Leftist Vermin
Any bets he never returns to the White House? Probably not even Washington DC unless compelled to testify after Pence pardons him.
How can Pence pardon him? He's not POTUS and never will be.
Any bets he never returns to the White House? Probably not even Washington DC unless compelled to testify after Pence pardons him.
Have you found a tRumptard here on JPP with the spine to actually accept a bet? All I have encountered are tRump supporting jellyfish with a severe case of mouth diarrhea.
How can Pence pardon him? He's not POTUS and never will be.
Yes; Matt Dillon, but then he reneged and refused to pay. No others were brave enough to put their money where their mouth was.
I cannot even imagine walking in on a renovation project a girlfriend or wife masterminded, and immediately demand it be ripped down and deconstructed.
Beyond my comprehension.
Trump is not only the stupidest person ever allowed in the oval office, he is an utterly reprehensible human being.
The fact that JPP Trumpettes adore and worship him makes me wonder if they see part of themselves in him, percieve him as a fellow traveller.
With Dillon being the jellyfish that I suspected him to be, then the real answer is no. Simply put, our tRumptards are gutless wonders just likectRumpfuck is.
Trump resigns morning of the 20th. Pence is sworn in then pardons Trump. Pence goes to the Inauguration. Trump never has to get off his fat ass in Mar-a-Lago.
Unlikely but I suppose it could happen.
It won't, however, save him from all the state charges piling up.
Yes; Matt Dillon, but then he reneged and refused to pay. No others were brave enough to put their money where their mouth was.
And then there's the fake teacher who promised to either make a large donation to an animal shelter, or quit the forum if anyone could prove she's a fake teacher. How do you prove a negative? In the dusty little cranium that holds the crumbs of her brain, that magically turned into *I* made the bet with her, she accepted, and somehow I lost -- even though she never fulfilled the terms of the bet.
It takes a special brand of mental Cirque Du Soleil acts to be the typical Reichtard.![]()
My favorite part is when tRump chewed out the Mar-A-Lago staff that had NOTHING to do with the renovation and Donny knew it. What a chickenshit bully CorruptRump is.
My favorite part is when tRump chewed out the Mar-A-Lago staff that had NOTHING to do with the renovation and Donny knew it. What a chickenshit bully CorruptRump is.
Hello Tacomaman,
Sounds like the classless oaf we are all too familiar with.
He's angry about losing the election, so he takes it out on the hired help.