Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proves he's clueless

Dude, everyone knows you have some mental issues, but this thread is about that fucking moron, Ron DeSantis. I like Mike Pence and I have no doubt Vice President Pence would know how to wear the mask....if he chose to wear one.

Mike Pence would be a good President. One worth my vote.


mouth & nose covered with a N95....just like bandana would cover....which is also an approved substitute. go back to your play pen.
Geeeeeeeeeez. grow up. get over it. complaining, moaning, kvetching, juveniles. thank God the left is going down.

Yeah - the right is doing awesome work right now. Handling this whole thing just beautifully.

Should ensure a few centuries of political dominance. Just a paragon of good, sound leadership.
Geeeeeeeeeez. grow up. get over it. complaining, moaning, kvetching, juveniles. thank God the left is going down.

That's okay, sweet cheeks. You're allowed to bitch all you want...but you forgot the beer.


Meanwhile, back to adult conversation: Not all Floridian's are impressed with Ronnie

Gov. Ron DeSantis has seen his approval rating drop during the coronavirus outbreak while a number of other governors have seen their ratings soar.

Sorry, your opinion of their authority is irrelevant.
It is quite relevant.
Gay marriage is legal.
Not all States recognize it. Not all people recognize it. Personally, I don't think it makes any sense.
State religion is unconstitutional.
Currently true. No State constitution authorizes a State religion. If a State were to amend its constitution accordingly, then it would be quite constitutional.
Denying service to based on a protected class is unconstitutional.
There is no such word as 'protected class' anywhere in the federal Constitution.
Your wish list is not possible without repealing the 14th Amendment.
The 14th amendment does not change any of this.

The 1st amendment still applies only to the federal government.
The 2nd amendment still applies to the federal government and to the States.

Nothing has changed.
Both Desantic and Scott have their heads so far up Trump's ass it is suprising they can breathe, love to see what the quid pro quo is there, although it could be just a case of both being Trump groupies, they know he's a big draw in Central Florida and the panhandle

As linked earlier, DeSantis' favorability is dropping, like Trump's, due to his failures in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

This little mask fiasco is just icing on the cake of his failures.

It is quite relevant.

Not all States recognize it. Not all people recognize it. Personally, I don't think it makes any sense.

Currently true. No State constitution authorizes a State religion. If a State were to amend its constitution accordingly, then it would be quite constitutional.

There is no such word as 'protected class' anywhere in the federal Constitution.

The 14th amendment does not change any of this.

The 1st amendment still applies only to the federal government.
The 2nd amendment still applies to the federal government and to the States.

Nothing has changed.

ROTFLMAO!!!!! The 14th Amendment applies ALL constitutional protections to all states. Please, take a class.
I have family in Florida...They, along with most Floridians, think he's doing a great job....Some people just hate everything and everyone...;)

I cannot speak to what your family thinks, but DeSantis is not doing well in general.

State governors across the country have seen their job approval ratings soar amid their handling of the coronavirus outbreak, with one notable exception: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
I cannot speak to what your family thinks, but DeSantis is not doing well in general.

TOPs family can't spell "Republican" so they just say "We're all Cons!"

Agreed DeSantis' poll numbers are dropping. Mostly due to his poor handling of the COVID-19 crisis. Unlike the family of "ex-teacher" TOP, most Floridians accept the basic principles of medical science.
You're entitled to your opinion....

Almost all world leaders, and governors have seen a 10 to 40% jumps in their favorability. trump and DeSantis have seen drops. This is not good for them.

I blame a lack of empathy. trump and DeSantis think all this death is an attempt to make them look bad, and lack any empathy for others' suffering.
Almost all world leaders, and governors have seen a 10 to 40% jumps in their favorability. trump and DeSantis have seen drops. This is not good for them.

I blame a lack of empathy. trump and DeSantis think all this death is an attempt to make them look bad, and lack any empathy for others' suffering.

Do you have a link to that data?

Agreed on both Trump and DeSantis. Village idiots need to be kept out of the street.
The compilation, gathered from a number of recent in-state polling and comparing it with Morning Consult ratings from the end of last year, uses the April 6 poll from the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida. That poll surveyed via email 3,244 Florida voters from March 31 through April 4.
respondents tended to skew Democrat.
^ uh huh

DeSantis had the fourth-highest ratings out of the 15 governors at the end of 2019 at 58%
^there it is/ 58% is the approval we give governors when they skate us thru a hurricane
It's un-substainable in a state that shifts blue each election
^ uh huh
^there it is/ 58% is the approval we give governors when they skate us thru a hurricane
It's un-substainable in a state that shifts blue each election

You left off the link for a reason, so I figured it was because you were using deceit to trick people.

Here's the link with all the data: https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/p...0200412-fqo7ptihrzazjlzj7pbixl4n4u-story.html
...The compilation, gathered from a number of recent in-state polling and comparing it with Morning Consult ratings from the end of last year, uses the April 6 poll from the Public Opinion Research Lab at the University of North Florida. That poll surveyed via email 3,244 Florida voters from March 31 through April 4.

It showed DeSantis with a 51% approval rating compared with 46% disapproval, still positive numbers for the governor. One caveat of the UNF poll was that while its sample set of overall responses was 37% Democrat, 35% Republican and 28% independent, respondents tended to skew Democrat.

But DeSantis’ Morning Consult rating at the end of 2019 was at 58%. And FiveThirtyEight showed 14 other governors, including six of DeSantis’ fellow Republicans and eight Democrats, each saw jumps of 11% to a whopping 41% amid their handling of the crisis according to a variety of state-specific polls.

The highest marks were for Democrats Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California, along with Republican Mike DeWine of Ohio, who all saw jumps of more than 30% approval from their Morning Consult ratings at the end of 2019....
Of course it does. You aren't serious, right? You can't be this stupid, can you?

He's serious. The jury is still out on that. My vote leans toward "slightly above average intelligence, but a little schizo". I could be wrong.