Marine Corps General tells Pelosi to pound sand

If the neo-Nazis like you and LV-whatever get your way, people like you will have citizens arrested for thought-crimes, the concentration camps are coming. We will call them FEMA camps.
Then ted kennedy was a reverend

Ted Kennedy was rich and Irish. If mixed with alcohol, then it's always a bad combination. I'm surprised he made it as far as he did.

My guess is that had he not been the last Kennedy brother then he would have ended up sidelined out of politics.
Defense of self and property is very distinct from levying war on the federal Government of our Union.

Agreed. Having an ax or a truck is fine unless someone tries to harm others with it. That's where the line is and where it should remain.
Assholishness Extremus

Not a lawyer or a LEO. Let them figure it out.

Guys with businesses might suddenly find themselves under a tax audit due to possible links to terrorism based upon social media evidence.

The guy posted something stupid on jpp, so you think the FBI should be involved? You don't think they have better things to do. Thank Koresh, you have no power. You are a totalitarian wannabe.
The guy posted something stupid on jpp, so you think the FBI should be involved? You don't think they have better things to do. Thank Koresh, you have no power. You are a totalitarian wannabe.

Isn't that what you said about the idiot who wanted to learn how to fly but not how to land? WTFO?
I'm leery that it's a legit story and strongly doubt the Commandant of the Marine Corps would disrespect the Speaker of the House.

Even if she did ask, his answer would more likely be a simple, "No ma'am, we can't do that without the orders of the Commander in Chief."

Not likely a real story since sock boys source is a noob Infowars level site or even worse depending where they go. They literally do things anonymously. P.S. chance of Lionfish being VanderMolen is 63%. Also probable people are Legion or Yurt.
Not likely a real story since sock boys source is a noob Infowars level site or even worse depending where they go. They literally do things anonymously. P.S. chance of Lionfish being VanderMolen is 63%. Also probable people are Legion or Yurt.
Unlikely Stevie since he can’t hold a straight face that long. Legion is a possibility. Not sure about “Yurt” since I don’t know his personality compared to anyone else. I know the name, not the personality.
Unlikely Stevie since he can’t hold a straight face that long. Legion is a possibility. Not sure about “Yurt” since I don’t know his personality compared to anyone else. I know the name, not the personality.

Well, he did show up soon after Stevie was banned. He's a heavy account user even with Facebook. He talks about all the times he's banned on the forum here almost like he's bragging. I'm sure he uses a V.P.N. address. Stevie seems to cover several roles but the obvious side he has is just how bored he is. He trolls but he also shows great interest in off topic things.
Well, he did show up soon after Stevie was banned. He's a heavy account user even with Facebook. He talks about all the times he's banned on the forum here almost like he's bragging. I'm sure he uses a V.P.N. address. Stevie seems to cover several roles but the obvious side he has is just how bored he is. He trolls but he also shows great interest in off topic things.
Thanks. I know Stevie, known between him and me as my son because I tell him dad jokes. What are some of Yurt's usernames in the past year?
Thanks, but I still don't recollect reading anything by him or having a discussion with him. Where did he go?

I rarely see him around with his OG Yurt avatar. He used the term pound sand often and I hardly saw that used much except by a few. It's normally younger posters. He obsessed over certain posters like Owlwoman, etc.
I rarely see him around with his OG Yurt avatar. He used the term pound sand often and I hardly saw that used much except by a few. It's normally younger posters. He obsessed over certain posters like Owlwoman, etc.

What was his approximate age at the time?

I don't know the avatar. Google shows a Mongolian tent.

Was he in the service? "Pound sand up his ass" is a common Marine Corps phrase from the 80s. It's also possible he grew up in a service family but never joined himself.
What was his approximate age at the time?

I don't know the avatar. Google shows a Mongolian tent.

Was he in the service? "Pound sand up his ass" is a common Marine Corps phrase from the 80s. It's also possible he grew up in a service family but never joined himself.

I'd say close to my age or younger. I'm 34 myself. His best trait was that he bugged I Love America, but his worst was spazzing and bickering. He has a smile icon.:yurtandpoet: