Has the cost of goods and services increased since the minimum wage was last raised?
When was it last raised?
You don’t know huh
Has the cost of goods and services increased since the minimum wage was last raised?
When was it last raised? You don’t know huh
bush signed it
It’s was graduated in steps And your question is obvious Why was it good then and not good now? Partisanship on your part?
IDK but never underestimate the pull of "This will really fuck up the Red States" and "If you wish to have any future in this party you will vote as you are instructed to vote".
The Revolution is indeed here.
I know, but for some reason I have people on both sides of the aisle arguing I am wrong......go figure......
Reflecting the partisan divide over the relief plan, the House passed the resolution in a 218-212 vote. Two Democrats voted against it, while no Republicans supported it.
What the fuck dude YES
oh look.....opposition was bipartisan.....
I’m done dude It’s like spring outside here Enjoy your Siberian shack
Why did a butt load of republicans vote for the increase and a Republican president sign that bill?
???.....the OP just said they were not......are you calling Biden a liar?.....
It won't be in the COVID bill. Learn how to read.