Is an egg a chicken?

I like California a hell of a lot more than I like Middle America, but I've always lived near the shore [albeit the other one].
The term limits on the presidency were put during my lifetime.
I. like all first wave boomers, was born in what would have been FDR's fourth term if he hadn't recently died.

I don't like term limits, nor do I see any need for them. If we ever find another FDR, I want him/her to serve until he/she dies as well.
We have elections. We can limit terms without any mandates.
What's the orangutan doing these days?

That's why we have 50 states to choose from. You'll never see me advocating telling you how to live as you've done others.

I'm praying to God every day to take Trump home to Jesus.

Your quote (uncited of course) is the author (unknown at this point) claiming that Matthews-Ross's statement mean its a baby, this is hardly authoritative or of substance.

This type of failure to read critically is how you fools get duped.
It was cited the FIRST time I posted in in this thread I guess you didn't read the thread you are participating in. The point is an unborn fetus embryo etc is a HUMAN BEING. The term baby isn't really an exact scientific unborn fetuses are referred to as babies every day in hospitals around the country. Poll woman and ask if the fetus moving in their abdomen is a human baby and see what they would say.
Agreed. Just like when the citified gunless force their way of life on a rural resident like myself. ;)

And this right here is the problem with trying to have a rational discussion about gun regulations with the irrational. You all instantly jump to the erroneous conclusion that a regulation equates to confiscation. It does not. Never has, most likely never will.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Even physicians and others with scientific education can select sources that confirm their bias, eh?

OBs refer to the developing fetus as a "baby" when speaking to the parents. Otherwise, in charting, it is referred to as "the fetus." OB nurses do the same; in charting it is often referred to as "the passenger."

That's the problem. Pregnant women routinely call what is inside them a baby, as if it's already born and breathing. OB's are no help in this. They support the nonsense. It's big money for them.

Meanwhile, the Earth is rapidly being over populated with humans.

I often feel sorry for children. This is not a good time to be a young human. This is not a very good world to be born into. Like showing up at a party way too late and everything is winding down.

Parents should consider apologizing to their children for bringing them into this world.

I am baffled by parents who have large families now.

Nobody should have any more than two children, max.

There are too many humans on planet Earth.

We are using up resources at an unprecedented and unsustainable rate, and species are being lost at an unprecedented rate.

Our planet is rapidly becoming uninhabitable.

Ask 100 people what the world really needs - not one of them will say: "More Humans!"

People need to start looking at their lives as something they need to live for themselves and for the good of society instead of simply assuming that the only purpose in life is to produce more humans.

Christianity and most other religions said long ago: "Go forth and multiply."

That box has definitely been checked. It no longer applies. That was an edict from thousands of years ago. The goal has been accomplished. We don't need any more humans.

If somebody wishes to end a pregnancy that should be her choice and hers alone.

And if she does, that can be a good thing for the human race!
And this right here is the problem with trying to have a rational discussion about gun regulations with the irrational. You all instantly jump to the erroneous conclusion that a regulation equates to confiscation. It does not. Never has, most likely never will.

That's what's been pushed by the Democrats since Bill Clinton. I've yet to see a Democrat agree that if Obama's Gun Control bill is passed, that the Democrats would stop there.

Do you see how the Republicans chipping away at abortion with wandings and waiting periods is directly analogous to what the Democrats have been doing with gun rights?

Why do the political extremists on both sides seek to dictate to all Americans how to live, what to think and what to believe?
Even physicians and others with scientific education can select sources that confirm their bias, eh?

OBs refer to the developing fetus as a "baby" when speaking to the parents. Otherwise, in charting, it is referred to as "the fetus." OB nurses do the same; in charting it is often referred to as "the passenger."
What Harvard isn't good enough for you?
It was cited the FIRST time I posted in in this thread I guess you didn't read the thread you are participating in. The point is an unborn fetus embryo etc is a HUMAN BEING. The term baby isn't really an exact scientific unborn fetuses are referred to as babies every day in hospitals around the country. Poll woman and ask if the fetus moving in their abdomen is a human baby and see what they would say.

Emotional argument, not scientific.

My youngest is due to give birth in <4 weeks. Last night she shared some screenshots of the physicians' interpretation of her latest ultrasound. Due to her having MS this is considered to be a high-risk pregnancy. The physician recommends an echo of the child's heart at "~48 hours of life." In other words, she is stating that medically his life begins at birth.
Even physicians and others with scientific education can select sources that confirm their bias, eh?

OBs refer to the developing fetus as a "baby" when speaking to the parents. Otherwise, in charting, it is referred to as "the fetus." OB nurses do the same; in charting it is often referred to as "the passenger."

Language use is not something that is precise, but scientific and legal language need to be. When developing laws, or debating them, we should use the precise language.
Fantastic. I didn't know or care. Only going by the end results.

For now, the Republicans are continuing to fuck up leaving the US stuck with the Democrats. Harris will probably not only be the first female President, but she'll probably be a 10 year President under the 22nd and 25th Amendments.

The one thing that could fuck that up is if Biden became incapacitated before his third year. It's possible that Harris would only be "Acting President" and that the Democratic Senate and the Democratic House wouldn't use the 25th Amendment until she was inside the two year window.

I suspect they will be able to keep Biden going for the next 4 years. Its amazing what they can do. I doubt Harris will get elected, but who knows that far off. She is a good choice, not liberal enough for me, but liberal enough for me results in not being able to accomplish anything.
Hey Doc. where are you getting your statistics

Who is killing these black victims? Not whites, and not the police, but other blacks. In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The Post categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest. Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer. Black males have made up 42 percent of all cop-killers over the last decade, though they are only 6 percent of the population. That 18.5 ratio undoubtedly worsened in 2016, in light of the 53 percent increase in gun murders of officers—committed vastly and disproportionately by black males. Among all homicide suspects whose race was known, white killers of blacks numbered only 243.

Here is an example. 2-3 days ago Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Chad Walker was shot in the head and they announced they were going to harvest his organs yesterday. His murder was Arthur Pinson Jr. a black man and shot officer Walker through the windshield as he sat in the police car. His murder later shot himself.
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I suspect they will be able to keep Biden going for the next 4 years. Its amazing what they can do. I doubt Harris will get elected, but who knows that far off. She is a good choice, not liberal enough for me, but liberal enough for me results in not being able to accomplish anything.
I noticed Harris quickly backed away from being in charge of the border immigration fiasco. She didn't want to be in charge of it after Biden announced she was going to be in charge of it.