lets compare riots

Fun fact: Martin Luther was Hitler's idol. They even had a day for him.

Jesus, Witold. Are you drinking again?

Skipping your Holocaust diversion, tell me which state you plan to ship all Americans of a certain skin tone. What about mixed race like Kamala Harris or Tiger Woods. It's okay if you don't know. Just be man enough to admit it.

I wouldn't ship, anybody.

I'd revoke citizenships according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.
I wouldn't ship, anybody.

I'd revoke citizenships according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Can't do that retroactively, kid. Maybe you should have listened to the Irish side of your family more often.

Who do you think would still be citizens and who wouldn't be under your Final Solution?
Jesus, Witold. Are you drinking again?

Skipping your Holocaust diversion, tell me which state you plan to ship all Americans of a certain skin tone. What about mixed race like Kamala Harris or Tiger Woods. It's okay if you don't know the answer. Just be man enough to admit it.

Before your current signature, you had something about Humanity being like a single organism.

That's cr@p.

You support a World without diversity.

You don't want Jews, or Blacks, or Native Americans, or Poles, or Arabs, or Chinese etc.

You think we are all one in the same.

Well, that makes you worse than Hitler, you are jeopardizing what cultures of diversity are.

You're the most brainwashed Globalist stooge on the forum.
Can't do that retroactively, kid. Maybe you should have listened to the Irish side of your family more often.

Who do you think would still be citizens and who wouldn't be under your Final Solution?

My Irish grandparents didn't care much for Italians, they really didn't like Blacks & hated Jews.
now there was a riot this year that was mainly conservatives and there was a murder involved some damage to the capital and some police officers hurt it was wrong no doubt about it.

But there were dozens and dozens of riots by liberals with massive looting of businesses and some will never reopen , thousands of cops injured 47 people murdered, statues destroyed old people attacked a woman in a wheel chair attacked , people dragged out of their cars and beaten , rapes people told to get out of their homes , well over a billion dollars in damages , flags burned public and private property destroyed.
over 14000 arrested .

simple fact is the democrats have proven they are a menace to society and a true danger to innocent people . now they will all come to the rescue of the democrat rioters and say its not true , I would like to see just one be honest and admit how much damage the blm riots actually did to then nation and say they were wrong like I did to the capital riots , but we know that's unlikely to happen .

Democrat Party: Dangerous domestic terrorist faction
Before your current signature, you had something about Humanity being like a single organism.

That's cr@p.

You support a World without diversity.

You don't want Jews, or Blacks, or Native Americans, or Poles, or Arabs, or Chinese etc.

You think we are all one in the same.

Well, that makes you worse than Hitler, you are jeopardizing what cultures of diversity are.

You're the most brainwashed Globalist stooge on the forum.

Now I know you are drinking because you're sounding dumber than usual. Sleep it off, kid. When you can detail a plan, I'll listen.
Can't do that retroactively, kid. Maybe you should have listened to the Irish side of your family more often.

Who do you think would still be citizens and who wouldn't be under your Final Solution?

Your final solution is American Jews & Native Americans being wiped out due to assimilation & miscegenation.
True about old. No doubt I'm old enough to be your grandpa, not just an elderly, and certainly wiser, uncle. Dumb is debatable. You might be smart but your emotions rule your head. Passion is a great motivator but it must be tempered with reason. I hope I'm not the first to inform you of this fact.

I've told you countless times that I'm in my 40s, so I'm not sure why you share details about yourself with such confidence while you blithely disregard people's own good-faith descriptors of themselves.

Excitement is overrated. If you wanted excitement you should have pursued an exciting career. Be honest, the only reason you want to be a lawyer is to make money, isn't it? You're just as bad as any person you condemn.

Excitement? We're in an era where people literally believe a virus that has killed half a million people is a hoax. We're in an era where people still believe there is voter fraud despite Biden winning a landslide victory that has been affirmed by dozens of Trump appointees in the federal courts. In other words, we're at the verge of our democracy imploding. If you're not "excited" by that fact, then you're dead.

As for my career, how many people here work and donate their money to charity? I make a fine living, yes, but I do it to feed two children and pay a mortgage, add to their college savings, and pay for retirement. I don't do it so I can have 2 lake houses and a plane.

If "no doubt you're old enough to be my grandfather" then apparently you're 95 years old and still trafficking in lies, and total unawareness of the emergency nature of our current crisis and politics. That's a sad statement of your inability to learn anything new in life.

My guess is you're closer to 60, and closer to being an older brother in age, than being a father or even an uncle. Either way, you're not terribly smart, and you're insufferably smug about your dumbness, so it's no surprise to me that so many reasonable people here loathe you.
Hilljack in flyover country is a racist term. You STILL arent getting it. Have you ever traveled? Been anywhere at all? You realize that there is a whole big world out there I would hope. Many of the rural areas, like where I live, are not what you think they are,... at all. In fact....to us...YOU are the hillbilly. We live MUCH better than you by just about every metric. Education, quality of life, crime, ect ect. The place I live people in midwestern cities work their entire lives just to be able to move here buy a home and retire here. Your world view is laughable. You really need to get out and see the world.

Why are you suddenly glamourizing midwestern cities? The riots started in Minnesota. Cops shoot black people with impunity in Chicago. Kansas City has shitloads more crime than ANY city in Oregon.

And yeah, I've been to Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Kansas, Nebraska, and literally every state and major city west of the Mississippi. I've also been to NYC, DC, Florida, upstate NY, Virginia, and Baltimore, MD. You know nothing about me, but I can tell from your insecure posting style that almost everything you say about yourself is exagerrated.
Imagine being naive enuff to think that the whole of the country outside of the major cities is just a bunch of hillbilly ridden broken down shacks and trailers. :laugh:

No, I just believe that about you, and it has nothing to do with your living conditions. Ignorant-ass hillbillies often have 5 bedroom homes and boats and cares (stacked to the gills with debt, usually) and disbelieve just about every piece of proven science (like evolution, global climate change, viruses/vaccines, etc.)

Like I said kid,

We're probably the same age, kid.

....to us,...it is YOU who are the hillbilly rubes. You know those nicer suburbs just outside of the city? You know,....the place where most people stuck in the city are actually trying to get to some day. THAT is what most of rural America is. This isnt 1925 kid.................:laugh:

What the FUCK are you talking about?

FYI, those "nice suburbs" outside the city were formulated that way through decades and centuries of housing segregation. If you had any empathy for human beings at all, you wouldn't brag about your artificial advantages in life that you came by through none of your own hard work.
The woman is talking very foolishly when she says THEY "whoever they is" are lucky black people arent looking for revenge. Heres why....both her, and you, are talking about black people being slaughtered by cops. Lemme tell you something kid,....the cops are basically NOTHING compared to the military. Shit,...they are nothing compared to just a group of right wing survival types because Cops have to play by rules. They also dont use heavy weapons. Blacks only make up 12.5% of the population and their numbers are actually declining. When she says THEY are lucky she is dead wrong, the fact is black people are the ones that are lucky they arent seeking revenge. They would be slaughtered, in short order. Not saying I want that to happen, Im just being real with you. Thats the Critical thinking thing again...LOL Talking foolishly and haughty doesnt solve anything or scare anyone because everyone knows the truth. Its not like its a secret...LOL

Oh, what a BIG man, threatening a woman and a racial minority with extinction purely because she had the temerity to be "uppity" and describe history truthfully.

This post, more than all of your other putrid posts, proves you're a white supremacist asshole.
Oh, what a BIG man, threatening a woman and a racial minority with extinction purely because she had the temerity to be "uppity" and describe history truthfully.

This post, more than all of your other putrid posts, proves you're a white supremacist asshole.

I've told you countless times that I'm in my 40s, so I'm not sure why you share details about yourself with such confidence while you blithely disregard people's own good-faith descriptors of themselves.

Excitement? We're in an era where people literally believe a virus that has killed half a million people is a hoax. We're in an era where people still believe there is voter fraud despite Biden winning a landslide victory that has been affirmed by dozens of Trump appointees in the federal courts. In other words, we're at the verge of our democracy imploding. If you're not "excited" by that fact, then you're dead.

As for my career, how many people here work and donate their money to charity? I make a fine living, yes, but I do it to feed two children and pay a mortgage, add to their college savings, and pay for retirement. I don't do it so I can have 2 lake houses and a plane.

If "no doubt you're old enough to be my grandfather" then apparently you're 95 years old and still trafficking in lies, and total unawareness of the emergency nature of our current crisis and politics. That's a sad statement of your inability to learn anything new in life.

My guess is you're closer to 60, and closer to being an older brother in age, than being a father or even an uncle. Either way, you're not terribly smart, and you're insufferably smug about your dumbness, so it's no surprise to me that so many reasonable people here loathe you.

It doesn't take a degree to recognize maturity level in a human being...especially for those who've raised children, been teachers/instructors or otherwise interacted with others in coordinated actions.

A 40 year old should be more mature in how they conduct themselves. Even if that action is a fantasy online life. Acting mature is not the same as being mature. You should know better.

BTW, your outrage at the unfairness of it all is noted. Good Luck! :thup:
It doesn't take a degree to recognize maturity level in a human being...especially for those who've raised children, been teachers/instructors or otherwise interacted with others in coordinated actions.

A 40 year old should be more mature in how they conduct themselves. Even if that action is a fantasy online life. Acting mature is not the same as being mature. You should know better.

If I should know better, your dumbass should be an expert. Of the people I don't yet have on ignore, you're easily one of the most immature and grating.
If I should know better, your dumbass should be an expert. Of the people I don't yet have on ignore, you're easily one of the most immature and grating.

Why do you ignore people? Haven't you the self-discipline to absorb what little, if any, information you can glean from them and move on without becoming an emotional hot mess? Idiots can't do that but I'd expect a professional career person to be able to do so.

Whatever you've seen of my immature and grating personality is nothing compared to what I'm capable of doing. LOL
Because I am old, it seems pointless to be so. Better, IMO, to just relax more and spend less energy on "INTERNET: Serious Business!" bullshit. :)
Why do you ignore people? Haven't you the self-discipline to absorb what little, if any, information you can glean from them and move on without becoming an emotional hot mess? Idiots can't do that but I'd expect a professional career person to be able to do so.

Whatever you've seen of my immature and grating personality is nothing compared to what I'm capable of doing. LOL
Because I am old, it seems pointless to be so. Better, IMO, to just relax more and spend less energy on "INTERNET: Serious Business!" bullshit. :)

Oh, okay, THAT explains your 28,000 posts in 11 months.

Holy shit, speaking of dementia.

Can anyone else tell me if this guy is for real? Lecturing me on maturity and not wasting time while he posts 90x per day, 7 days per week???
Oh, okay, THAT explains your 28,000 posts in 11 months.

Holy shit, speaking of dementia.

Can anyone else tell me if this guy is for real? Lecturing me on maturity and not wasting time while he posts 90x per day, 7 days per week???

Why do you think there is a solid, provable link between post count and those who take either live fantasy lives online or take it too far seriously?

Why do you take post count so seriously? I'm retired, COVID is rampant, it's winter so there's little work to do outside. Except for the gym and a few light household duties, it's me, the TV and you. LOL