more about you than me.

So starting a bitchy whine fest about Pence is just you not caring and having a laugh? I think someone needs a diaper change. Poor Dopey Opie. :)
China and the W.H.O. ;) You're welcome. Apparently leftists are too retarded to figure this out.

See "anything but the truth" has swallowed Trump's China/WHO scapegoating, then again, can't say Trump didn't know the "anything but the truths" were out there even before he descended on the escalator
See "anything but the truth" has swallowed Trump's China/WHO scapegoating, then again, can't say Trump didn't know the "anything but the truths" were out there even before he descended on the escalator

How is that scapegoating? You really don't think that China and the W.H.O. aren't the culprits of this viral epidemic? How fucking dumb and far removed from the truth are you morons on the left?

That was rhetorical.
So starting a bitchy whine fest about Pence is just you not caring and having a laugh? I think someone needs a diaper change. Poor Dopey Opie. :)

Dude, everyone knows you have some mental issues, but this thread is about that fucking moron, Ron DeSantis. I like Mike Pence and I have no doubt Vice President Pence would know how to wear the mask....if he chose to wear one.

Mike Pence would be a good President. One worth my vote.

You are confusing having a laugh with "caring". Be honest, when I post Biden or Pelosi had doing something this stupid, do you bitch about it? No, you don't. Why? Because you are a partisan cuck. You only care when I take a poke at someone on your side, not the opposition side.

It's not like I'm bitching and whining about another state's politics like you often do. I'm ridiculing the people supposedly in charge. The fact you are defending this idiot says more about you than me.

I don't believe you lefty
Sure, dear. If that's what you want to believe, then you go right ahead and do it! The fact remains he has a strap loose. Even if he wore it as you say, he still fucked it up like a dumbass.

Now, be a good little Republican girl and fetch the men a beer. ;)

Geeeeeeeeeez. grow up. get over it. complaining, moaning, kvetching, juveniles. thank God the left is going down.