Donald Trump says some of Capitol rioters posed 'zero threat'

You're losing track of the topic. You brought up Maria Chappelle-Nadal and that's what I was responding to. Nothing on her wiki page says anything about Portland.
Oh I thought the topic of this thread was covering the Capital riot and how that was seditious and the comparison of how that is no different than attacking a Federal Courthouse.

Which is worse? Calling for the assassination of a sitting president or blowing up the White House or calling for the assassination of the Gov of Michigan? Also isn't Madonna wanting to blow up the White House encouraging sedition?
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Question? Why didn't Trump issue a blanket pardon to the harmless capitol rioters?!!

Blanket clemency is clemency granted to multiple persons and can be in the form of a pardon, shortening of a prison sentence, or a commutation of a sentence, or a reprieve.
Secret service/security got them all to secure locations. Otherwise the death toll could likely have been higher. What do YOU think stopped them?

I don't know, I wasn't there.
Maybe they wised up after the injuries?
Like I've said numerous times, a few stupid people
do not represent most of us who voted for Trump.
If you break into a department store when it's closed it is not a defense that you kissed the night watchman. And if you beat up the night watchman or shoot bear spray into his face or smash up the premises it's not a defense that someone else kissed the night watchman.
The people that attack the Federal Courthouse and tried to BLOCK the doorways while they set the occupied building on fire were attempting mass murder. Even the mayor agreed to that. Why did they choose a Federal Courthouse to attack. Because they are anarchist that seek to overthrow the US government. No difference really. Sedition and anarchy are the same.

I'm tired of the "whataboutisms' by teabaggers ( the Portland federal courthouse was burned at 10pm, no judges, nor anyone else was inside but police.

Even if they had taken over the courthouse, which they didn't comes no where close to sedition or insurrection, as the Trump cult did in DC.

IF the "capital" were empty, without lawmakers inside, teabaggers ( could make a comparison.

AND it's name is the CAPITOL.
Oh I thought the topic of this thread was covering the Capital riot and how that was seditious and the comparison of how that is no different than attacking a Federal Courthouse.

Which is worse? Calling for the assassination of a sitting president or blowing up the White House or calling for the assassination of the Gov of Michigan? Also isn't Madonna wanting to blow up the White House encouraging sedition?

Madonna got a visit from the secret service.
Did anyone march down to the WH trying to get in?
THAT would have resulted in a charge of inciting sedition, the crowd wasn't as gullible and stupid as Dotard's cult.
I'm tired of the "whataboutisms' by teabaggers ( the Portland federal courthouse was burned at 10pm, no judges, nor anyone else was inside but police.

Even if they had taken over the courthouse, which they didn't comes no where close to sedition or insurrection, as the Trump cult did in DC.

IF the "capital" were empty, without lawmakers inside, teabaggers ( could make a comparison.

AND it's name is the CAPITOL.

I’m tired of lefties struggling to turn 1/6 into something it wasn’t.

All available evidence indicates it was riot that managed to expand into the Capitol and NOT an insurrection. It didn’t call for a military occupation of DC because it was ad hoc. There was never an organized threat against the government led by white Trump supporters. That was a lie.

A mob storming a building clearly poses a threat. When members of the mob are wielding clubs, dressed in battle gear and armed with bear spray, etc., the threat is acute. But "posing a threat" isn't the issue. The issue is breaking the law, in this case the breaking of many laws, least of which is unlawful entry that every member of the mob is guilty of and the infraction Trump and his mental weaklings want to focus on and excuse while ignoring the assaults on officers and the smashing of property and the despicable outrage in attacking The Capitol.