Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proves he's clueless

the masks are as a fake issue as the flag pins on lapels of representatives. Honesty doesn't have to be symbolic like truth always needs image and illusion to make vocabulary more than just a line of syllables communicating brain to brain within one species reproductively timed apart now.
Speaking of masks, yours is slipping, sweetheart.

There are two types of socks: Lame dumbasses who are eventually revealed because they are dumbasses and the mentally ill which can either be sociopaths or schizophrenics (who may not even be aware of the sock!). I think you are in the former group, dear.
Speaking of masks, yours is slipping, sweetheart.

There are two types of socks: Lame dumbasses who are eventually revealed because they are dumbasses and the mentally ill which can either be sociopaths or schizophrenics (who may not even be aware of the sock!). I think you are in the former group, dear.

don't have one, so it cannot slip. Remember a mind is someone reciting what everyone else chose to believe possible never seeking to understand their personal time being spaced apart now.
I wouldn't know how to put it on either -does that make me stupid? Desantis is a lay person

A couple of thoughts. If you are 12 years old or younger, no you are not stupid. If you are an adult over 30, you're a fucking moron like Ronnie. If you're in between, it depends.

Bullshit on "lay person". He's the Governor of Florida, the third most populous state, and ties NY for third place in Electoral Votes. Are you really trying to give him a pass on failing to ask "How do I wear this fucking thing?" 6 full weeks after Trump declared a national health emergency? Or are you giving him a pass on being so inept he has a full staff as equally clueless as himself?

President Donald Trump on Friday declared the coronavirus pandemic a national emergency, freeing up money and resources to fight the outbreak, and then threw his support behind an aid package in Congress that is on track to provide direct relief to Americans.

From the Rose Garden, Trump said, “I am officially declaring a national emergency,” unleashing as much as $50 billion for state and local governments to respond to the crisis.
Nothing to see everyone else was wearing a surgical mask except DeSantis and the speaker but you in your stupidity called the mask he was wearing a surgical mask. BTW the lower strap is to force your exhaled breath through the mask. Not important if the wearer is negative and keeping social distancing outdoors. Nice try but no score again loser.

What a wit you are that was funny. Oh have no fear I have plenty of groans stocked up for your asinine posts.

He has it on upside down dip shit
Dude, you obviously are as clueless on how to wear the N95 or common surgical mask as DeSantis. Look closely at the picture below and then compare it to the one of DeSantis. He's a fucking moron. He's wearing the straps wrong. Look at the loose one hanging below his neck. He should wrap it around his nuts so he can no longer breed.


None of that changes the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about. Your original assessment was dead wrong. The only thing you've demonstrated is that you were able to Google it. Wow, impressive.
I'm really not on any Governors case- YET!

Hell, these governors are having to make huge decisions. I was surprised that as many participated in the shutdown as did!

Some were slower to react than others, but most did have a shutdown of some capacity.

I'm faithful that my governor here in Texas is mostly making the right decision and that he will keep his word, "If we see we are opening things up too fast, we'll backtrack immediately"!

And not only that, but our County Commissioner here in Dallas County is calling the shots here anyway.

History will be the judge of these governors decisions in the long term! So, it's a little presumptuous for any of us to try and decide history out in front of the outcome.

And if history proves they made a bad decision, many people could die, and they will be held responsible by the voters if they do.

The buck has to stop somewhere!
Talk about desperation. It's a different style. The others are wearing masks designed with shorter rings of elastic which go behind the ears.
His mask has 2 separated longer bands which are designed to go around the head...which he did. It has the same full vertical coverage.

Sure, dear. If that's what you want to believe, then you go right ahead and do it! The fact remains he has a strap loose. Even if he wore it as you say, he still fucked it up like a dumbass.

Now, be a good little Republican girl and fetch the men a beer. ;)
None of that changes the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about. Your original assessment was dead wrong. The only thing you've demonstrated is that you were able to Google it. Wow, impressive.

If that is true, then you should have no problem posting a picture of how it is supposed to be worn then comparing it to DeSantis. If you don't then everyone knows you are blowing smoke.