Biden's address to the nation

Missed it. Busy setting up for a project. Besides, it's a good timesaver to just read a report than compare the report to results 6-12 months later. :)

The CNN report below is glowing, but I'll be happy to wait and see if Biden can turn words into actions.
4. Truth matters: Again, per No. 1, Trump wasn't mentioned by name in this speech, but he was all over it. "We know what we need to do to beat this virus; tell the truth, follow the science, work together," Biden said at one point, a direct rebuke to Trump's rejection of facts and science about the coronavirus during the course of the 2020 campaign. "You're owed nothing less than the truth," Biden said at another point. And even while sounding a mostly optimistic note about a return to normal -- more on that below -- Biden was open and transparent that things could go sideways, that variants of the virus are out there, and that if proper mitigation practices were not followed we could be in for another surge.

We're not going to be getting any of that.
I have no animosity towards Biden. I will give him a chance. I hope he will try to unite the nation. If he turns out to be another hate merchant like Obama, then my opinion will change.
The speech I watched was a rambling whine that was disconnected from reality for the most part. We might be able to open by July 4th? Got news for the senile Joke, we're already doing it regardless of what you say or occasionally think Joke.
I know the people around me have stopped listening to the CDC and idiots like Fauci because they've lied or been wrong on stuff too many times.

Sure, we'll get vaccines and once we do we'll throw away our masks and start resuming our lives regardless of whatever drivel comes out of Dirty City and empty headed politicians there.

It was truly sad that Joke--the guy that claimed to be a uniter--couldn't bring himself to give so much as a scintilla of credit to Trump for things he did with Chinese Disease. The vaccines weren't suddenly developed in the last two months, nor did their distribution suddenly start the day Joke was sworn into office.

It's all so stupid on the Democrat's part. We're not helpless children and the vast majority of Americans are not dependent on what they do, say, or give as handouts. Their maternalistic pandering and moralizing is disgusting.

Joke's ramble tonight was a waste of thirty minutes of my time, and I'd like it back.
he was kinna whining and pleading - i guess that appeals to suburban women who emote more then cognate

Alsoa needless slap at Trump -he could have said nothing or just acknowledges the fact it was amazing Trump got the vaccine in lessthen a year.

But that's Biden. whiny, reactionary,and increasingly a pure racialist.
I have no animosity towards Biden. I will give him a chance. I hope he will try to unite the nation. If he turns out to be another hate merchant like Obama, then my opinion will change.
he's not interested in uniting anything but his power base.
Sure -give him a chance.
it's the decent American thing to do unlike the banshee Dems who would never give Trump a chance

Biden is more radical left then Obama -either that our he cant stand up to Progs.
The emphasis on equity (of outcomes) instead of equality of opportunity shows his cards