Is an egg a chicken?

chickens fly like Biden runs the government.....

Better than a kiwi like Trump? :laugh:

Dude, there's good odds Biden retires two years into his term. Isn't that the cutoff for Kamala to end up as a 10 year President?

Why do so many idiots not look at the larger picture about what's best for America?
Is an egg a chicken?
If you order a chicken dinner would you be surprised to receive scrambled eggs?
If you go to an Easter egg hunt, do you expect to be chasing chickens?

I wish I could call this ass-hattery but it doesn't even rise to that level. Ignore the development cycle Gayrod... follow the ScIeNcE.
Spin away. That's exactly what all the fucking lying piece of shit Democrats do with gun laws; exactly the same thing you're doing. LOL

Dude, if I mixed an egg and some sperm in a test tube, verified fertilization and then destroyed it then by your whacky reality, I'm guilty of murder.

Anyone with 2 biology degrees and a medical degree who believes that's a murder case is being political and betraying every scientific and medical ethical standard.

now you are mixing law and science.......if you mixed an egg and some sperm in a test tube, verified fertilization and then destroyed it science would clearly say you killed it.........and if it were a human egg and human sperm then you killed a human being........but it is law, not science that decides when a killing is murder......
Better than a kiwi like Trump? :laugh:

Dude, there's good odds Biden retires two years into his term. Isn't that the cutoff for Kamala to end up as a 10 year President?

Why do so many idiots not look at the larger picture about what's best for America?

even California demmycrats didn't want Harris to be president......under your scenario her political hopes would be aborted and she would be a two year lame duck.....
Exactly, and thus a blastocyst is not a baby.

they are all stages in the development of a human baby......tell me this......does Hallmark make blastocyst shower cards?......

That's a call for the lady who miscarried to make.


"As many as 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage -- most often before a woman misses a menstrual period or even knows they’re pregnant. About 15%-25% of recognized pregnancies will end in a miscarriage."

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I suppose by the lights of that forced-birther idiot you responded to, every woman should weep whenever her period starts, because it might have been a precious, precious fetus that is being expelled. :awesome: