Offering Water to Voters now a Crime in Georgia

Led by a thug, Banana RepubliQans have shamed American democracy. Counter-measures required.

Bet you can't...

But this isn't a who's doing what situation. All I had to do is demonstrate that massive voter fraud using mail-in balloting, ballot harvesting, and voter rolls that cannot be purged or properly maintained. I did that. It doesn't matter which party or persons did it, it shows it is possible and is being done.

the list is not complete, there were convictions in Michigan in 2016 and 2018 which were not listed.....
That’s the logic flaw in his argument. Proving that a thing could happen doesn’t prove it did happen or that it happened in a quantity that justifies the measures adopted to stop it. The many investigations into voter fraud have uncovered hardly any actually cast fraudulent votes.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
So? States already do this virtually free here.

Every state offers one and they are almost always $10 or less. If voting is so important, how hard is it for you so spend less than the cost of a meal at McDonald's to get one? That it takes a few hours of your time to do it is no burden either.

The PA claim is false so it makes me question all of the others.

SUMMARY: Pennsylvania Identification Cards
Applications for a PA identification card must be made in person at a PennDOT office. To renew or replace a state ID card, you must order a camera card either online or by mail, then obtain your ID card in person at a photo center. ID cards cost $31.50.
Imagine being arrested for offering water to someone? In Georgia, Republicans have imagined it. What they shudder at imagining is the coming tide against them, and depriving voters of water gives them hope. Don't know if I can imagine anything more pathetic.
$20 says 1) this will blow up in the face of Republicans and 2) SCOTUS will shoot it down if it isn't done in a lower court.
What the actual fuck is the rationale for that? Are they afraid the water might contain THC or ETOH and then the voters will forget that they're supposed to vote for only (R)s?

Voter suppression and intimidation.

Note shutting down polls in high density population areas. Upper middle-class and elitist Georgians live in the 'Burbs where there is less population and more funding through taxes. They walk up and vote. Downtown voters spend hours in line. It's voter suppression and totally anti-American which is why it won't pass the Constitutional litmus test of We, the People.
Why Do Nonwhite Georgia Voters Have To Wait In Line For Hours? Too Few Polling Places
The voter-suppression laws being passed by Banana RepubliQan states would not pass the test of scrutiny for free and fair elections by the international oversight and monitoring committees.
Same as in banana republics.
Like I have said for over a decade

The Republican Party long ago decided they hate democracy

It’s why their minions were taught to claim America is not a democracy

This was planned for a long time
Sure it is. It's not proof but it's evidence. It sharpens the burden on the party claiming the occurrence of fraud.

Yea, sure. Like Atheists have the upper hand in discussions on God...

Only here those claiming it could lead to fraud can point to:

Multiple cases of voter fraud that were caught
Proposed methodologies that would allow for fraud in the proposed system
Actual cases where those methods, or ones very similar were used by fraudsters and detected.

All-in-all those saying that what the Democrats want in HR 1 could lead to massive voter fraud have the upper hand entirely over those dismissing voter fraud as a fakery or something that can't happen.
The voter-suppression laws being passed by Banana RepubliQan states would not pass the test of scrutiny for free and fair elections by the international oversight and monitoring committees.
Same as in banana republics.

Good point. Maybe we need the UN to come in and observe and monitor in red states.