Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
^ #triggered
Here's trump in December 2020. Of course he knew something was planned.
President Trump on Saturday promised a "wild" protest in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, as he continued to deny that he lost the election.
"Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election," he tweeted. "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!"
Actually, my MO (as you put it) is to bash American conservatives...the moronic, assholes of humanity. I do occasionally bash Republicans and conservatives, in general...but that almost has to happen, because the moronic, asshole American conservatives are usually Republicans these days...and world-wide conservatives are burdened with having American conservatives as part of their force.
(The moronic asshole Conservatives were Democrats back in mid-19th Century America. The Democrats of those days were the same kind of jerkoffs of today's American conservatives...with the same bullshit speeches. I've been reading the congressional record of the House during second debate of the 13th Amendment. It is very interesting, although admittedly a bit tedious at times.) Jesus H. Christ...American conservatives actually fight to be on the wrong side of major questions.
Trump has set the nation on a path to wreckage, but I am hoping a new, SANE, administration will save it. If you demand some "bad words" for President Biden, however, allow me to accommodate you:
You have been in office for almost a month already, and have not solved all the problems created by your predecessor, the Abomination, Trump. Let's gets your ass in gear, Mr. President.
I can walk to my nearest golf course, and they will allow me to store my clubs there.
So...what else do you have?
They're a small group, but they band together.Those fellow chicken skinners can come in handy.![]()
They should all abide by their oath and their duties. Instead, too many put party over country.
Oh, you're going to see wreckage and Trump will have had not a thing to do with it.
How 'bout them gas prices today?
This is only the beginning of the pain that will be felt from Biden policies.
Gas was $1.58 when Trump left office.
I wonder when the gas lines around the block will be, not if.
If it would have meant $5 a gallon for gas to be rid of that abominable piece of shit, Trump, iot would have been worth it.
Boy, he's all kinds of living in your head rent-free!
![]() Adolf Hitler.
Best not to forget evil men who manage to capture fucking morons as personal serfs.
"Rent free in your head."
Can't you morons come up with something different once in a while?
No reason to when the phenomenon is so aptly named.![]()
You were alive in Hitler's time?
Today, the term is a cop-out used by Trump toadies, because they are unable to defend this disgusting man.
Yeah. I am 84 years old...and feel every bit of it when dealing with Trump supporters who continue with their support. Trump is more like him than most of you realized. He's probably gonna write a book while in prison called, Mein Kunt...because that is what he is.
What, you some kind of Bolshevik that fled Germany?
Or your parents were.
You would have been 9 years old when WW2 ended.
No...I am not a Bolshevik who fled Germany.
I am of Italian descent...and I was born here in the US of A.
Both my parents were of Italian descent. My mother was born in father was born in Italy and came to the United States when he was a baby...less than a year old.
I was 9 years old when WWII ended. I remember both VE Day and VJ Day like they were yesterday. I suspect most of us old farts remember those two days despite the fact that we were young. I can even tell you what I was doing on VE Day.
I was watching a movie at the Oxford Theatre in Plainfield NJ with my mother and brother. It was a newly released movie, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. At some point during the movie, the film cut off and the house lights went on. An announcement was made (I did not understand it), but I remember my mother starting to cry...and there were people around us who were also crying.
We exited the theatre...and outside the street was filled with people yelling and screaming. Some were crying; some were laughing. And the shout "THE WAR IS OVER!" filled the air.
Apparently it etched itself into my mind.
Hitler was dead at that point. He was a disgusting turd who had duped a bunch of very gullible, stupid people into destroying their nation (a relatively democratic one) turning it into a dictatorship ruled by a monster.
Trump is just like him...except Trump is not nearly as intelligent as Hitler was...and Trump would not make a pimple on Hitler's ass as far as oratory is concerned.
Thanks for asking.
You had me right up until the miniTrump in your head doinked your brain with a pickle fork.
Yeah, well...
...fact is that Trump is one of the most ignorant, stupid, and classless people ever to hold the office of President of the US. (Jackson may have been as classless, but was smarter, by far. And Jackson had balls enough to be a warrior.)
I am not one of the people who will rejoice if Trump goes to prison. I will actually be sad that our country has had to put an ex-president in prison like so many third world countries do.
But the monster must be dealt with. Someone smarter and with more class may come along and build on what this jerkoff and his supporters have constructed. We cannot ever allow someone like Hitler or Trump to gain power again.
Yup, Hitler and Stalin are living in my mind with Trump, Matt.
Good for me.
I hope they are all living in the minds of a majority of people...everywhere in the world.
Cannot let these kinds of pricks sneak up on ya.
Stalin has already snuck up on you.
"Don't be a dick".![]()
You tell me not to be a dick, but did you consider the crude insult that Primavera uses.
Oh, you're going to see wreckage and Trump will have had not a thing to do with it.
How 'bout them gas prices today?
This is only the beginning of the pain that will be felt from Biden policies.
Gas was $1.58 when Trump left office.
I wonder when the gas lines around the block will be, not if.
I don't know where you live but the last time gas was under $2.00/gal. here was in early 2016.