Are people blind? Meghan Markle is NOT black. She's 100% white.

I've tried to stop the open racism but it's hopeless. Liberals insist that white people must be persecuted and blacks must get special treatment in everything.

Ok ok. You crackers can get your special treatment. Please line up to get shot in the head and stomach with a fire hose. Please send your teenage boys outside so we can hang them from a tree until birds eat them. Please deal with it while we call you a [we need some effective pejoratives against white people] and spit on you as you try to catch a bus to your minimum wage job so you can try to keep the lights on in the one-bedroom government housing project where you, your spouse, and your children live. Cry me another river, your white washed, self entitled, whiny piece of redneck shit.
I just ate a WHITE chocolate covered peanut butter egg. Now I'm a WHITE supremacist!

It's one thing if his brother or whomever said "Gee, wouldn't it be great for our Third World relations if Archie has a nice natural tan?"

Instead, the tone of the conversation indicated negativity to anything less than proper British Lily White.

What conversation? It is somethingsomebody is supposed to have said before they got married.
Oh, I see. Well, fuck you. Just because you don't have anything to show for your wasted life does not mean that you can tell black people who are rich that they aren't allowed to perceive racism.

LOL, your ignorance makes me smile. I have done quite well financially, not that its any of your business, and I applaud people of all races who have worked hard and achieved success. Unlike you, who apparently thinks that the rest of us should be taxed to support you sitting on your lazy ass drinking beer and smoking crack.
I'm not American or racist, kid. Simple as that. The British royal family isn't either, or dim enough, sober, to believe people can predict the appearance of the unborn.

Don't call me a kid, asshole. I've never been discourteous to you. You need to be neither an American nor a racist to understand the meaning behind the question that was asked. I clearly overestimated you.
LOL, your ignorance makes me smile. I have done quite well financially, not that its any of your business, and I applaud people of all races who have worked hard and achieved success. Unlike you, who apparently thinks that the rest of us should be taxed to support you sitting on your lazy ass drinking beer and smoking crack.

I think the rest of us should be taxed to support me sitting on my lazy ass drinking beer and smoking crack.

You are clinically insane. You should be sterilized and prevented from operating motor vehicles.
Meghan Dolezal is now talking about running for prez in 2024!!! God help us. This creature is a moron and hates america too. What credentials does she have to be president. ?Trump was not a politician but was very successful businessman. What has this trollop ever done.?
Meghan Dolezal is now talking about running for prez in 2024!!! God help us. This creature is a moron and hates america too. What credentials does she have to be president. ?Trump was not a politician but was very successful businessman. What has this trollop ever done.?

Stop the crazy crap. You are in serious mental anguish.
Don't call me a kid, asshole. I've never been discourteous to you. You need to be neither an American nor a racist to understand the meaning behind the question that was asked. I clearly overestimated you.

Well, I am probably twice your age, at a guess :) Sorry though. You have to be a racist for the question to be racist as well as stupid, in my view, but all Americans seem to take a degree of racism for granted.
Since we know nothing whatever about the remark, or about who raised the question, why are we wasting time discussing silly questions?

Why do you give a shit if Americans are crapping on an archaic vestigial quasi-deification of bloodlines?

A monarchy, by itself, is racist since it puts one bloodline as superior to all others...especially if another person's bloodline includes a natural tan. :)
Why do you give a shit if Americans are crapping on an archaic vestigial quasi-deification of bloodlines?

A monarchy, by itself, is racist since it puts one bloodline as superior to all others...especially if another person's bloodline includes a natural tan. :)

Why is it superior? News to me. And for my money, since they've mixed with all sorts for generations, our royals are the least racist people on earth.
Why is it superior? News to me. And for my money, since they've mixed with all sorts for generations, our royals are the least racist people on earth.

Okay, then explain to everyone who doesn't kneel down to a monarchy why monarchs and their bloodlines are so important to you.

Take your time, I'm patient.
Okay, then explain to everyone who doesn't kneel down to a monarchy why monarchs and their bloodlines are so important to you.

Take your time, I'm patient.

They're not - it's just a much more sensible way to choose a Head of State, if anyone is patient enough to stand the boredom. Don't imagine sensible people think like American journalists.
Well, I am probably twice your age, at a guess :) Sorry though. You have to be a racist for the question to be racist as well as stupid, in my view, but all Americans seem to take a degree of racism for granted.

American is only one of my nationalities; and I have spent less than half of my life in the states. I am neither a racist nor stupid. I do, however, understand what it means when the British royal family asks what color a black baby is going to be. You are either naive or disingenuous.